F-Classify: Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Method for Privacy Preservation of Multiple Sensitive Attributes
<p>Matlab simulation of membership functions.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Matlab simulation of fuzzy logic, rules evaluation for Physician, Disease and Treatment.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>HLPN for F-Classify algorithm.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Comparison of Heart Disease Data set (<b>a</b>) Probability of re-identifying a record (<b>b</b>) Discernibility Penalty.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Normalized Certainty Penalty (NCP) (<b>a</b>) NCP Heart Disease (<b>b</b>) NCP Adults.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Relative Query Error (RQE) (<b>a</b>) RQE for Heart Disease (<b>b</b>) RQE for Adults.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Execution time. (<b>a</b>) Execution time with increasing number of records (Heart Disease). (<b>b</b>) Execution time with varying number of sensitive attributes (Heart Disease). (<b>c</b>) Execution time with varying number of sensitive attributes (Adults).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- The article presents a fuzzy logic classifier (F-Classify) based on artificial intelligence (AI). The suggested methodology classifies QIs and SAa using a single methodology, namely fuzzy classification, rather than utilizing two distinct approaches for QIs and SAa. Instead of fixed classes/buckets, variable numbers of classes/buckets (k is variable) are formed in the proposed methodology.
- The proposed algorithm is verified for correctness using higher-level Petri nets (HLPN).
- The proposed F-classify approach is implemented in Python, and the results are compared to those obtained through (p-k) angelization. The results indicate that fuzzy classification (multi-dimensional partitioning) of correlated attributes increases data utility while permutation of multiple tables improves privacy. When compared to techniques that propose two different methods for QIs and SAs privacy, F-classify uses fuzzy logic for both QAs and SAs, resulting in minimal overhead.
2. Literature Review
3. Preliminaries
3.1. Notation
3.2. (p, k) Angelization Revisited
3.3. Fuzzification
3.4. HLPN
4. Proposed Approach: F-Classify
4.1. Linguistic Variables and Fuzzy Sets
- For numerical attributes sort the data in any order, then divide it into two/three/four (depending on mfs) equal lists.
- For categorical attributes, select unique attribute values from the list. Then, for each distinct attribute, assign a random number between 0 and 1. After assigning a random number, divide the unique list into two/three/four equal lists using the same technique.
4.2. Fuzzy Inference Rule-Based
4.3. Defuzzification
4.4. Permutation
5. Formal Modeling and Analysis
5.1. F-Classify Algorithm
Algorithm 1 F-Classify algorithm: Fuzzification. |
Algorithm 2 F-Classify algorithm: Permutation. |
for to n do
5.2. Formal Modeling and Analysis
6. Results and Discussion
6.1. Experimental Setup
6.2. Measurement of Privacy
6.3. Discernibility Penalty
6.4. Normalized Certainty Penalty (NCP)
6.5. Query Error
6.6. Execution Time Analysis
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | Gender | Age | Zipcode | Disease | Treatment | Physician | Symptom | Diagnostic Method |
John | M | 27 | 14248 | HIV | Antiretroviral therapy (ART) | John | Infection | Blood Test |
Ana | F | 28 | 14207 | HIV | ART | John | Weight loss | ELISA Test |
Richard | M | 26 | 14206 | Cancer | Radiation | Alice | Weight loss | MRI Scan |
Dave | M | 25 | 14249 | Cancer | Chemotherapy | Bob | Abdominal Pain | Chest X-ray |
Kate | F | 41 | 13053 | Hepatitis | Drugs | Sarah | Fever | Blood test |
William | M | 48 | 13074 | Phthisis | Antibiotic | David | Fever | Molecular diagnostic methods |
Robert | M | 45 | 13064 | Asthma | Medication | Suzan | Shortness of breath | Methacholine challenge tests |
Olivia | F | 42 | 13062 | Obesity | Nutrition control | Steven | Eating disorders | Body mass index (BMI) |
Emily | F | 33 | 14248 | Flu | Medication | Suzan | Fever | RITD tests |
Alec | M | 37 | 14204 | Flu | Medication | Eve | Fever | RITD tests |
Oliver | M | 36 | 14205 | Flu | Medication | Anas | Fever | RITD tests |
James | M | 35 | 14248 | Indigestion | Medication | Jem | Heartburn | Chest X-ray |
Jessica | F | 28 | 14249 | Cancer | Chemotherapy | Bob | Abdominal pain | Chest X-ray |
P_ID | Age | Zipcode | Group Id | Disease | Treatment | Physician | Symptom | Diagnostic Method |
P1 | 25–28 | 14206-14249 | 1 | HIV | Antiretroviral therapy (ART) | John | Infection | Blood Test |
P2 | 28–41 | 13053-14248 | 2 | HIV | ART | John | Weight loss | ELISA Test |
