Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Improved One-Dimensional Multi-Scale Dilated CNN
<p>The calculation process of dilated convolutional (<math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>r</mi> <mo>=</mo> <mn>1</mn> <mo>,</mo> <mn>2</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>). (<b>a</b>) Dilated convolutional with dilation rate 1 (Traditional convolution); (<b>b</b>) Dilated convolutional with dilation rate 2.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Diagram of the inception structure V1.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Structure of the proposed IMSCNN method.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Structure of DMSConv layer.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Confusion matrix of the CWRU dataset. (<b>a</b>) MLP; (<b>b</b>) CNN; (<b>c</b>) SimpleIMSCNN; (<b>d</b>) MSCNN; (<b>e</b>) IMSCNN.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Feature visualization via t-SNE: CWRU dataset. (<b>a</b>) MLP; (<b>b</b>) CNN; (<b>c</b>) SimpleIMSCNN; (<b>d</b>); MSCNN (<b>e</b>) IMSCNN (<b>f</b>) class of the each color.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Confusion matrix of the result on each method with PU dataset. (<b>a</b>) MLP; (<b>b</b>) CNN; (<b>c</b>) SimpleIMSCNN; (<b>d</b>) MSCNN (<b>e</b>); IMSCNN.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Feature visualization via t-SNE: PU dataset. (<b>a</b>) MLP; (<b>b</b>) CNN; (<b>c</b>) SimpleIMSCNN; (<b>d</b>) MSCNN; (<b>e</b>) IMSCNN; (<b>f</b>) class of the each color.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- To enlarge the receptive of multi-scale CNN, four dilated convolutional kernels with different dilation rates are designed. Thus, more informative features can be extracted for fault diagnosis.
- (2)
- For reduction of the noise in vibration signals, an additional one-dimensional convolutional layer is adopted to extract the features before dilated convolutional layer.
- (3)
- Two widely used datasets including CWRU and PU datasets are employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method compared with other related methods. Results show the superiority of the proposed method.
2. Related Works
2.1. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
2.1.1. Convolutional Layer
2.1.2. Pooling Layer
2.1.3. Fully Connected Layer
2.2. Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks
2.3. Inception Architecture
3. The Architecture of the Proposed IMSCNN
4. Experiments and Results
- MLP: it is composed of five FC layers. The details are shown in the Table 3.
- CNN: it is composed of four one-dimensional convolutional pooling layers (Conv&Pool) and three FC layers. The activation function is ReLU. The details are shown in the Table 4.
- MSCNN: its main structure is the same as IMSCNN, where the dilation rate is set as 1.
- SimpleIMSCNN: The structure of SimpleIMCNN is similar to IMSCNN, except the first 1D convolutional layer shown in Figure 3 is ignored.
NO. | Layer Name | Layer Size |
1 | FC1 | |
2 | FC2 | |
3 | FC3 | |
4 | FC4 | |
5 | FC5 | |
6 | FC6 |
NO. | Layer Name | Layer Size |
1 | Conv&Pool1 | |
2 | Conv&Pool2 | |
3 | Conv&Pool3 | |
4 | Conv&Pool4 | |
5 | GAP | 4 |
6 | FC1 | |
7 | FC2 | |
8 | FC3 | |
9 | FC4 |
4.1. Case 1: CWRU
4.2. Case 2: PU Dataset
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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NO. | Layer Name | Layer Size | Dilation Rate |
1 | MSConv1 | 1 | |
2 | MSConv2 | 1 | |
3 | MSConv3 | 2 | |
4 | MSConv4 | 3 |
NO. | Layer Name | Layer Size |
1 | Conv | |
2 | DMSconv1 | KS = 32 NC = 32 |
3 | Pool | |
4 | DMSconv2 | KS = 2 NC = 64 |
5 | GAP | 4 |
6 | FC1 | |
7 | FC2 | |
8 | FC3 |
NO. | Bearing State | Fault Diameters | Fault Location |
0 | Health | / | / |
1 | Fault 1 | 0.007 inch | IR |
2 | Fault 2 | 0.014 inch | IR |
3 | Fault 3 | 0.021 inch | IR |
4 | Fault 4 | 0.007 inch | B |
5 | Fault 5 | 0.014 inch | B |
6 | Fault 6 | 0.021 inch | B |
7 | Fault 7 | 0.007 inch | OR |
8 | Fault 8 | 0.014 inch | OR |
9 | Fault 9 | 0.021 inch | OR |
Method | Acc |
MLP | 94.63% |
CNN | 99.77% |
MSCNN | 100% |
SimpleIMSCNN | 100% |
IMSCNN | 100% |
NO. | Bearing Code | Fault Mode | Description |
0 | KA04 | Outer ring damage (SP, S, Level 1) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
1 | KA15 | Outer ring damage (SP, S, Level 1) | Caused by plastic deform and indentation |
2 | KA16 | Outer ring damage (SP, R, Level 2) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
3 | KA22 | Outer ring damage (SP, S, Level 1) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
4 | KA30 | Outer ring damage (D, R, Level 1) | Caused by plastic deform and indentation |
5 | KB23 | Outer ring and innerring damage (SP, M, Level 2) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
6 | KB24 | Outer ring and innerring damage (D, M, Level 3) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
7 | KB27 | Outer ring and innerring damage (D, M, Level 1) | Caused by plastic deform and indentation |
8 | KI14 | Inner ring damage (SP, M, Level 1) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
9 | KI16 | Inner ring damage (SP, S, Level 1) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
10 | KI17 | Inner ring damage (SP, R, Level 3) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
11 | KI18 | Inner ring damage (SP, S, Level 1) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
12 | KI21 | Inner ring damage (SP, S, Level 2) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
13 | KI04 | Inner ring damage (SP, M, Level 1) | Caused by fatigue and pitting |
Method | Acc |
MLP | 69.69% |
CNN | 85.64% |
MSCNN | 95.53% |
SimpleIMSCNN | 92.10% |
IMSCNN | 96.55% |
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He, J.; Wu, P.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, X.; Lei, M.; Gao, J. Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Improved One-Dimensional Multi-Scale Dilated CNN. Sensors 2021, 21, 7319.
He J, Wu P, Tong Y, Zhang X, Lei M, Gao J. Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Improved One-Dimensional Multi-Scale Dilated CNN. Sensors. 2021; 21(21):7319.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHe, Jiajun, Ping Wu, Yizhi Tong, Xujie Zhang, Meizhen Lei, and Jinfeng Gao. 2021. "Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Improved One-Dimensional Multi-Scale Dilated CNN" Sensors 21, no. 21: 7319.
APA StyleHe, J., Wu, P., Tong, Y., Zhang, X., Lei, M., & Gao, J. (2021). Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Improved One-Dimensional Multi-Scale Dilated CNN. Sensors, 21(21), 7319.