PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for Enabling Privacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments †
<p>The energy consumption data flow from the Ethernet-based Arduino microcontroller board to the remote server where the data were stored for later processing and analysis [<a href="#B26-sensors-21-03640" class="html-bibr">26</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>System architecture of the Coffee Machine use-case [<a href="#B26-sensors-21-03640" class="html-bibr">26</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>GreenSoul Reference Architecture [<a href="#B28-sensors-21-03640" class="html-bibr">28</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The GreenSoul Persuasion Treatments with the associated technology to deliver them (post-its, mobile app, physical devices and all the treatments together) [<a href="#B28-sensors-21-03640" class="html-bibr">28</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The proposed PyFF system architecture.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Abstraction of the PyFF architecture to address energy efficiency and user comfort in a smart workplace environment.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Implementation of the PyFF architecture in a smart workplace.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- The PyFF architecture is proposed, which is conceived to transform digital environments while increasing energy efficiency, user comfort and maintaining users’ privacy. This architecture is derived from the analysis of two empirical studies (i.e., Smart Sustainable Coffee Machines and GreenSoul project) that are aimed to study user behaviors towards workplace digitization when it comes to automatizing energy-saving actions.
- A multi-faceted qualitative comparison among the proposed PyFF architecture, GreenSoul and the Smart Sustainable Coffee Machines is presented. This comparison enables practitioners to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these three different IoT paradigms discussed in this work. In addition, these results can be taken as reference guidelines on how to convert a digital workplace into an appropriate setting to involve workers in decision making and motivate them towards more sustainable and healthier behaviors while promoting changes.
2. Enabling the Digitization of User Environments by Means of IoT Architectures
- The Smart Sustainable Coffee Machines use-case [26] consists of instrumenting several capsule-based Coffee Machines in ten different work environments to provide them energy sensing and user-interaction capabilities. This scenario is aimed at measuring the importance of preserving user’s privacy when it comes to collecting sensitive data. The conducted experimental tests have led to a better understanding of the importance of user environment digitization and its side-effects. In fact, over-reliance on automation may bring undesired effects to pro-environmental behavior and reduce personal responsibility for action [27].
- The GreenSoul project use-case [28] consists of deploying IoT interactive artifacts to employees of six tertiary buildings across Europe (Austria, Greece, the UK and Spain) to enhance their awareness about energy consumption. The objective was to understand the new dynamics and discussions that these devices may bring in a communal context when they are deployed from scratch (e.g., the interaction with the device in the daily routine, the attachment or the confidence to the information they provide, emotions related to the IoT devices or their role as mediators of conversations among peers).
2.1. Use-Case 1: Smart Sustainable Coffee Machines
2.1.1. Preparation of the IoT Environment and Experiment Configuration
- Web-based dashboard: In this configuration, a website showing the energy consumption of each user from the coffee machine was developed. This enabled participants to monitor their own consumption and provide rational insights by means of showing historical data.
- Persuasive feedback: This configuration combined subtle visual hints with ambient feedback provided in real-time to persuade the user to decide when the coffee machine should be turned off.
- Automation: This configuration required no intervention from the user. In this way, the coffee machines decided themselves when was the best moment to shut down and did so accordingly. This was aimed at providing a notion of comfort for the users since they did not have to worry about switching the coffee machine off and on to save energy.
2.1.2. Evaluation Procedure and Obtained Results
- Energy Consumption: After running the experiment with the IoT coffee machines, the energy consumption for the Persuasive feedback and Automation experimental conditions dropped by 44% and 14%, respectively. Surprisingly, no energy consumption reduction was observed in the Web-based dashboard experimental condition. Therefore, the following remarks can be inferred. First, it is possible to improve energy consumption of daily appliances. Second, human supervision can mitigate bias in statistical models (i.e., the Persuasive feedback condition saved more energy than the Automation one). Finally, persuasion is key to involving users (i.e., no changes where observed in the Web-based dashboard experimental condition)
- Questionnaires: After analyzing all the questionnaire data, it was found that the users of the Automation experimental condition were the ones who most distrusted the autonomous behavior of the coffee machine and, thus, felt skeptical that technology could be a driver for pro-environmental change. Additionally, after the experiment, this experimental group proved to be less likely to adopt attitudes to favor the environment. These findings are fairly well correlated with the work of Murtagh et al. [27], who found that automation impairs pro-environmental attitudes and undermines actions for personal responsibility. To sum up, the following remark can be inferred from the evidence above: autonomous appliances (e.g., the coffee machine in this use-case) may contribute to reduce the confidence and trust in technology. Therefore, user idiosyncrasy cannot be neglected when implementing automation in an IoT domain.
- Focus Groups: To further capture user feedback on this experiment, a set of focus groups was conducted. From them, the most relevant observation came from the users of the Automation experimental condition. Specifically, they complained about the fact that users were kept out the loop of the coffee machine operation. That is, it was not possible to intervene on the decision process that the coffee machine did to self shutdown. Users reported feelings of frustration when being unable to use the appliance at will—although they were aware that this was done to improve energy consumption.The main lesson learned from this situation is that users need to understand the behavior of an autonomous device in order to ensure a long-term effective coexistence.
