Digital Image Representation by Atomic Functions: The Compression and Protection of Data for Edge Computing in IoT Systems
<p>Discrete atomic compression of digital images.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Extension of DAC file.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Lossless DAC: compression of the full-color digital image.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Lossless DAC: decompression of full-color digital image.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Discrete atomic transform of an array.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>A structure of the matrix transform DAT1 of the depth 5.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>A structure of the matrix transform DAT2 of the depth 1.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>A structure of the matrix transform DAT2 of the depth n.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Mix of DAT1 and DAT2.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Compression of the test photo by ZIP and lossless DAC with DAT1 of the depth 5.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>A 24-bit full-color digital image, 544 × 393, 626 KB (BMP): original (<b>a</b>); reconstructed after lossy compression using DAC with DAT1 of the depth 5 (UBMAD = 95) (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Representation of the image shown in <a href="#sensors-22-03751-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>a by different number of DAT-coefficients: 0.34 percent of all values (<b>a</b>); 1.32 percent of all values (<b>b</b>); 1.73 percent of all components (<b>c</b>); 11.2 percent of all components (<b>d</b>).</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Small copies of test images.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Dependence of the minimum, maximum, and average values of <span class="html-italic">CR</span> on <span class="html-italic">UBMAD</span> for different structures of the procedure DAT: DAT1 of depth 5 (<b>a</b>); DAT2 of depth 1 (<b>b</b>); DAT2 of depth 2 (<b>c</b>); DAT2 of depth 3 (<b>d</b>); DAT2 of depth 4 (<b>e</b>); DAT2 of depth 5 (<b>f</b>).</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Total memory expenses required for storing the compressed and uncompressed data.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Decompression of the image given in <a href="#sensors-22-03751-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>a: correct (<b>a</b>); incorrect (<b>b</b>,<b>c</b>).</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The principal steps of image processing by atomic functions.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Application of atomic functions in image processing for EC in IoT systems.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. State of the Art and Objectives
2. Formulation of the Problem and an Approach
- First, to develop an extension of lossy DAC that allows reconstruction of the image compressed without any distortions;
- Second, to investigate features of the constructed lossless image compression algorithm and determine parameters that affect its effectiveness;
- Third, to find such parameters of lossless DAC that provide its best performance in terms of image compression.
3. DAC Based Solutions
3.1. Lossless DAC
3.2. Features of Lossless DAC
4. Efficiency of Lossless DAC
4.1. Efficiency Analysis Approach
- (1)
- Fix a structure of the procedure DAT; namely, DAT1 of the depth and DAT2 of the depth are considered;
- (2)
- Fix a value of the parameter that defines coefficients of quantization;
- (3)
- Compress each test image by lossless DAC with the settings fixed and compute the compression ratio (CR):
4.2. Results of Test Data Processing
5. Edge Computing-Based Application of DAC
5.1. Performance Analysis
- (1)