P3 | 25–28 | 14206-14249 | 1 | Cancer | Radiation | Alice | Weight loss | MRI Scan |
P4 | 25–28 | 14206-14249 | 1 | Cancer | Chemotherapy | Bob | Abdominal Pain | Chest X-ray |
P5 | 28–41 | 13053-14248 | 2 | Hepatitis | Drugs | Sarah | Fever | Blood test |
P6 | 33–48 | 13062-14248 | 3 | Phthisis | Antibiotic | David | Fever | Molecular diagnostic methods |
P7 | 33–48 | 13062-14248 | 3 | Asthma | Medication | Suzan | Shortness of breath | Methacholine challenge tests |
P8 | 33–48 | 13062-14248 | 3 | Obesity | Nutrition control | Steven | Eating disorders | Body mass index (BMI) |
P9 | 33–48 | 13062-14248 | 3 | Flu | Medication | Suzan | Fever | RITD tests |
P10 | 28–41 | 13053-14248 | 2 | Flu | Medication | Eve | Fever | RITD tests |
P12 | 28–41 | 13053-14248 | 2 | Indigestion | Medication | Jem | Heartburn | Chest X-ray |
P13 | 25–28 | 14206-14249 | 1 | Cancer | Chemotherapy | Bob | Abdominal pain | Chest X-ray |
(a) Classification of QIs (Age-Zipcode) | ||||
P-ID | Age | Zip | Class | |
P10 | [25–33] | [13053-14205] | q-C1 | |
P5 | ||||
P6 | ||||
P7 | [35–48] | [13053-14205] | q-C2 | |
P8 | ||||
P11 | ||||
P1 | ||||
P2 | ||||
P3 | [25–33] | [14206-14249] | q-C3 | |
P4 | ||||
P9 | ||||
P13 | ||||
P12 | [35–48] | [14206-14249] | q-C4 | |
(b) Classification of Sensitive Attributes (Symptom-Diagnostic Method) | ||||
P-ID | Symptom | Diagnostic Method | Class | |
P1 P2 P5 | Infection Weight loss Fever | Blood Test Elisa test Blood test | C1 | |
P3 P4 P6 P9 P10 P11 P13 | Weight loss Abdominal pain Fever Fever Fever Fever Abdominal Pain | MRI Scan Chest X-ray Molecular diagnostic Methods RITD tests RITD tests Chest X-ray | C2 | |
P7 P8 P12 | Shortness of breath Eating disorders Heartburn | Methacholine challenge tests Body mass index (BMI) Chest X-ray | C3 | |
(c) Classification of Sensitive Attributes (Disease-Treatment-Physician) | ||||
P-ID | Disease | Treatment | Physician | Class |
P1 P2 P3 | HIV HIV Cancer | ART ART Radiation | John John Alice | C1 |
P4 P5 P13 | Cancer Hepatitis Cancer | Chemotherapy Drugs Chemotherapy | Bob Sarah Bob | C2 |
P6 P7 P9 | Phthisis Asthma Flu | Antibiotic Medication Medication | David Suzan Suzan | C3 |
P8 P10 P11 P12 | Obesity Flu Flu Indigestion | Nutritional Control Medication Medication Medication | Steven Eve Anas Jem | C4 |
(a) Anonymized Table (QT) | |||||
P-ID | Age | Zip | Age-Zip Class | Physician-Disease-Treatment | Symptom-Diagnostic Method |
P10 | [25–33] | [13053-14205] | q-C1 | C4 | C2 |
P5 P6 P7 P8 P11 | [35–48] | [13053-14205] | q-C2 | C2 C3 C4 | C1 C2 C3 |
P1 P2 P3 P4 P9 P13 | [25–33] | [14206-14249] | q-C3 | C1 C2 C3 | C1 C2 |
P12 | [35–48] | [14206-14249] | q-C4 | C4 | C3 |
(b) Anonymized Table (Multiple Sensitive Attribute (MST (1))) | |||||
Disease | Treatment | Physician | Class | ||
HIV HIV Cancer | ART ART Radiation | John John Alice | C1 | ||
Cancer Hepatitis Cancer | Chemotherapy, Drugs Chemotherapy | Bob Sarah Bob | C2 | ||
Phthisis Asthma Flu | Antibiotic Medication Medication | David Suzan Suzan | C3 | ||
Obesity Flu Flu Indigestion | Nutritional Control Medication Medication Medication | Steven Eve Anas Jem | C4 | ||
(c) Anonymized Table (Multiple Sensitive Attribute (MST (2))) | |||||
Symptom | Diagnostic Method | Class | |||
Infection Weight loss Fever | Blood Test Elisa test Blood test | C1 | |||
Weight loss Abdominal pain Fever Fever Fever Fever Abdominal Pain | MRI Scan Chest X-ray Molecular diagnostic Methods RITD tests RITD tests Chest X-ray | C2 | |||
Shortness of breath Eating disorders Heartburn | Methacholine challenge tests Body mass index (BMI) Chest X-ray | C3 |
Privacy Models | Evaluation | Attacks | Utility | |
[22] | Slicing | It was intended for high dimensional data, but it has failed and has given original tuples when multiple tuples have identical SAs and QIDs. | Skewness, sensitivity, and similarity attacks | Loss of information |
[7] | Slicing and anatomization | The proposed approach has a very complex solution. It publishes multiple tables, and also has greater execution time. | Demographic knowledge attack | Loss of information |
[38] | Multiple column multiple attributes slicing | The proposed approach is for the MSAs anonymization, and QIs are overlooked. In case of 1:M occurrence of record, it shows incorrect results. | Skewness attacks, similarity attacks, and sensitivity attacks | Loss of information |
[9] | SLOMS | Proposed approach released several tables with information loss. The correlation among MSA was also removed in this approach. | Demographic knowledge attack | Loss of information |
[24] | Multi-sensitive bucketization with clustering | The approach only worked with numerical data if the consequence suppression rate is low. | - | Information loss is less |
