Utterance Level Feature Aggregation with Deep Metric Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition
<p>The proposed methodological framework with the main steps involved: audio-stream preprocessing, feature extraction and utterance level aggregation, system training with emotion metric learning and SVM training.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Audio signal pre-processing: voice activity detection, silence removal and spectrogram image computation.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>SE-ResNet CNN extension with a GhostVLAD layer for feature aggregation.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Emotion representation in the valence-arousal space using Mikel’s wheel of emotions.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Difference between the triplet loss function and the emotion constraint. (<b>a</b>) The triplet loss function, and (<b>b</b>). The proposed emotion metric.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Visualization of the feature embedding using t-SNE on the CREMA-D dataset: (<b>a</b>) softmax loss, (<b>b</b>) triplet loss, and (<b>c</b>) emotion metric learning.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Visualization of the feature embedding using t-SNE on the RAVDESS dataset: (<b>a</b>) softmax loss, (<b>b</b>) triplet loss, and (<b>c</b>) emotion metric learning.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The statistical experimental results of the considered databases: (<b>a</b>) RAVDESS, (<b>b</b>) CREMA-D.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The confusion matrixes on the evaluation dataset (<b>a</b>) RAVDESS and (<b>b</b>) CREMA-D. (S1). The baseline method; (S2). SE-ResNet with multi-stage training; (S3). SE-ResNet with GhostVLAD layer; (S4). The SE-ResNet with the GhostVLAD layer and the classical triplet loss function; (S5). The proposed framework, which involves SE-ResNet with the GhostVLAD aggregation layer and emotion constraint loss.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The system performance evaluation on RAVDESS and CREMA-D datasets with the different parameters involved: (<b>a</b>) the number of NetVLAD clusters (<span class="html-italic">K</span>) and (<b>b</b>) the number of GhostVLAD clusters (<span class="html-italic">G</span>).</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The system performance evaluation for different values of the control margins <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>α</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>β</mi> </semantics></math> on (<b>a</b>) RAVDESS dataset; (<b>b</b>) CREMA-D dataset.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- A deep learning-based, end-to-end speech emotion recognition technique. The method exploits the recently introduced Squeeze and Excitation ResNet architecture [7]. The challenge is to derive a fixed-length, discriminative representation at the utterance level for audio segments of arbitrary length.
- The introduction within the aggregation process of a trainable GhostVLAD [6] layer. In contrast to [8], where a NetVLAD [9] approach is used for feature aggregation, in our case we privilege the use of ghost clusters. We show that they are able to capture noisy segments and thus obtain a more robust feature representation.
- A learnable emotional metric which enriches the traditional triplet loss function with an additional emotional constraint. By taking into account the relations between the considered emotional categories, as defined in the Mikel’s wheel representation [10], the method makes it possible to obtain more discriminative embeddings, with more compact emotional clusters and increased inter-class separability.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Approach
3.1. Audio Signal Pre-Processing
3.2. GhostVLAD Feature Aggregation
3.3. Emotion Metric Learning
4. Experimental setup
4.1. Dataset Selection
4.2. Hardware Configuration
4.3. CNN Training Details
5. Experimental Results
- (S1) An emotion recognition approach that trains from scratch (i.e., with random weight initialization) the SE-ResNet architecture [7] on the considered emotion datasets. This approach will be considered as a baseline.
- (S2) An emotion recognition method that performs multi-stage CNN training (denoted by SE-ResNet with multi-stage training). In this case, the network is pre-trained on the VoxCeleb2 [44] dataset and the resulting model is fine-tuned on the two considered emotion recognition datasets. For both the (S1) and (S2) models, ghost clusters are not considered within the aggregation phase (which is equivalent to applying a NetVLAD aggregation procedure).
- (S3) An emotion-recognition method that extends the SE-ResNet architecture with the GhostVLAD feature aggregation layer. The same multi-stage training used in Strategy 2 is employed here.
- (S4) A speech emotion identification framework that involves the SE-ResNet with the GhostVLAD layer and the classical triplet loss function with the SVM-RBF classifier on top.
- (S5) A proposed framework that involves multi-stage SE-ResNet training, GhostVLAD feature aggregation layer, and emotional metric learning (cf. Section 3.3) with the SVM-RBF classifier on top.
- The lowest accuracy scores (67% and 53%, respectively, for RAVDESS and CREMA-D datasets) are obtained by the baseline emotion recognition method, which trains the considered SE-ResNet architecture from scratch. The results can be explained by the relatively small size of the datasets, which is not sufficient for taking into account the complexity of the related audio emotional features.
- Multi-stage SE-ResNet training partially solves the above-mentioned problem. The use of additional speech data (VoxCeleb2) allows for obtaining models with a higher capacity. Thus, the multi-stage training increases the overall system performance with more than 6%.
