Unified Compact ECC-AES Co-Processor with Group-Key Support for IoT Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks
<p>Local “Wireless Sensor Network” in the IoT environment.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>ECC163AES128 pinout.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>reg_interface I/O.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Blocks providing AES-128 support in the ECC163AES128 cryptoprocessor.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Sequence for AES-128 key input.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Sequence for block input.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Sequence for block output.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Blocks providing ECC-163 support in the ECC163AES128 cryptoprocessor.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Sequence for loading <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>x</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math> input data.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Sequence for loading <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>x</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math>, <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>y</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math> and <span class="html-italic">k</span>.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Sequence for SP ECC <span class="html-italic">x</span> coordinate retrieval.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Sequence for SP ECC <span class="html-italic">y</span> coordinate retrieval.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Sequence for loading <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>x</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math>, <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>y</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math>, <span class="html-italic">k</span>, <span class="html-italic">a</span> and <span class="html-italic">b</span>.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Sequence for loading <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>x</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math> input data.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Sequence for loading <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>x</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math>, <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>p</mi> <mi>y</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math>, <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>q</mi> <mi>x</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math> and <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>q</mi> <mi>y</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math>.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Block diagram of ECC163AES128 control unit.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Block diagram of IoT monitoring system including ECC163AES128.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>ECC163AES128 test program execution.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>ECC163AES128 Diffie–Helmann between two nodes.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- S is a Sensor device only generating information that can be collected and processed by smart device B.
- B is a smart device that can generate and receive information from different devices (S, D1, D2), and communicate with the Gateway G for accessing the Internet.
- D1 and D2 are smart devices with sensors and programmable features that can be controlled by B or devices from the Internet through Gateway G.
- A is an actuator device that can be remotely controlled from the Internet through Gateway G.
- G is a Gateway providing access to the elements in the WSN to the Internet.
2. Security in Local Wireless Sensor Networks
2.1. Encryption of Communications
- Pre-shared keys [15,16]. The simplest method for distributing keys is to use a pre-shared key stored in the involved nodes before deployment. This method has the advantage of minimal memory and computation requirements, but also has three important drawbacks: if one of the nodes is compromised, the entire network will be compromised, and keys can not be changed without updating the firmware/software of all the nodes. Moreover, the use of the same key for all communications gives a lot of information to attackers in order to derive the key.
- List of pre-shared keys [15]. The method of pre-sharing a key can be improved by distributing a list of pre-shared keys to the nodes. In this case, any of the keys can be used in communications, thus making the derivation of the key by eavesdropping more difficult at the expense of more memory requirements. The other two drawbacks are not solved: key change is limited to the pre-shared list, thus if one node is compromised, again the entire network is compromised.
- Random and Multipath methods. More sophisticated proposals for distributing pre-shared keys based on random lists and multipath methods [17] provide mechanisms for avoiding the compromising of the entire network when one/some nodes is/are jeopardized. These methods are based on symmetric-key cryptosystems.
2.2. Authentication
2.3. Hardware/Software Protection
3. ECC Cryptography for IoT WSNs
- ECC operations are accelerated, thus allowing keys to be renewed frequently.
- MPU is freed of complex cryptographic operations.
3.1. ECC Key Management
3.2. Group Key Protocol for Local WSNs
- User computes the first common key .
- User computes and chooses that will be his new private key.
- User broadcasts
- Every user , computes
- User chooses a new private key given by .
- User computes the new key .
- User broadcasts the rekeying message
- Every user , computes .
4. ECC163AES128 Cryptoprocessor for IoT Devices
- ECC support for curves over field included in the FIPS standard [37], for achieving high security levels. To achieve lower area resources, we have selected the minor-size field available in ECC standards [35,36,37], but providing guaranteed security levels. We have also included support for pseudo-random curves, and not only Koblitz as it is usual in ECC co-processors.
- Group key management support. This implies to make available point addition/subtraction additionally to scalar-point operation.
- AES support. For freeing completely the MPU of cryptographic operations, we include in the same design AES-128 symmetric encryption according to standard [10].
- A 32-bit interface, for easing interconnectivity with 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit MPUs/CPUs
- Mode 0 (ECC): The processor operates in “ECC” mode, allowing to implement an ECC public-key cryptosystem.
- Mode 1 (AES): The processor operates in “AES” mode, allowing encrypting/decrypting using AES-128.
