Test Plan for the Verification of the Robustness of Sensors and Automotive Electronic Products Using Scenario-Based Noise Deployment (SND)
<p>Basic QFD structure or “The House of Quality” based on [<a href="#B29-sensors-21-03359" class="html-bibr">29</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Cascade of Houses of the proposed Scenario-based Noise Deployment (SND) method.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The formulation of requirements regarding robustness. It can be seen that robustness means that the product preserves its functions and features during different conditions.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>House of Design Parameters is the first House of Noises, which contains the requirements vs. changes in design parameters. The House of Design Parameters identify the direct causes, which result in the failure of the product. These direct causes are physical or chemical phenomena.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The network of connections between the Houses. The size of the red dots symbolizes the importance of the specific test loads, field stresses, phenomena, design parameters and requirements. The thickness of the lines represents the strength of assignments between each House.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>P-Diagram showing noises that may cause the failure modes of the function of a product.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The P-Diagram that is used for classifying the noises.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>House of Phenomena: this is the second House of Noises: Changes in design parameters vs. Physical/chemical phenomena. The House of Phenomena connects the direct causes from the House of Design Parameters (output of the House of Design Parameters) to its direct causes.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>House of Field Stresses: this is the third House of Noises: Physical/chemical phenomena vs. Field stresses. The House of Field Stresses connects the direct causes from the House of Phenomena (output of the House of Phenomena) to its direct causes.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>House of Test Loads: this is the fourth House of Noises: Field stresses vs. Test loads. The House of Test Loads connects the direct causes from the House of Field Stresses (output of the House of Field Stresses) to its direct causes. In the example, this is the last House of Noises, which—as the output—contains the ranked test loads.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The ranking of the test loads after the last House of Noises. Given the method, the ranking yields a proportional scale: the importance of a successful test from a robustness point of view is proportional to the resultant value.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- is in accordance with everyday experience and expectations, namely a product is regarded—and verified by means of measurements—to be robust if it works under harsh conditions,
- derives the necessary verification activities (tests) by means of a step-by-step manner: from use case scenarios—through noises—through phenomena—to test loads,
- defines the measurability of robustness on a proportional scale.
- A novel definition of robustness is proposed in Section 2.1.
- The developed method is based on the logic of Quality Function Deployment (QFD). In Section 2.2, the method that uses several Houses of Noises to derive the final test loads from a detailed description of the use case scenarios is presented in detail.
- In Section 2.3, the relationship of the method with regard to the widely used Parameter Diagram is pointed out. The importance of the quantification of the test load is discussed. Furthermore, it is presented that adequate quantification is necessary for both the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the verification.
- In Section 3, the method is explained through the development of an automotive sensor (Section 3.1); moreover, some tricks and possible pitfalls are pointed out (Section 3.2).
- Finally, in Section 4, conclusions are drawn, pointing out the benefits of the method.
2. Scenario-Based Noise Deployment
2.1. Definition of Robustness
- help the user to decide whether a given product can be regarded as robust or not,
- quantify the robustness of a given product,
- help the user to verify the robustness of a given product,
- be suitable to rank products (from a robustness point of view) which belong to the same class at least on an ordered scale but ideally on a proportional scale as well,
- be as general as possible.
2.2. Details of the Method of Scenario-Based Noise Deployment
2.3. Relation to Other Methodologies
3. Application to Sensor Development
3.1. Description of the Example
3.2. Discussion of the Applicability of the Method
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Input | Output | |
House of Design Parameters | Requirements | Changes in design parameters |
House of Phenomena | Changes in design parameters | Physical/chemical phenomena |
House of Field Stresses | Physical/chemical phenomena | Field stresses |
House of Test Loads | Field stresses | Test loads |
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Heinold, L.; Barkanyi, A.; Abonyi, J. Test Plan for the Verification of the Robustness of Sensors and Automotive Electronic Products Using Scenario-Based Noise Deployment (SND). Sensors 2021, 21, 3359. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21103359
Heinold L, Barkanyi A, Abonyi J. Test Plan for the Verification of the Robustness of Sensors and Automotive Electronic Products Using Scenario-Based Noise Deployment (SND). Sensors. 2021; 21(10):3359. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21103359
Chicago/Turabian StyleHeinold, Laszlo, Agnes Barkanyi, and Janos Abonyi. 2021. "Test Plan for the Verification of the Robustness of Sensors and Automotive Electronic Products Using Scenario-Based Noise Deployment (SND)" Sensors 21, no. 10: 3359. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21103359
APA StyleHeinold, L., Barkanyi, A., & Abonyi, J. (2021). Test Plan for the Verification of the Robustness of Sensors and Automotive Electronic Products Using Scenario-Based Noise Deployment (SND). Sensors, 21(10), 3359. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21103359