Design and Implementation of Opportunity Signal Perception Unit Based on Time-Frequency Representation and Convolutional Neural Network
<p>Schematic flow charts of three common detection methods. (<b>a</b>) Schematic flow chart of coherent detection; (<b>b</b>) schematic flow chart of energy detection; (<b>c</b>) schematic flow chart of cyclostationary feature detection.</p> "> Figure 1 Cont.
<p>Schematic flow charts of three common detection methods. (<b>a</b>) Schematic flow chart of coherent detection; (<b>b</b>) schematic flow chart of energy detection; (<b>c</b>) schematic flow chart of cyclostationary feature detection.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Structure diagram of traditional SOP positioning system.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Structure diagram of a new SOP positioning system proposed by this paper.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Bluetooth channel distribution.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>WiFi channel distribution.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>ZigBee channel distribution.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Bluetooth, WiFi, and ZigBee signal distribution in 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The structure of the signal perception unit.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Perception strategy: (<b>a</b>) fixed frequency mode; (<b>b</b>) frequency hopping mode.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Time−frequency image.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison of four types time-frequency images: (<b>a</b>) STFT; (<b>b</b>) CWT; (<b>c</b>) WVD; and (<b>d</b>) Cohen.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>CNN network structure designed in this paper.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>WiFi equipment: (<b>a</b>) photo of TL-WR802N; (<b>b</b>) WiFi signal time-frequency image.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>ZigBee equipment: (<b>a</b>) photo of E18-TBL-01; (<b>b</b>) ZigBee signal time-frequency image.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Bluetooth equipment: (<b>a</b>) photo of iBeacon node; (<b>b</b>) Bluetooth signal time-frequency image.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Rohde and Schwarz FSH8 Spectrum Analyzer.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Interference signal detection result by spectrum analyzer: (<b>a</b>) max hold model detection result; (<b>b</b>) clear/write model detection result.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>The time-frequency image of noise signal.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>Types of signal combinations.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Part of the data set.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Bluetooth time-frequency image with unobvious characteristics.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>The training process combined NL and PL.</p> "> Figure 23
<p>Training curves: (<b>a</b>) loss curve; (<b>b</b>) accuracy curve.</p> "> Figure 24
<p>SOP perception system.</p> "> Figure 25
<p>The structure and data flow of the SOP perception system.</p> "> Figure 26
<p>System software interface.</p> "> Figure 27
<p>Experimental environments: (<b>a</b>) B1 of parking lot; (<b>b</b>) B2 of parking lot.</p> "> Figure 28
<p>Spectrum analyzer detection results show no interference source: (<b>a</b>) max hold model; (<b>b</b>) clear/write model.</p> "> Figure 29
<p>The deployed signal nodes: (<b>a</b>) Wi-Fi node; (<b>b</b>) Bluetooth node; and (<b>c</b>) ZigBee node.</p> "> Figure 30
<p>Test site plan and signal source layout location: (<b>a</b>) B1 of parking lot; (<b>b</b>) B2 of parking lot.</p> "> Figure 31
<p>Experiment and results in B1: (<b>a</b>) experimenting in parking lot; (<b>b</b>) perception result in parking lot B1.</p> "> Figure 31 Cont.
<p>Experiment and results in B1: (<b>a</b>) experimenting in parking lot; (<b>b</b>) perception result in parking lot B1.</p> "> Figure 32
<p>Experiment and results in B2: (<b>a</b>) experimenting in parking lot; (<b>b</b>) the recognition rate at different distances.</p> "> Figure 33
<p>Energy efficiency evaluation experiment: (<b>a</b>) a SOP positioning system with six X310 and one B210; (<b>b</b>) P<sub>2</sub>: the running power of B210; (<b>c</b>) P<sub>1</sub>: the running power of X3100; (<b>d</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msubsup> <mi mathvariant="normal">P</mi> <mn>1</mn> <mo>′</mo> </msubsup> </mrow> </semantics></math>: the standby power of X310.</p> "> Figure 34
<p>Relationships between the reduced power consumption, percentage of energy efficiency improvement, and the number of USRP switched to standby mode.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Coherent detection [6]:
2. Signal and System
2.1. Signal Introduction
- Bluetooth [21]
- WiFi [22]
- ZigBee [23]
2.2. System Structure
- Perception controller
- Signal acquisition
- Time-frequency joint representation
- Preprocessing
- Signal classification
- Model manager
3. Time–Frequency Representation
3.1. Short-Time Fourier Transform
3.2. Continuous Wavelet Transform
3.3. Wigner-Ville Distribution
3.4. Cohen Classes
3.5. Effect Analysis
4. CNN-Based Signal Classification Model
4.1. CNN Structure Design
4.2. Data Collection
4.3. Model Training
4.4. Training Result
5. Experiments and Performance Evaluation
5.1. Perception Experiment
5.1.1. Experimental System
5.1.2. Experimental Scenarios
5.1.3. Experimental Result
5.2. Energy Efficiency Evaluation
6. Conclusions
- Introduce noise suppression methods to solve the perception failure when the target signal power is at the same level of noise, and improve the sensitivity of perception;
- Select USRP equipment with better performance to realize wider bandwidth SOP perception;
- Combine the perception unit proposed with SOP positioning system to carry out positioning experiments.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Signal | Frequency | Bandwidth |
WiFi | 2.4 GHz/5 GHz | 20 MHz/40 MHz/80 MHz |
Bluetooth | 2.4 GHz | 1 MHz |
ZigBee | 2.4 GHz | 2 MHz |
DVB-T | 40–200 MHz | 8 MHz |
GMS | 900, 1800 MHz | 200 kHz |
Iridium | 1620 MHz | 41.67 kHz |
Learning Rate | Batch Size | Training Iteration Number | |
Negative learning 1 | 0.000002 | 30 | 10 |
Positive learning | 0.0003 | 30 | 30 |
Negative learning 2 | 0.00001 | 30 | 15 |
Learning Rate | Batch Size | Training Iteration Number | |
Negative learning 1 | 0.000002 | 30 | 10 |
Positive learning | 0.0003 | 30 | 30 |
Negative learning 2 | 0.00001 | 30 | 15 |
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Deng, Z.; Qi, H.; Liu, Y.; Hu, E. Design and Implementation of Opportunity Signal Perception Unit Based on Time-Frequency Representation and Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors 2021, 21, 7871.
Deng Z, Qi H, Liu Y, Hu E. Design and Implementation of Opportunity Signal Perception Unit Based on Time-Frequency Representation and Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):7871.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDeng, Zhongliang, Hang Qi, Yanxu Liu, and Enwen Hu. 2021. "Design and Implementation of Opportunity Signal Perception Unit Based on Time-Frequency Representation and Convolutional Neural Network" Sensors 21, no. 23: 7871.
APA StyleDeng, Z., Qi, H., Liu, Y., & Hu, E. (2021). Design and Implementation of Opportunity Signal Perception Unit Based on Time-Frequency Representation and Convolutional Neural Network. Sensors, 21(23), 7871.