Enhancements and Challenges in CoAP—A Survey
<p>An overview of CoAP architecture.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>CoAP Message Header.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Examples of Confirmable and Non-confirmable CoAP messages.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>CoAP Default Congestion Control.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>CoAP Resource Observation</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)
- Confirmable (CON)
- Non-confirmable (NON)
- Acknowledgement (ACK)
- Reset
3. Applications of CoAP
3.1. Interoperability and Integration
3.1.1. Interoperability with HTTP
3.1.2. CoAP Interoperability with MQTT for Healthcare
3.1.3. Interoperability with Healthcare Platform
3.1.4. Integration of Healthcare Standards
3.1.5. Integration with OSGP
3.2. Security
3.2.1. Authentication and Authorization
3.2.2. Authentication and Access Control
3.3. Streaming Services
3.3.1. Media Streaming
3.3.2. Video Streaming Services
3.4. Cloud Computing Services
CoAP Integration with Cloud
3.5. Resource Observation and Discovery
3.5.1. Resource Observation
3.5.2. Resource Discovery
3.6. Real-Time Remote Monitoring
Remote Monitoring and Real-Time Display in Healthcare
4. Enhancements in CoAP
4.1. Congestion Control Mechanisms in CoAP
4.1.1. Default CoAP
4.1.2. CoCo-RED
- Determination and calculation of RTO timer
- Management using Revised Random Early Detection (RevRED) algorithm for avoiding congestion
- Fibonacci Pre-Increment Backoff (FPB) algorithm for implementing backoff timer
- If AvgQ < Min threshold, arriving packet is placed in queue
- If Min threshold < AvgQ < Max threshold, arriving packet is dropped based on the dropping probability formula presented by the proposed method
- If AvgQ > Max threshold, arriving packet is dropped based on the exponentially dropping probability formula presented by the proposed method
4.1.3. CoCoA
4.1.4. Four-State Estimator Scheme
4.1.5. Adaptive Congestion Control
4.1.6. CoCoA+
4.1.7. Improved Adaptive Congestion Control
4.1.8. CACC
4.1.9. FASOR
4.1.10. pCoCoA
- A method for linking requests to responses precisely even in case of retransmissions
- Several modifications to the estimation algorithm of RTO
4.1.11. CoCoA++
4.1.12. Genetic CoCoA++
4.1.13. Message Loss Feedback based
4.1.14. Content Freshness Based
4.1.15. BDP-CoAP
4.1.16. CoAP-R
4.2. Enhanced CoAP for Interoperability
4.3. Enhancement in CoAP Security
4.3.1. Enhanced DTLS Protocol
4.3.2. Enhanced Security with Hashing
4.4. Enhanced CoAP for Streaming Services
5. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Congestion Control Schemes
5.1. Qualitative Analysis
5.2. Quantitative Analysis
6. Open Challenges
6.1. Energy Efficiency of CoAP-Enabled Nodes
6.2. Interoperability
6.3. Congestion Control
6.4. Security of CoAP
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
IETF | Internet of Engineering Task |
CoAP | Constrained Application Protocol |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IoUT | Internet of Underwater Things |
IoE | Internet of Everything |
WSN | Wireless Sensor Networks |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
BEB | Binary Exponential Backoff |
CoCoA | Congestion Control/Advance |
RTT | Round Trip Time |
CON | Confirmable |
NON | Non-confirmable |
RTO | Retransmission Timeout |
DTLS | Datagram Transport Layer Security |
MQTT | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport |
OSGP | Open Smart Grid Protocol |
SG | Smart Grids |
COIIoT | CoAP and OSGP Integration for the Internet of Things |
PED | Pending Event Descriptor |
AAA | Authentication, Authorization and Accounting |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
LP-WAN | Low-Power Wide Area Networks |
LO-CoAP-EAP | Low-Overhead CoAP-EAP |
DASCo | Dynamic Streaming over CoAP |
DASH | Dynamic Streaming over HTTP |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
RD | Resource Directory |
PRD | Proactive RD Discovery |
FDR | Fully distributed push-pull Resource Discovery |
CoCo-RED | Congestion Control Random Early Detection |
RevRED | Revised Random Early Detection |
FPB | Fibonacci Pre-Increment Backoff |
BMT | Buffer Management Technique |
VBF | Variable Backoff Factor |
CACC | Context-Aware Congestion Control |
RC | Retransmission Count |
FASOR | Fast-Slow RTO |
TC | Transmission Counter |
CDG | CAIA Delay Gradient |