2.2. Use-Case 2: GreenSoul Project
2.2.1. Preparation of the IoT Environment and Experiment Configuration
2.2.2. Evaluation Procedure and Obtained Results
2.3. Architecture Requirements for Enabling a Privacy-by-Design with Human-in-the-Loop IoT Environment
- A fully-automated management system focused on energy efficiency seems to cause passivity among people to act in favor of the environment. In fact, users are not involved in actions which are automatically taken by the systems, and thus can hardly be influenced to adopt a good habit to help to reduce energy consumption.
- The automated system can also generate widespread distrust in the technology since it will discourage humans from taking the lead on their own actions.
- Users are often sensitive to sharing their data, resulting in users’ reluctance if the desired level of privacy is not respected. However, it is of paramount importance to sense as many data and monitor as many devices as possible to provide accurate recommendations (e.g., in health or energy-related scenarios) in order to increase end-users confidence.
- Since involving users to take actions in the smart environment is recommended, it is important to study their profiles in both socioeconomic and behavioral terms. This will help in defining the ICT intervention campaigns to communicate with each one accordingly and promote sustainable practices among users.
- Flexibility: The system must be able to provide different degrees of service at the same time according to the user profile and service to be delivered.
- Privacy: The system must take into account the sensitivity of the data originated in the IoT environment, the service properties and user willingness to expose her/his associated data when exchanging and computing data over the IoT environment. Therefore, service performance shall be reduced, if necessary, to keep the desired privacy level.
- Scalability: The system must provide for an ever-growing number of devices (and users) cohabiting and communicating among each others in the same IoT environment.
- Including humans in the loop: The system must consider user preferences and behavior, which requires a shift from infrastructure-centric to human-centric [23] architectures. Therefore, users are no longer a high-end interface but a critical part on the whole information flow.
- Data governance: The system must provide clear means to define which data will be exchanged, by whom and where they will be processed.
3. PyFF: A Privacy-Fog-Based Flexible Architecture
3.1. PyFF: System Model
3.1.1. Sensing Layer
3.1.2. Early Stage Computing Layer
3.1.3. Intensive Computing and Storage Layer
3.1.4. User–Environment-Interaction Layer
3.1.5. Decision Support System
- Privacy: Where users are enquired regarding their willingness in sharing sensitive data.
- Accuracy: To decide where (i.e, Fog and/or Cloud) the computation (e.g., a recommendation) will take place.
- User involvement: Where the system decides communication channels used to notify users based on their preferences and the multi-modal channels employed to assess how good or bad was the feedback received.
4. Illustrative Example: Smart Workplace
5. Qualitative Evaluation
5.1. Privacy Metrics
5.2. Automation Metrics
5.3. Flexibility Metrics
5.4. Deployment
6. Related Work
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Metrics | Qualitative Evaluation | |||
GreenSoul | Smart Sustainable Coffee Machines | PyFF | ||
Privacy | Data protection | + (anonymization & encryption) | + (anonymization) | ++ (based on privacy policy) |
Data usage | Edge | Cloud | Device, Edge, Cloud (based on user’s choice) | |
Homogeneity | Yes | Yes | heterogenous privacy rules & preferences | |
Disruption/Intrusion | -(many new deployed devices) | - -(full automation) | ++(Interaction-based scheme & no extra devices) | |
Automation | User involvement | +(one-way recommendations) | - -(full automation) | ++ (full-duplex & adapted to user involvement preferences) |
Recommendation accuracy | Fog-based | Cloud-based | Cloud/Fog (parameter) | |
ICT/HCI | dashboard | dashboard | depends on user’s behavior/preference | |
Real-time | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Flexibility | Adaptive reasoning | Non-existent | Non-existent | layer-based |
Context-based | Energy | Energy(coffee machines) | Any context | |
Scalability | workplace - | home & workplace + | ++ | |
Deployment | Deployment cost | Hardware + software | Hardware + software | Hardware + software |
Fault isolation and tolerance | NA | Yes | Yes | |
Heterogeneous devices | Yes | No | Yes | |
Reliability | - (fog-ML-based recommendation) | +(Statistical method) | NA | |
Distributed | No | No | Yes | |
Event management | + DSS | NA | ++ DSS + User-Environment layer |
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Share and Cite
Benhamida, F.Z.; Navarro, J.; Gómez-Carmona, O.; Casado-Mansilla, D.; López-de-Ipiña, D.; Zaballos, A. PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for Enabling Privacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments. Sensors 2021, 21, 3640.
Benhamida FZ, Navarro J, Gómez-Carmona O, Casado-Mansilla D, López-de-Ipiña D, Zaballos A. PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for Enabling Privacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments. Sensors. 2021; 21(11):3640.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBenhamida, Fatima Zohra, Joan Navarro, Oihane Gómez-Carmona, Diego Casado-Mansilla, Diego López-de-Ipiña, and Agustín Zaballos. 2021. "PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for Enabling Privacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments" Sensors 21, no. 11: 3640.
APA StyleBenhamida, F. Z., Navarro, J., Gómez-Carmona, O., Casado-Mansilla, D., López-de-Ipiña, D., & Zaballos, A. (2021). PyFF: A Fog-Based Flexible Architecture for Enabling Privacy-by-Design IoT-Based Communal Smart Environments. Sensors, 21(11), 3640.