4.1. AES-128 Support
- First, we have designed a shared interface register between AES processing blocks, and ECC ones. This interface register has a 32-bit input, and a 163-bit output, as shown in Figure 3. In addition, it has a serial output (which will be commented later, when describing ECC-163 blocks), and control inputs for 32-bit parallel loading along to 32-bit displacement (load_desp) and 1-bit shifting (shift). The area requirement for this interface register is 163 LUTs. Note that there are no 128-bit (or 163-bit) parallel input to this register, saving 162 LUTs (if the parallel input is included, area occupancy is 325 LUTs). This area saving is 8% of the total area required by the entire cryptoprocessor.
- The absence of 128-bit parallel input in reg_interface prevents it from being used as the state register required by AES operations [10]. Therefore, the second novelty consists in introducing this register in the embedded RAM blocks, thus requiring 12 163-bit words for AES operations (11 words for key schedule and one additional for implementing the state register). Again, for optimizing resources, we will share embedded RAM blocks with ECC-163 processing blocks, it being the reason for defining a word-width of 163 bits.
4.2. ECC-163 Support
Algorithm 1 Montgomery ladder algorithm |
Require: k, P Ensure: 1: 2: for do 3: if then 4: 5: else 6: 7: end if 8: end for 9: return |
Algorithm 2 Montgomery ladder over projective coordinates, making explicit field operations |
Require: k, Ensure: 1: 2: for do 3: if then 4: 5: 6: else 7: 8: 9: end if 10: end for 11: 12: 13: return |
- Addition. Addition over is performed by xoring bit-by-bit the binary representation of each field element. Its implementation requires m XOR gates.
- Multiplication. In order to optimize area resources, we have selected a bit-serial implementation [47] requiring only 511 LUTs in a Spartan 6 device for . This implementation requires m clock cycles for completing multiplication (combinational multipliers such as [48,49] can perform multiplication in only one cycle but at the expense of immoderate area requirements). Digit-serial implementations can diminish the number of clock cycles, but generating an increase in area resources [41].
- Inversion. Inversion is the most costly operation, but usign Algorithm 2, it is required only three times. It can be computed attending to two mathematical theorems: the Extended Euclides Algorithm (EEA) and the Little Fermat Theorem (LFT). On the one hand, there are EEA implementations allowing inversion in m clock cycles [51,52], or digit-serial implementations [41], reducing the number of clock cycles at the expense of higher area requirements. On the other hand, the Little Fermat Theorem establishes that the multiplicative inverse in a finite field can be obtained from:IEEE standard 1363–2000 [35] proposes an algorithm applying successive squarings, completing the inversion in m clock cycles. Another possibility is the use of the Itoh–Tsujii Algorithm (ITA) [53,54], optimizing the number of steps for the exponentiation calculus. Taking into account that our design is oriented to optimize area resources, we have selected the inversion algorithm of [35], enabling the computing of inversion using multiplications and squarings, thus avoiding to introduce a specific inversion unit.
- The use of the shared interface register (reg_interface) as the index k, taking advantage of the serial output (Figure 3) along to the control signal shift. This avoids the use of any other register in the processing unit.
- The register bank, implemented into embedded RAM blocks, is shared with AES support, thus making available 12 registers because of AES key schedule requirements. Therefore, there are more registers available than strictly required by Algorithm 2. Taking advantage of that, the use of pseudo-random curves can be enabled without extra area requirements.
4.2.1. Mode “0”, Oper “00”: SP_B-163
4.2.2. Mode “0”, Oper “00” Result Retrieval
4.2.3. Mode “0”, Oper “01”: SP_Custom
4.2.4. Mode “0”, Oper “10”: PA_B-163
4.3. Control Unit
- IO/loading set. This set of micro-instructions controls the loading of external data, and operations with the reg_interfaz register.
- AES set. This set includes instructions for performing AES operations.
- ECC set. Includes micro-instructions related to ECC operations
- MEM_A set. Set of instructions for exchanging values among registers in dp_RAM, using port A of dp_RAM.
- MEM_B set. Set of instructions for exchanging values among registers in dp_RAM, using port B of dp_RAM.