PBF | Probabilistic Backoff Factor |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
CR | Congestion Ratio |
WRTT | Weak RTT |
SRTT | Strong RTT |
BBR | Bottleneck Bandwidth and Round-trip propagation time |
BW | Bandwidth |
HDAA | HTTP Digest Access Authentication |
AESCCM | Advanced Encryption Standard-Counter with Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm |
MAC | Message Authentication Code |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
RC6 | Rivest Cipher 6 |
LEA | Lightweight Encryption Algorithm |
GCM | Galois/counter mode |
DRD | Distributed Resource Discovery |
CRD | Centralized Resource Directory |
OCSP | Online Certification Status Protocol |
PFR | Packet Failure Rate |
QoN | Quality of Network |
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Paper | Role of CoAP | Application |
Z. Mi et al. [9] | Direct compatibility of medical sensors with internet + interaction of sensors with other nodes using RESTful communication | Interoperability |
B. Oryema et al. [10] | Implementation of messaging system with MQTT model using CoAP | Interoperability |
S.-y. Ge at al. [11] | Design and implementation of healthcare platform with IEEEE 11073 PHD | Interoperability |
W. Li et al. [12] | Integration of two healthcare standards ISO/IEEE 11073 and IHE PCD-01 for communicating between medical IoT devices | Integration |
Viel et al. [13] | Integration of CoAP with Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP) for information exchange between devices in smart grids (SG) | Integration |
D. Garcia-Carrillo et al. [14] | Integration between AAA infrastructures and EAP | Authentication and Authorization |
M. B. Tamboli et al. [15] | To provide communication with packets having low overhead in CoAP-based authentication and access control framework for IoT | Authentication and Access Control |
P. Krawiec et al. [16] | For delivering the media segments to consumers in implementing dynamic streaming over CoAP | Streaming Services |
W. ur Rahman et al. [17] | To perform adaptive streaming for constrained wireless environments | Video Streaming |
T. L. Scott et al. [18] | Transfer of data from IoT nodes to cloud | Cloud Computing Services |
S. R. Jan et al. [19] | Observing resources (temperature values) in IoT environment and WSNs | Resource Observation |
B. Djama et al. [20] | For advertising and demanding of resource directories using CoAP REST methods | Resource Discovery |
D. Ugrenovic et al. [21] | Implementation of a remote healthcare monitoring system using CoAP client/server model | Real-time Remote Monitoring |
Scheme Name | Adopted Mechanism | Comm. Type | Burst Traffic Support | Complexity Level | Issues Countered | Shortcomings |
Default CoAP [2] | Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) | Reliable | No | Low | Basic Congestion Control | Idle delays between retransmissions, does not consider dynamic network |
CoCo-RED [22] | Buffer management using Revised Random Early Detection | Reliable | Yes | Low | Reduced packet loss and response time of network | Fixed backoff values, does not consider dynamic network conditions |
CoCoA [6] | RTT measurements + Variable Backoff | Reliable | No | Low | Basic congestion control issues + RTO aging | Ambiguity in weak RTT estimator |
4-state Estimator [23] | State0based Variable Backoff | Reliable | No | Medium | Idle delays between successive (re)transmissions in CoCoA | Not included |
Adaptive Congestion Control [4] | Transmission count-based | Reliable | No | Low | Ambiguity in weak estimator values | More bandwidth, and energy is consumed in solving ambiguity of weak estimator especially for wireless communication |
CoCoA+ [7] | Modifications in CoCoA RTO calculations | Reliable | No | High | Ambiguity in weak estimator values of CoCoA | Inaccurate measurement of retransmitted RTT in burst traffic |
Improved Adaptive Congestion Control [24] | Packet loss ratio-based RTO calculations | Reliable | Yes | Low | Congestion Control in burst traffic, elimination of RTO aging mechanism | Additional overhead in calculating RTO in each transmission, poor adaptability in RTO |
CACC [25] | RTT Estimators + Retransmission Count based | Reliable | No | High | Differentiating the scenario of packet loss due bit error rate and congestion | Poor RTO aging mechanism, vanishing of RTTVAR variable for similar consecutive RTT samples, lack of aging mechanism for weak RTO causing steep RTO increment |
