Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
<p>Flowchart of the proposed method.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Schematic diagram of the 3DBF.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The general GANs architectures.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Schematic illustration of the procedure for unsupervised/semi-supervised learning based on GANs.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>A visual illustration of the semi-supervised hyperspectral classification method by GANs.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Indian Pines data. (<b>a</b>) Three-band false color composite and (<b>b</b>) ground truth data with 16 classes.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>University of Pavia data. (<b>a</b>) Three-band false color composite and (<b>b</b>) ground truth data with 9 classes.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Salinas data. (<b>a</b>) Three-band false color composite and (<b>b</b>) ground truth data with 16 classes.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The spectral profiles of the pixel (18,6) from the original Indian Pines data, the 2DBF and the 3DBF.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Spatial scenes of the 4th, 22nd, 34th bands. (<b>a</b>,<b>d</b>,<b>g</b>) are chosen from the original Indian Pines data, (<b>b</b>,<b>e</b>,<b>h</b>) are obtained by the 2DBF, and (<b>c</b>,<b>f</b>,<b>i</b>) are obtained by the 3DBF.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Classification maps of the Indian Pines data with 5 samples per class.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Classification maps of the University of Pavia data with 5 samples per class.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Classification maps of the Salinas data with 5 samples per class.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>The impact of parameters <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>σ</mi> <mi>s</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math> and <math display="inline"> <semantics> <msub> <mi>σ</mi> <mi>r</mi> </msub> </semantics> </math> on the OA in (<b>a</b>) Indian Pines data, (<b>b</b>) University of Pavia data and (<b>c</b>) Salinas data.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>The impact of training epoch on the OA in (<b>a</b>) Indian Pines data, (<b>b</b>) University of Pavia data and (<b>c</b>) Salinas data.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>The impact of learning rate on the OA in (<b>a</b>) Indian Pines data, (<b>b</b>) University of Pavia data and (<b>c</b>) Salinas data.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The impact of the number of labeled training samples per class on the OA in (<b>a</b>) Indian Pines data, (<b>b</b>) University of Pavia data and (<b>c</b>) Salinas data.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We extract the spectral-spatial features by the 3DBF. Compared to the vector/matrix-based methods, the structural features extracted by the 3DBF can effectively preserve the spectral-spatial information by naturally obeying the 3D form of the HSI and treating the 3D cube as a whole entity.
- We classify the HSI in a semi-supervised manner by the GANs. Compared to the supervised methods, the GANs can utilize both limited training samples and abundant of unlabeled samples. Compared to the non-adversarial networks, the GANs take advantage of the discriminative models to train the generative network based on game theory.
2. Proposed Semi-Supervised Method
2.1. Spectral-Spatial Features Extracted by 3D Bilateral Filter
- Convolve and w with a Gaussian defined on . In this step, and w are “blurred” into and , respectively.
- Obtain by dividing by ;
- Compute the value of at to get the filtered result .
2.2. Semi-Supervised Classification of HSI by Generative Adversarial Networks
2.2.1. Brief of Generative Adversarial Networks
2.2.2. Generative Adversarial Networks for Classification
2.2.3. Hyperspectral Classification Framework Using Generative Adversarial Networks
3. Experimental Section
3.1. Dataset Description
- Indian Pines data: the first dataset was captured by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) sensor over the agricultural Indian Pines test site in the Northwestern Indiana, USA, on 12 June 1992. The original image contains 224 spectral bands. After removing 4 bands full of zero and 20 bands affected by noise and water-vapor absorption, 200 bands are left for experiments. It consists of pixels with a spatial resolution of 20 m per pixel, and the spectral coverage ranging from to m. Figure 6 depicts the color composite of the image as well as the ground truth map. There are 16 classes of interest and the number of samples in each class is displayed in Table 1, whose background color denotes different classes of land-covers. Since the number of samples is unbalanced and the spatial resolution is relatively low, it poses a big challenging to the classification task.
- University of Pavia data: the second dataset was acquired by the Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS) sensor over an urban area surrounding the University of Pavia, northern Italy, on 8 July 2002. The original data contains 115 spectral bands ranging from to m and the size of each band is with a spatial resolution of m per pixel. After removing 12 noisiest channels, 103 bands remained for experiments. The dataset contains 9 classes with various types of land-covers. The color composite image together with the ground truth data are shown in Figure 7. The detailed number of samples in each class is listed in Table 2, whose background color also corresponds to the color in Figure 7.
- Salinas data: the third dataset was collected by the AVIRIS sensor over the Salinas Valley, Southern California, USA, on 8 October 1998. The original dataset contains 224 spectral bands covering from the visible to short-wave infrared light. After discording 20 water absorption bands, 204 bands are preserved for experiments. This dataset consists of pixels with a spatial resolution of m per pixel. The color composite of the image and the ground truth are plotted in Figure 8, which contains 16 classes of interest. The detailed number of classes in each class is shown in Table 3, whose background color represents different classes of land-covers.