5. Results
5.1. Comparison to Other Designs
5.2. Proof of Concept
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Mode | Oper | Operation Name | Function |
00 | SP_B163 | Scalar-Point operation over theNIST B-163 Curve | |
0 | 01 | SP_Custom | Scalar-Point operation over a custom curve in |
(ECC) | 10 | PA_B163 | Point addition over the B-163 curve |
11 | PA_Custom | Point addition over a custom curve in | |
00 | key_schedule | Generates the key schedule, and stores it in the RAM | |
1 | 01 | encrypt | Encrypts a 128-bit block using the key schedule in memory |
(AES) | 10 | decrypt | Decrypts a 128-bit block using the key schedule in memory |
11 | reserved | Reserved for future use |
Signal | I/O | Width | Function |
reset | input | 1 | resets the core |
clk | input | 1 | clock input |
start | input | 1 | control signal, starting operations |
ack_proc | input | 1 | control signal, acknowledging data reception from the MPU |
mode | input | 1 | selects mode of the cryptoprocessor (‘0’ for ECC, ‘1’ for AES) |
oper | input | 2 | selects the operation to perform. (See Table 1) |
i_port | input | 32 | data required by the core for performing the different operations |
ready | output | 1 | control signal, indicating the core is ready for receiving data |
done | output | 1 | control signal, indicating the core has finished an operation |
o_port | output | 32 | output for providing the result from the operation completed by the core |
Set | Micro-Instruction | Function |
NOP | No I/O operation | |
IREADY | output ready set to ‘1’ | |
ILOAD | reg_interfaz loaded with block from i_port | |
ILOADKEY | reg_interfaz loaded with internal key block | |
ILOADREG | reg_interfaz loaded with internal register block | |
IO/loading set | ISHIFT | reg_interfaz shifted |
IDONE | output done set to ‘1’ | |
IDREADY | outputs done and ready set to ‘1’ | |
ISETA | set value of a parameter of elliptic curve to FIPS B-163 value | |
ILOADA | load value of a parameter corresponding to a custom elliptic curve | |
NOPAES | No AES operation | |
XORKEY | XOR with key AES operation | |
BLINITAES | AES block counter initialization | |
BLCNTAES | AES block counter update | |
AES set | ROUND_INIT | AES round counter initialization |
ROUND_CNT | AES round counter update | |
BLINITRNDCNT | AES block and round counters initialization | |
XORBLCNT | XOR with key and block counter update | |
XORRNDCNT | XOR with key and round counter update | |
NOPARITH | NO ECC operation | |
BLINITECC | ECC block counter initialization | |
BLCNTECC | ECC block counter updated | |
CNTLOAD | ECC loop counter initialization | |
ECC set | CNTCOUNT | ECC loop counter update |
MULINIT | Field multiplier initialization | |
MULCOUNT | Field multiplier initialization and ECC loop counter update | |
INITCNTINV | Field inversion counter initialization | |
CNTINV | Field inversion counter update |
Device | # LUTs/LEs | # BRAMs | Fmax (MHz) |
Cyclone II | |||
EP2C20F484C7 | 2910 (LEs) | 26,532 bits | 103 |
(Intel) | |||
Cyclone II | |||
EP2C35F672C6 | 2983 (LEs) | 26,532 bits | 97.7 |
(Intel) | |||
Spartan 3AN | |||
xc3s700an-4fgg484 | 2824 (LUT4s) | 11 | 54.9 |
(Xilinx) | |||
Spartan 6 | |||
xc6slx9-2csg324 | 2101 (LUT6s) | 5 RAM16 +6 RAM8 | 61.0 |
(Xilinx) | |||
Spartan 6 | |||
xc6slx45t-3cfgg484 | 2122 (LUT6s) | 5 RAM16 +6 RAM8 | 67.0 |
(Xilinx) | |||
Virtex 6 | |||
xc6vlx240t-1ff1156 | 2121 (LUT6s) | 5 RAM36+ 6 RAM18 | 83.8 |
(Xilinx) |
Device | 53 Cycles | 117 Cycles | 171070 Cycles | 2174 Cycles |
Cyclone II | 2.12 us @25 MHZ | 4.65 us @25 MHZ | 6.84 ms @25 MHZ | 87 us @25 MHZ |