- The extension of the SE-ResNet with a GhostVLAD layer produces more effective feature representations. From the experimental results, presented in Table 1, we observe that the introduction of the aggregation layer on top of the CNN architecture increases emotion recognition accuracy for both considered databases (4.97% and 1.78% for RAVDES and CREMA-D, respectively).
- Compared to softmax loss, the introduction of the triplet loss function offers an average improvement of 1.2%. As we employ semi-hard sampling where all the positive/negative spectrogram images are selected within a mini batch, the system converges faster and yields better results in terms of accuracy on both datasets.
- The best results (with accuracy scores of 83% and 64% on the RAVDESS and CREMA-D datasets, respectively) are obtained by the complete method that integrates the whole chain, with SE-ResNet, GhostVLAD aggregation layer and the emotional metric loss. The use of the emotion constraint significantly increases the system’s performance by reinforcing emotional clustering. Remarkably, the proposed framework outperforms the recognition rate provided by human observers with more than 24%.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Figure 1. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
CREMA-D | Train | 1—18 | 3—18 | 5—22 | 7—24 | 9—24; 1—2 | 11—24; 1—4 | 13—24; 1—6 | 15—24; 1—8 | 17—24; 1—10 | 19—24; 1—12 |
Val. | 19—21 | 21—23 | 23—24; 1 | 1—3 | 3—5 | 5—7 | 7—9 | 9—11 | 11—13 | 13—15 | |
Test | 22—24 | 24; 1—2 | 2—4 | 4—6 | 6—8 | 8—10 | 10—12 | 12—14 | 14—16 | 16—18 | |
RAVDESS | Train | 1—73 | 10—82 | 19—91 | 28—91; 1—9 | 37—91; 1—18 | 46—91; 1—27 | 55—91; 1—36 | 64—91; 1—45 | 73—91; 1—54 | 82—91; 1—63 |
Val. | 74—82 | 83—91 | 1—9 | 10—18 | 19—27 | 28—36 | 37—45 | 46—54 | 55—63 | 64—72 | |
Test | 83—91 | 1—9 | 10—18 | 19—27 | 28—36 | 37—45 | 46—54 | 55—63 | 64—72 | 73—81 |
Method | Accuracy | |||||||
RAVDESS [9] | CREMA-D [10] | |||||||
AVG % | MIN % | MAX % | STD % | AVG % | MIN % | MAX % | STD % | |
Human observers | Not reported | 40.90 | - | - | - | |||
(S1). Baseline method | 67.94 | 63.95 | 70.48 | 2.33 | 53.38 | 49.25 | 56.02 | 2.12 |
(S2). SE-ResNet with multi-stage training | 74.81 | 71.93 | 77.16 | 1.61 | 59.47 | 56.24 | 62.56 | 1.89 |
(S3). SE-ResNet with GhostVLAD layer | 79.78 | 76.96 | 81.98 | 1.68 | 61.25 | 59.38 | 63.79 | 1.31 |
(S4). SE-ResNet with GhostVLAD layer + triplet loss | 80.93 | 78.42 | 82.94 | 1.41 | 62.44 | 59.86 | 64.14 | 1.25 |
(S5). Proposed framework: SE-ResNet + GhostVLAD layer + emotion constraint | 83.55 | 81.22 | 85.65 | 1.33 | 64.92 | 62.85 | 66.84 | 1.16 |
Method | Accuracy | |
RAVDESS [41] | CREMA-D [42] | |
Bhavan et al. [25] 2019 | 75.69% | - |
Issa et al. [26] 2020 | 71.61% | - |
Kumar et al. [32] 2021 | 79.67% | 58.72% |
Ghaleb et al. [23] 2020 | - | 59.01% |
Huang et al. [8] 2020 | - | 61.53% |
Proposed framework | 83.35% | 64.92% |
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Mocanu, B.; Tapu, R.; Zaharia, T. Utterance Level Feature Aggregation with Deep Metric Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition. Sensors 2021, 21, 4233. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124233
Mocanu B, Tapu R, Zaharia T. Utterance Level Feature Aggregation with Deep Metric Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition. Sensors. 2021; 21(12):4233. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124233
Chicago/Turabian StyleMocanu, Bogdan, Ruxandra Tapu, and Titus Zaharia. 2021. "Utterance Level Feature Aggregation with Deep Metric Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition" Sensors 21, no. 12: 4233. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124233
APA StyleMocanu, B., Tapu, R., & Zaharia, T. (2021). Utterance Level Feature Aggregation with Deep Metric Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition. Sensors, 21(12), 4233. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21124233