3.2. Experimental Setup
3.3. Experimental Results
4. Discussions
4.1. Statistical Significance Analysis of the Results
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis of the Parameters
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Class | Name | NoS | Class | Name | NoS |
1 | alfalfa | 54 | 9 | oats | 20 |
2 | corn-no till | 1434 | 10 | soybean-no till | 968 |
3 | corn-min till | 834 | 11 | soybean-min till | 2468 |
4 | corn | 234 | 12 | soybean-clean till | 614 |
5 | grass/pasture | 497 | 13 | wheat | 212 |
6 | grass/trees | 747 | 14 | woods | 1294 |
7 | grass/pasture-mowed | 26 | 15 | bldg-grass-tree-drives | 380 |
8 | hay-windrowed | 489 | 16 | stone-steel towers | 95 |
Total | 10,366 |
Class | Name | NoS | Class | Name | NoS |
1 | asphalt | 6631 | 6 | bare soil | 5029 |
2 | meadows | 18,649 | 7 | bitumen | 1330 |
3 | gravel | 2099 | 8 | bricks | 3682 |
4 | trees | 3064 | 9 | shadows | 947 |
5 | metal sheets | 1345 | Total | 42,776 |
Class | Name | NoS | Class | Name | NoS |
1 | brocoli-green-weeds-1 | 2009 | 9 | soil-vinyard-develop | 6203 |
2 | brocoli-green-weeds-2 | 3726 | 10 | corn-senesced-green-weeds | 3278 |
3 | fallow | 1976 | 11 | lettuce-romaine-4wk | 1068 |
4 | fallow-rough-plow | 1394 | 12 | lettuce-romaine-5wk | 1927 |
5 | fallow-smooth | 2678 | 13 | lettuce-romaine-6wk | 916 |
6 | stubble | 3959 | 14 | lettuce-romaine-7wk | 1070 |
7 | celery | 3579 | 15 | vinyard-untrained | 7268 |
8 | grapes-untrained | 11,271 | 16 | vinyard-vertical-trellis | 1807 |
Total | 54,129 |
Class | Spec | 2DBF | 3DBF | |||||||||
SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | |
1 a | 40.17 | 46.15 | 96.58 | 48.42 | 77.65 | 84.48 | 96.47 | 95.46 | 95.27 | 94.27 | 96.51 | 96.08 |
2 | 33.07 | 32.98 | 65.31 | 48.02 | 39.67 | 39.93 | 64.93 | 63.71 | 46.01 | 45.05 | 63.70 | 66.31 |
3 | 40.06 | 38.02 | 51.35 | 44.96 | 30.16 | 29.03 | 52.21 | 53.14 | 39.72 | 36.61 | 49.89 | 49.95 |
4 | 25.93 | 27.73 | 50.79 | 37.30 | 26.89 | 22.67 | 50.25 | 48.09 | 45.35 | 39.42 | 46.41 | 53.98 |
5 | 61.38 | 55.02 | 85.21 | 74.23 | 69.10 | 74.06 | 89.35 | 88.73 | 74.51 | 77.23 | 92.42 | 91.75 |
6 | 68.90 | 73.71 | 97.18 | 80.31 | 92.52 | 94.23 | 97.59 | 97.62 | 97.04 | 97.90 | 97.96 | 98.19 |
7 | 38.11 | 56.80 | 64.58 | 60.39 | 28.52 | 29.10 | 61.23 | 61.04 | 56.22 | 53.82 | 81.33 | 71.89 |
8 | 77.12 | 87.39 | 99.84 | 89.10 | 96.84 | 98.83 | 99.86 | 99.81 | 99.81 | 99.83 | 99.83 | 99.79 |
9 | 24.62 | 20.01 | 81.08 | 39.60 | 25.03 | 26.61 | 81.20 | 79.68 | 73.88 | 73.93 | 80.34 | 79.03 |
10 | 46.77 | 43.29 | 57.60 | 57.66 | 34.88 | 34.35 | 57.81 | 60.08 | 45.63 | 46.59 | 56.66 | 58.37 |
11 | 48.73 | 50.98 | 66.44 | 55.36 | 41.81 | 53.06 | 66.17 | 67.86 | 52.04 | 60.77 | 69.22 | 71.61 |
12 | 26.28 | 28.31 | 61.31 | 36.92 | 37.96 | 38.06 | 60.56 | 57.50 | 46.19 | 51.53 | 64.85 | 64.34 |
13 | 85.68 | 83.23 | 99.23 | 88.16 | 96.76 | 96.99 | 99.15 | 98.90 | 98.91 | 99.27 | 99.60 | 99.41 |