- The implementation of context adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) [26]; here, we note that several data models and their construction may vary depending on the structure of DAT applied;
- (2)
5.2. The Principal Steps of Image Processing by Atomic Functions
- (1)
- Resource-efficient EC and training at the edge, which is of particular importance, for example, in intelligent transportation systems [57];
- (2)
- (3)
- Data protection, in particular, satisfies the so-called zero-trust principle, which belongs to the set of top trends [40]; a high level of protection and confidentiality is ensured by the great variety of settings, in particular, the atomic function applied in DAT and a structure of this core procedure, as well as several ways to encode quantized DAT coefficients; despite this, its comparison to other methods, for example, biometric security through visual encryption [59] and lightweight cryptographic algorithm [60], must be carried out;
- (4)
5.3. Application of Atomic Functions in Image Processing for EC in IoT Systems
6. Conclusions
6.1. Discussion
6.2. Future Research
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Source | Features |
Y.-Q. Shi and H. Sun [25] |
K. Sayood [26] |
QOI [27] |
V. Makarichev, V. Lukin and I. Brysina [47] |
V. Makarichev and V. Kharchenko [48] |
V. Makarichev, I. Vasilyeva, V. Lukin, B. Vozel, A. Shelestov and N. Kussul [49] |
C.K. Chui and Q. Jiang [50] |
ADCT [51] |
AGU [52] |
UBMAD | Min (CR) | Average (CR) | Max (CR) |
36 | 1.4651 | 1.6922 | 1.9062 |
63 | 1.5557 | 1.8066 | 2.0128 |
95 | 1.5091 | 1.7537 | 2.0029 |
155 | 1.4781 | 1.7093 | 1.9989 |
UBMAD | Min (CR) | Average (CR) | Max (CR) |
4 | 1.5572 | 1.8656 | 2.0937 |
12 | 1.5979 | 1.8535 | 2.0896 |
20 | 1.5498 | 1.7427 | 2.0441 |
32 | 1.4934 | 1.6557 | 1.8381 |
UBMAD | Min (CR) | Average (CR) | Max (CR) |
7 | 1.5313 | 1.7915 | 2.0071 |
14 | 1.5895 | 1.8818 | 2.1247 |
20 | 1.5789 | 1.8053 | 2.1248 |
32 | 1.4607 | 1.7048 | 2.0633 |
UBMAD | Min (CR) | Average (CR) | Max (CR) |
10 | 1.5307 | 1.7920 | 2.2029 |
19 | 1.6311 | 1.8996 | 2.2062 |
22 | 1.5803 | 1.8256 | 2.1508 |
32 | 1.5073 | 1.7224 | 2.0439 |
UBMAD | Min (CR) | Average (CR) | Max (CR) |
13 | 1.5091 | 1.7653 | 2.0112 |
25 | 1.5944 | 1.8879 | 2.1621 |
34 | 1.5799 | 1.8282 | 2.2003 |
50 | 1.4704 | 1.7355 | 2.1422 |
UBMAD | Min (CR) | Average (CR) | Max (CR) |
16 | 1.4880 | 1.7371 | 1.9795 |
31 | 1.5899 | 1.8439 | 2.1490 |
56 | 1.5349 | 1.7685 | 2.1474 |
71 | 1.5029 | 1.7289 | 2.1159 |
Structure of DAT | UBMADmax |
DAT1 of depth 5 | 63 |
DAT2 of depth 1 | 4 |
DAT2 of depth 2 | 14 |
DAT2 of depth 3 | 19 |
DAT2 of depth 4 | 25 |
DAT2 of depth 5 | 31 |
Compressor | Memory Expenses, KB |
DAC with DAT1 of depth 5 | 7699 |
DAC with DAT2 of depth 1 | 7461 |
DAC with DAT2 of depth 2 | 7395 |
DAC with DAT2 of depth 3 | 7329 |
DAC with DAT2 of depth 4 | 7376 |
DAC with DAT2 of depth 5 | 7548 |
ZIP of source | 9159 |
PNG | 9745 |
TIFF | 10,578 |
source (BMP-files) | 13,824 |
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Makarichev, V.; Lukin, V.; Illiashenko, O.; Kharchenko, V. Digital Image Representation by Atomic Functions: The Compression and Protection of Data for Edge Computing in IoT Systems. Sensors 2022, 22, 3751.
Makarichev V, Lukin V, Illiashenko O, Kharchenko V. Digital Image Representation by Atomic Functions: The Compression and Protection of Data for Edge Computing in IoT Systems. Sensors. 2022; 22(10):3751.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMakarichev, Viktor, Vladimir Lukin, Oleg Illiashenko, and Vyacheslav Kharchenko. 2022. "Digital Image Representation by Atomic Functions: The Compression and Protection of Data for Edge Computing in IoT Systems" Sensors 22, no. 10: 3751.
APA StyleMakarichev, V., Lukin, V., Illiashenko, O., & Kharchenko, V. (2022). Digital Image Representation by Atomic Functions: The Compression and Protection of Data for Edge Computing in IoT Systems. Sensors, 22(10), 3751.