FASOR [26] | RTO Estimators + State-based backoff logic | Reliable | No | Medium | Bufferbloat condition, high link error rates | No special logic for senders remaining idle |
pCoCoA [8] | Transmission Count + Modifications in RTO Estimation + Estimation of Max mean deviation of RTO | Reliable | Yes | High | Spurious retransmissions, vanishing RTTVAR due to similar RTT sampling | Not included |
CoCoA++ [27] | Delay Gradient based calculation + probabilistic backoff | Reliable | No | High | Shortcomings of default CoAP, CoCoA, CoCoA+ | Sender runs out of retransmissions due to quick retransmissions caused by increased packet sending rate |
Genetic CoCoA++ [28] | CoCoA++-based + Genetic algorithm | Reliable | No | High | Issues of CoCoA+ including: (i) Accurate retransmission RTO measurement (ii) Large changes in RTO estimates | RTT observation time is limited, burst traffic is not considered |
Message Loss Feedback-based [29] | Message Loss Feedback-based | Reliable/Unreliable | No | Low | Congestion detection in default CoAP | Loss rate of transmission cannot be found if number of CON and NON messages are equal |
Content Freshness based [30] | Congestion window size control | Reliable/Unreliable | No | Medium | Congestion Control in default CoAP | Loss rate of transmission cannot be found if number of CON and NON messages are equals |
BDP-CoAP [31] | Estimation of bottleneck bandwidth | Reliable | Yes | Medium | Issues of lossy links + short term unfairness of channel | Not included |
CoAP-R [32] | Rate-based | Reliable | Yes | Medium | Performance issues of CoCoA in light and burst traffic + unfair bandwidth allocation | Scenario of inactive/malfunctioned node is not considered |
Scheme Name | Performance Metrics | Topology | Traffic Scenarios | Avg Percentage Improvement |
CoCo-RED [22] | Settling time, response time, packet loss | Chain, grid, cross, dumbbell, random | Continuous, burst | Settling time: 2%, Response time: 8%, Packet loss: 21% |
CoCoA [6] | Throughput, settling time | Not mentioned | Continuous, burst | Throughput: 19Settling time: 26.67% |
4-state Estimator [23] | Throughput, goodput | Not mentioned | Continuous | Throughput: 19% Goodput: 40% |
Adaptive Congestion Control [4] | Throughput | Not mentioned | Continuous | Throughput: 56% |
CoCoA+ [7] | packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, settling time | Chain, dumbbell, grid | Periodic, burst, mixed | Packet delivery ratio: 4.4% End-to-end delay: 18.5% Settling time: 27.5% |
Improved Adaptive Congestion Control [24] | number of dropped packets, number of successful transactions | Point to multipoint | Constant | Dropped packets: 40.8% Successful transactions: 7.5% |
CACC [25] | Throughput, end-to-end delay, energy consumption | Grid, chain, dumbbell | Constant | Throughput: 21.8% End-to-end delay: 47.8% Energy consumption: 41% |
CoCoA++ [27] | Number of packets transmitted, average packet sending rate | Grid, flower, dumbbell, chain | Periodic | Number of packets transmitted: 15% Avg packet sending rate: 5.2% |
Genetic CoCoA++ [28] | Packet failure rate | Grid, dumbbell | Continuous | Packet failure rate: 32.14% |
Message Loss Feedback-based [29] | Average packet reception ratio, throughput | Random | Constant | Packet reception ratio: 3.215% Throughput: 18.54% |
Content Freshness based [30] | Throughput, number of message transmissions | Random | Constant | Throughput: 23.46% Number of transmissions: 31.95% |
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Tariq, M.A.; Khan, M.; Raza Khan, M.T.; Kim, D. Enhancements and Challenges in CoAP—A Survey. Sensors 2020, 20, 6391. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216391
Tariq MA, Khan M, Raza Khan MT, Kim D. Enhancements and Challenges in CoAP—A Survey. Sensors. 2020; 20(21):6391. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216391
Chicago/Turabian StyleTariq, Muhammad Ashar, Murad Khan, Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan, and Dongkyun Kim. 2020. "Enhancements and Challenges in CoAP—A Survey" Sensors 20, no. 21: 6391. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216391
APA StyleTariq, M. A., Khan, M., Raza Khan, M. T., & Kim, D. (2020). Enhancements and Challenges in CoAP—A Survey. Sensors, 20(21), 6391. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20216391