14 | 76.75 | 78.87 | 89.22 | 82.70 | 85.81 | 88.12 | 91.57 | 90.95 | 85.47 | 88.30 | 93.18 | 95.11 |
15 | 30.73 | 19.03 | 81.53 | 38.46 | 60.38 | 62.74 | 83.55 | 82.73 | 68.39 | 69.76 | 82.06 | 85.36 |
16 | 73.24 | 75.93 | 83.13 | 87.75 | 95.58 | 97.26 | 82.94 | 83.16 | 66.14 | 69.46 | 87.97 | 84.49 |
OA | 49.60 | 51.75 | 72.88 | 59.09 | 53.88 | 56.51 | 73.28 | 73.53 | 62.56 | 65.33 | 74.12 | 75.62 |
AA | 60.93 | 59.62 | 79.29 | 70.12 | 68.85 | 70.04 | 79.99 | 79.48 | 70.64 | 70.92 | 80.47 | 81.05 |
43.84 | 45.70 | 69.18 | 54.36 | 48.75 | 51.44 | 69.71 | 69.89 | 57.42 | 60.09 | 70.59 | 72.23 | |
F-Measure | 49.85 | 51.09 | 76.90 | 60.58 | 58.72 | 60.60 | 77.18 | 76.78 | 68.16 | 68.98 | 78.87 | 79.10 |
Class | Spec | 2DBF | 3DBF | |||||||||
SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | |
1 a | 71.43 | 77.56 | 79.24 | 73.88 | 71.35 | 72.65 | 79.44 | 79.00 | 61.97 | 76.91 | 80.30 | 81.21 |
2 | 58.68 | 59.85 | 78.14 | 69.26 | 66.55 | 66.76 | 78.96 | 79.95 | 59.44 | 75.99 | 81.83 | 84.45 |
3 | 39.99 | 20.16 | 52.27 | 42.49 | 36.52 | 48.97 | 51.24 | 53.92 | 46.36 | 49.88 | 60.12 | 58.56 |
4 | 48.83 | 62.14 | 65.65 | 67.27 | 60.17 | 57.39 | 68.42 | 71.53 | 79.67 | 70.29 | 79.52 | 84.57 |
5 | 53.20 | 89.41 | 96.23 | 93.09 | 94.85 | 82.61 | 96.11 | 96.45 | 95.76 | 96.64 | 97.10 | 97.29 |
6 | 32.20 | 36.39 | 56.88 | 38.01 | 44.92 | 47.43 | 56.64 | 58.43 | 60.71 | 52.91 | 60.21 | 62.60 |
7 | 63.78 | 51.27 | 52.65 | 54.75 | 46.10 | 47.63 | 53.33 | 53.44 | 76.52 | 51.07 | 56.45 | 59.25 |
8 | 57.80 | 64.92 | 67.92 | 64.05 | 60.78 | 63.34 | 68.28 | 68.38 | 60.60 | 66.01 | 71.60 | 71.54 |
9 | 95.61 | 99.92 | 95.91 | 99.90 | 94.55 | 93.84 | 95.44 | 95.63 | 96.98 | 94.52 | 96.31 | 96.28 |
OA | 53.62 | 60.17 | 71.83 | 63.66 | 61.80 | 62.62 | 72.32 | 73.29 | 63.39 | 69.87 | 75.78 | 77.94 |
AA | 63.76 | 69.53 | 76.08 | 72.85 | 70.21 | 70.66 | 76.37 | 77.33 | 70.89 | 75.43 | 80.43 | 81.36 |
44.18 | 51.33 | 64.24 | 54.62 | 52.81 | 53.81 | 64.85 | 66.04 | 54.47 | 62.07 | 69.26 | 71.82 | |
F-Measure | 57.95 | 62.40 | 71.65 | 66.97 | 63.98 | 64.51 | 71.98 | 72.97 | 64.82 | 70.47 | 75.94 | 77.30 |
Class | Spec | 2DBF | 3DBF | |||||||||
SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | SVM | LapSVM | CDL-MD-L | GANs | |
1 a | 82.66 | 87.42 | 97.35 | 92.06 | 82.37 | 93.65 | 97.81 | 97.89 | 94.24 | 93.82 | 97.75 | 98.18 |
2 | 86.98 | 92.44 | 98.01 | 92.98 | 88.92 | 94.71 | 98.25 | 98.30 | 95.93 | 95.70 | 98.37 | 98.63 |
3 | 46.08 | 32.97 | 89.44 | 66.85 | 46.42 | 65.43 | 89.60 | 90.14 | 67.57 | 68.24 | 90.88 | 92.86 |
4 | 96.56 | 96.00 | 95.04 | 96.47 | 88.05 | 93.57 | 95.95 | 96.05 | 95.04 | 95.10 | 96.18 | 94.63 |
5 | 87.68 | 84.84 | 93.79 | 90.16 | 81.58 | 87.39 | 94.35 | 94.48 | 88.76 | 89.75 | 95.52 | 94.10 |
6 | 98.88 | 94.60 | 98.08 | 98.72 | 98.84 | 97.25 | 98.19 | 98.91 | 96.97 | 97.04 | 98.94 | 99.64 |
