Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis
"> Figure 1
<p>(<b>A</b>) Survey locations of the XL Catlin Seaview Survey in the (<b>B</b>) Great Barrier Reef (solid line) and Coral Sea Commonwealth Marine Reserve (dotted line), Queensland, Australia. Survey transects are shown in blue, while test sites are highlighted in red; (<b>C</b>) A detail of a specific transect is shown, where the sampling unit is depicted in red; (<b>D</b>) Images are collected along each 2-km transect using a customised diver propulsion vehicle; (<b>E</b>) Capturing underwater imagery of the reef benthos every three seconds.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Spatial (S) and temporal (T) errors from automated benthic estimations across the GBR and CSCMR. Errors are presented for each one of the 19 labels presented in <a href="#remotesensing-08-00030-t001" class="html-table">Table 1</a>, where the short name for each label is detailed, and aggregated by functional groups (“Hard Corals”, “Algae”, “Other” and “Soft Coral”). Points represent the mean machine error and error bars represent the machine error margins.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparisons of automated and manually estimated benthic composition among test sites, using: (<b>A</b>) Diversity index of Shannon; (<b>B</b>) Evenness index of Pielou; and (<b>C</b>) Community dissimilarity index of Bray-Curtis. The first two panels (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) represent a correlation plot of estimated (by the machine) and observed (by human annotator) values of diversity and evenness for each test site. The continuous line in both plots represents a fitted linear regression model to evaluate the relationship between observed and estimated values. Linear fit, Coefficient of Determination (<span class="html-italic">R</span><sup>2</sup>) and significance (<span class="html-italic">p</span>-value) are shown in the graph. In panel C, the range of community dissimilarity values between automatically and manually estimated benthic composition for each test site is presented in a density histogram (light grey). Overall dissimilarity among all test sites (manually estimated only) across the GBR and CSCMR (dark grey) is included for context.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Inter-observer variability in the estimation of benthic composition for a subset of sites (<span class="html-italic">n</span> = 5) compared against the error introduced by the automated annotator. Error is presented for each one of the 19 labels presented in <a href="#remotesensing-08-00030-t001" class="html-table">Table 1</a> and aggregated by functional groups (“Hard Corals”, “Algae”, “Other” and “Soft Coral”). Points represent the mean machine error and error bars represent the machine error margins.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Examples of multivariate spatial autocorrelation of benthic communities in the GBR and CSCMR. These correlograms show the spatial autocorrelation structure of two transects as an example of the spatial structure of reef benthic assemblages with (<b>A</b>) large and (<b>B</b>) small spatial range. Autocorrelation is calculated by Mantel correlation index of spatially de-trended data as a function of linear distance between sample points. The line represents the fitted spline after 1000 permutations of the data and the shaded polygon shows the standard deviation of these permutations. Vertical dotted lines represent the range of the standard deviation where the splines intercept the x axis, or the range of distance between sampling points from where spatial autocorrelation is minimal (spatial range).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Spatial range (patch size) of benthic community assemblages across the GBR and CSCMR using 107 transects automatically annotated (see main manuscript for details). Here, the spatial range has been defined by the x-intercept of spatial autocorrelation splines, the point where the correlation between community distance and geographic distance becomes minimal. Each box-plot represents the outputs of 1000 bootstrap simulations of the autocorrelation spline for each transect, colour-coded according to the geographic location. The horizontal solid line shows the overall mean of the spline intercept and the dotted line represents the upper 95% percentile across the dataset.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Study Site
2.2. Field Image Collection
2.3. Image Analysis
2.3.1. Label Set for Benthic Categories
Group | Short Name | Taxonomic Description | Overall Functional Attributes | Ref. |
Hard Coral | Acr. branching | Family Acroporidae, branching morphology (excluding hispidose type branching). | Major reef framework builders. Competitive life-history strategy: fast-growing species, spawning reproduction, high susceptibility to thermal stress (bleaching) and wave action. Provide habitat to a range of other reef-dwelling species. | [41,42,43,44,45,46,47] |
Acr. hispidose | Family Acroporidae, hispidose morphology | Competitive life-history strategy: fast-growing species, spawning reproduction, high susceptibility to thermal stress (bleaching) and wave action. | [44,45,46,47] | |
Acr. other | Other corals from the family Acroporidae (e.g., Isopora) | Brooding reproduction, severe/high susceptibility to thermal stress, and low/moderate susceptibility to wave action. | [44,45,47,48] | |