[25] | MSA(,l) | The approach used generalization with suppression and anatomy. It caused the utility to decrease. | - | High information loss |
[27,39] | (,l), Anatomy, generalization, and suppression | Decrease in utility due to suppression of SA values. | - | Loss of information |
[28] | Rating | SAs are generalized. | Association privacy attack | Loss of information |
[29] | Decomposition | The proposed approach preserves privacy by assuring diversity in MSAs, as a consequence it activated information loss. | Similarity and skewness privacy attacks | Loss of information is high |
[30] | Decomposition plus | Noise is added in proposed method, resulting in loss of utility. Attribute and identity disclosure are also not prevented in this approach. | Similarity and skewness privacy attacks | Loss of information is high |
[31] | ANGELMS | There is a zero correlation between MSAs and QIDs in this approach, results in high information loss. | Sensitivity, similarity, and skewness privacy attacks | Loss of information is high. |
[32] | P+ sensitive t-closeness | It assigns sensitivity level to each SA in such a way that each group contains at least p-distinct sensitivity levels. It also generalizes the QIs. | - | Loss of information |
[40] | P-cover k-anonymity | It generalizes QI values to ensure privacy, it also ensures the MSA P-diversity constraint between MSA. It avoids membership, identity and attribute disclosures. | Sensitivity, skewness, and similarity privacy attacks | Loss of information. |
[8] | (p, k)-angelization | The proposed approach preserves the privacy of MSAs using weight calculations. Weight calculation takes additional execution time and hence resulted into higher execution time. | - | Loss of information. |
Symbol | Description |
DT | Data Table |
ST | Subset of quasi attributes and sensitive attributes in ST |
QA | Quasi identifier |
SA | Sensitive attribute |
MSAs | Multiple sensitive attributes |
Class | Classes of quasi attributes and sensitive attributes |
q-C | Quasi identifier class |
sa-C | Sensitive attribute class |
m | Number of data attributes |
n | Number of tuples |
(lv) | Linguistic variables |
Membership function for linguistic variables | |
Rules | Fuzzy |
Number of member ship functions for l | |
Number of fuzzy rules | |
Number of attributes in one subset | |
Qc T | Quasi attributes class based tables |
Sc T | Sensitive attributes class based tables |
Anonymize T | Anonymize table of quasi and sensitive attributes |
QT | Quasi identifier table |
MST | Multiple sensitive attribute tables |
Types | Description |
Tp | m tuples in Data Table |
Dq | Subset of quasi-identifier |
Ds | Multiple Subsets of sensitive attribute values |
Qc | Class for quasi-identifiers |
Sci | Multiple classes for sensitive attributes |
LV | Linguistic variables for m attributes |
R | mu number of fuzzy rules |
PID | Patient identifier in Data Table |
Q | Group of quasi identifiers |
C | Quasi identifier classes |
C | Sensitive attribute classes |
SA | Multiple number of sensitive attribute Tables |
Types | Description |
(PID × Tp) | |
(Dq × Ds) | |
(Qc × Sc) | |
(L V) | |
(mf) | |
(R) | |
(PID × Q x C) | |
(PID × SA × C ) | |
((PID × Q × C x C) | |
((Q × C) | |
((SA × C) |
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© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Attaullah, H.; Anjum, A.; Kanwal, T.; Malik, S.U.R.; Asheralieva, A.; Malik, H.; Zoha, A.; Arshad, K.; Imran, M.A. F-Classify: Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Method for Privacy Preservation of Multiple Sensitive Attributes. Sensors 2021, 21, 4933. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144933
Attaullah H, Anjum A, Kanwal T, Malik SUR, Asheralieva A, Malik H, Zoha A, Arshad K, Imran MA. F-Classify: Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Method for Privacy Preservation of Multiple Sensitive Attributes. Sensors. 2021; 21(14):4933. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144933
Chicago/Turabian StyleAttaullah, Hasina, Adeel Anjum, Tehsin Kanwal, Saif Ur Rehman Malik, Alia Asheralieva, Hassan Malik, Ahmed Zoha, Kamran Arshad, and Muhammad Ali Imran. 2021. "F-Classify: Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Method for Privacy Preservation of Multiple Sensitive Attributes" Sensors 21, no. 14: 4933. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144933
APA StyleAttaullah, H., Anjum, A., Kanwal, T., Malik, S. U. R., Asheralieva, A., Malik, H., Zoha, A., Arshad, K., & Imran, M. A. (2021). F-Classify: Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Method for Privacy Preservation of Multiple Sensitive Attributes. Sensors, 21(14), 4933. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144933