7 | 91.97 | 93.90 | 97.20 | 93.71 | 93.05 | 93.39 | 97.19 | 97.17 | 93.43 | 93.46 | 97.22 | 98.18 |
8 | 56.12 | 59.05 | 66.00 | 58.39 | 68.87 | 58.12 | 69.10 | 68.05 | 59.30 | 61.64 | 73.27 | 76.40 |
9 | 93.92 | 96.45 | 98.04 | 96.49 | 97.91 | 97.02 | 98.20 | 98.20 | 97.46 | 97.49 | 98.33 | 98.45 |
10 | 52.58 | 69.94 | 76.58 | 71.22 | 43.17 | 65.56 | 77.37 | 79.16 | 65.01 | 64.47 | 81.58 | 83.23 |
11 | 61.79 | 71.97 | 83.86 | 73.16 | 55.93 | 74.06 | 84.04 | 86.07 | 74.48 | 74.72 | 84.05 | 88.22 |
12 | 72.09 | 75.79 | 97.52 | 83.88 | 72.09 | 82.98 | 97.61 | 97.70 | 83.76 | 82.06 | 96.02 | 98.18 |
13 | 72.10 | 77.04 | 84.87 | 78.53 | 75.46 | 78.43 | 88.99 | 89.04 | 79.28 | 79.97 | 85.15 | 89.56 |
14 | 79.22 | 81.93 | 81.64 | 79.74 | 74.10 | 80.11 | 82.54 | 81.24 | 81.75 | 80.82 | 82.18 | 85.53 |
15 | 55.90 | 56.25 | 56.73 | 51.64 | 59.81 | 50.32 | 55.05 | 61.31 | 55.52 | 54.94 | 56.34 | 67.11 |
16 | 62.32 | 76.79 | 88.19 | 73.46 | 78.34 | 71.90 | 87.53 | 91.80 | 69.92 | 71.45 | 92.57 | 94.58 |
OA | 73.22 | 74.23 | 82.72 | 77.17 | 75.15 | 76.47 | 83.53 | 84.38 | 77.78 | 78.12 | 85.11 | 87.63 |
AA | 77.92 | 78.89 | 89.48 | 83.18 | 77.45 | 82.75 | 89.88 | 90.71 | 83.57 | 83.90 | 90.61 | 92.30 |
70.40 | 71.47 | 80.84 | 74.70 | 72.44 | 73.93 | 81.71 | 82.69 | 75.39 | 75.77 | 83.44 | 86.26 | |
F-Measure | 74.80 | 77.96 | 87.65 | 81.09 | 75.31 | 80.24 | 88.24 | 89.09 | 81.15 | 81.29 | 89.02 | 91.09 |
Methods | Z | Z | Z |
(Indian Pines Data) | (University of Pavia Data) | (Salinas Data) | |
3DBF-GANs vs. Spec-SVM | 28.04 | 42.21 | 40.21 |
3DBF-GANs vs. Spec-LapSVM | 26.93 | 41.45 | 38.54 |
3DBF-GANs vs. Spec-CDL-MD-L | 5.91 | 18.52 | 17.24 |
3DBF-GANs vs. Spec-GANs | 18.62 | 30.72 | 18.38 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 2DBF-SVM | 25.01 | 41.32 | 29.31 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 2DBF-LapSVM | 19.63 | 39.79 | 24.52 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 2DBF-CDL-MD-L | 4.72 | 17.92 | 20.11 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 2DBF-GANs | 4.45 | 17.63 | 19.54 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 3DBF-SVM | 16.71 | 38.22 | 18.91 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 3DBF-LapSVM | 15.57 | 25.07 | 18.57 |
3DBF-GANs vs. 3DBF-CDL-MD-L | 1.64 | 10.37 | 16.81 |
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He, Z.; Liu, H.; Wang, Y.; Hu, J. Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 1042.
He Z, Liu H, Wang Y, Hu J. Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sensing. 2017; 9(10):1042.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHe, Zhi, Han Liu, Yiwen Wang, and Jie Hu. 2017. "Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification" Remote Sensing 9, no. 10: 1042.
APA StyleHe, Z., Liu, H., Wang, Y., & Hu, J. (2017). Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification. Remote Sensing, 9(10), 1042.