EP2C20F484C7 | 1.06 us @50 MHZ | 2.34 us @50 MHZ | 3.42 ms @50 MHZ | 43.5 us @50 MHZ |
(Intel) | 0.52 us @Fmax | 1.14 us @Fmax | 1.67 ms @Fmax | 21.2 us @Fmax |
Cyclone II | 2.12 us @25 MHZ | 4.65 us @25 MHZ | 6.84 ms @25 MHZ | 87 us @25 MHZ |
EP2C35F672C6 | 1.06 us @50 MHZ | 2.34 us @50 MHZ | 3.42 ms @50 MHZ | 43.5 us @50 MHZ |
(Intel) | 0.54 us @Fmax | 1.20 us @Fmax | 1.75 ms @Fmax | 22.3 us @Fmax |
Spartan 3AN | 2.12 us @25 MHZ | 4.65 us @25 MHZ | 6.84 ms @25 MHZ | 87 us @25 MHZ |
xc3s700an-4fgg484 | 1.06 us @50 MHZ | 2.34 us @50 MHZ | 3.42 ms @50 MHZ | 43.5 us @50 MHZ |
(Xilinx) | 0.96 us @Fmax | 2.13 us @Fmax | 3.12 ms @Fmax | 39.7 us @Fmax |
Spartan 6 | 2.12 us @25 MHZ | 4.65 us @25 MHZ | 6.84 ms @25 MHZ | 87 us @25 MHZ |
xc6slx9-2csg324 | 1.06 us @50 MHZ | 2.34 us @50 MHZ | 3.42 ms @50 MHZ | 43.5 us @50 MHZ |
(Xilinx) | 0.87 us @Fmax | 1.92 us @Fmax | 2.81 ms @Fmax | 35.7 us @Fmax |
Spartan 6 | 2.12 us @25 MHZ | 4.65 us @25 MHZ | 6.84 ms @25 MHZ | 87 us @25 MHZ |
SP-605 | 1.06 us @50 MHZ | 2.34 us @50 MHZ | 3.42 ms @50 MHZ | 43.5 us @50 MHZ |
(Xilinx) | 0.79 us @Fmax | 1.75 us @Fmax | 2.55 ms @Fmax | 32.5 us @Fmax |
Virtex 6 | 2.12 us @25 MHZ | 4.65 us @25 MHZ | 6.84 ms @25 MHZ | 87 us @25 MHZ |
xc6vlx240t-1ff1156 | 1.06 us @50 MHZ | 2.34 us @50 MHZ | 3.42 ms @50 MHZ | 43.5 us @50 MHZ |
(Xilinx) | 0.63 us @Fmax | 1.40 us @Fmax | 2.00 ms @Fmax | 26.0 us @Fmax |
Design | # LUTs/LEs | # BRAMs | AES Support | |||
ECC163AES128 | 5 BRAM16 | |||||
(Spartan 6) | 2101 | 6 BRAM8 | Yes | 5.3 us | 17.1 ms | 218 us |
xc6slx9-2csg324 | (100%) | (100%) | (100%) | (100%) | ||
De la Piedra ECC-163 [44] | 2 RAM36 | |||||
(Artix 7) | 2412 | 21 RAM18 | Yes | 5.50 us | 83.9 ms | 253 us |
XC7A100TL | (115%) | 38 DSPs | (104%) | (490%) | (116%) | |
Leong ECC-155 [56] | 3736 | – | No | – | 24.9 ms | – |
(Virtex E) | ||||||
XCV1000-6 | ||||||
Orlando ECC-167 [39] | 3002 | 10 | No | – | 1.61 ms | – |
(Virtex E) | ||||||
XCV400E-8-BG-432 | ||||||
Pu ECC-167 [40] | 3023 | 10 | No | – | 1.58 ms | – |
(Virtex E) | ||||||
XCV400E-8-BG-432 |
Operation | Time (Node 01) | Time (Node 02) |
Private key generation | 12 ms | 11 ms |
Public key derivation | 17 ms | 16 ms |
Public key transmission | 65 ms | 96 ms |
Public key reception | 96 ms | 66 ms |
Secret value derivation | 15 ms | 16 ms |
Total time | 205 ms | 205 ms |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Parrilla, L.; Castillo, E.; López-Ramos, J.A.; Álvarez-Bermejo, J.A.; García, A.; Morales, D.P. Unified Compact ECC-AES Co-Processor with Group-Key Support for IoT Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 2018, 18, 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18010251
Parrilla L, Castillo E, López-Ramos JA, Álvarez-Bermejo JA, García A, Morales DP. Unified Compact ECC-AES Co-Processor with Group-Key Support for IoT Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2018; 18(1):251. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18010251
Chicago/Turabian StyleParrilla, Luis, Encarnación Castillo, Juan A. López-Ramos, José A. Álvarez-Bermejo, Antonio García, and Diego P. Morales. 2018. "Unified Compact ECC-AES Co-Processor with Group-Key Support for IoT Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks" Sensors 18, no. 1: 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18010251
APA StyleParrilla, L., Castillo, E., López-Ramos, J. A., Álvarez-Bermejo, J. A., García, A., & Morales, D. P. (2018). Unified Compact ECC-AES Co-Processor with Group-Key Support for IoT Devices in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 18(1), 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18010251