Acr. encrusting | Family Acroporidae, plate and encrusting morphologies | Major reef framework builders. Competitive and generalist life-history strategies: fast/moderate growth rates, spawning reproduction, high/severe susceptibility to thermal stress, moderate to low susceptibility to wave action. | [43,44,45,46,48] | |
Acr. Tabular | Family Acroporidae, table, corymbose and digitate morphologies | Major reef framework builders. Competitive life-history strategy: fast-growing species, spawning reproduction, high/severe susceptibility to thermal stress (bleaching), and high to low susceptibility to wave action. High to moderate susceptibility to disease outbreaks. Largely contribute to reef structural complexity. | [43,44,45,46,49,50] | |
Massive meandroid | Families Favidae and Mussidae, massive and meandroid morphologies | Major reef framework builders. Stress-tolerant life history: slow-growing species, spawning reproduction, moderate susceptibility to thermal stress, and low susceptibility to wave action. | [43,44,45,46,48] | |
Other corals | Other hard coral including all other groups not represented by the other coral categories of this label set. | Mixed attributes. Low/moderate susceptibility to thermal stress. | [51] | |
Pocillopora | Family Pocilloporidae | Reef framework builders. Competitive and weedy life-history strategies: early colonisers in reef succession trajectories, fast-growing species, brooding reproduction, highly susceptible to thermal stress, but moderate resistant to wave action. High prevalence of coral diseases. | [43,44,45,46,48,51,52] | |
Por. branching | Family Poritidae, branching morphology | Weedy life-history strategy: spawning reproduction, high/moderate susceptibility to thermal stress. | [45,46,53] | |
Por. encrusting | Family Poritidae, encrusting morphology | Brooding reproduction. Low/moderate susceptible to thermal stress. | [51,54] | |
Por. massive | Family Poritidae, massive morphology | Major reef framework builders. Stress-tolerant life history: slow-growing species, spawning reproduction, low/moderate susceptibility to thermal stress, and low susceptibility to wave action. | [43,44,45,46,48] | |
Algae | CCA | Crustose Coralline Algae | Major reef framework builders and cementers. Provide key contribution to coral reef primary production. Facilitation of coral recruitment. | [55,56,57,58] |
Macroalgae | Macroalgae. All genera. | Key contribution to coral reef primary production. Provide food source and habitat to a range of other reef dwelling species. Critical role during phase shifts. | [59,60,61,62] | |
Turf | Multi-specific algal assemblage of 1 cm or less in height | Provide key contribution to coral reef primary production. Nitrogen fixation. Provide food source and habitat to a range of other reef dwelling species. | [63,64,65,66] | |
Others | Sand | Unconsolidated reef sediment | Not applicable (N/A) | N/A |
Other Invert. | Other sessile invertebrates | Mixed attributes. | N/A | |
Soft Coral | Alc. Soft coral | Soft coral, family Alcyoniidae, genera Lobophytum and Sarcophytum. | An important contributor to reef’s structural complexity and biodiversity, providing habitat to a range of other reef-dwelling species. Slow-growing and suspension feeders. Spawning and asexual propagation. Deplete large amounts of suspended particulate matter. | [67,68,69,70] |
Gorg. Soft coral | Sea fans and plumes | Provide habitat to a range of other reef-dwelling species. Spawning and brooding reproduction. Suspension feeders. | [67,68,69] | |
Other Soft coral | Other Soft corals | Mixed attributes. | N/A |
2.3.2. Point Annotations
Description | # Images | # Points·Image−1 | # Sites |
Training of automated annotator | 1237 | 100 | N/A |
Spatial error | 1042 | 40 | 41 |
Temporal error | 335 | 40 | 7 |
Inter-observer variability | 124 | 40 | 5 |
2.3.3. Automated Estimation of Benthic Composition
2.4. Validation of Automated Analysis of Field Imagery
2.4.1. Evaluation Sites
2.4.2. Estimating Error across Space
2.4.3. Estimating Error in Detecting Change over Time
2.4.4. Inter-Observer Variability
3. Results
3.1. Estimating Error across Space
3.2. Estimating Error in Detecting Change over Time
3.3. Inter-Observer Variability
4. Discussion
4.1. Error across Space
4.2. Error in Detecting Change over Time
4.3. Sources of Error
4.4. Future Directions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Defining Sampling Units by Structure Functions
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González-Rivero, M.; Beijbom, O.; Rodriguez-Ramirez, A.; Holtrop, T.; González-Marrero, Y.; Ganase, A.; Roelfsema, C.; Phinn, S.; Hoegh-Guldberg, O. Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 30.
González-Rivero M, Beijbom O, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Holtrop T, González-Marrero Y, Ganase A, Roelfsema C, Phinn S, Hoegh-Guldberg O. Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(1):30.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález-Rivero, Manuel, Oscar Beijbom, Alberto Rodriguez-Ramirez, Tadzio Holtrop, Yeray González-Marrero, Anjani Ganase, Chris Roelfsema, Stuart Phinn, and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg. 2016. "Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis" Remote Sensing 8, no. 1: 30.
APA StyleGonzález-Rivero, M., Beijbom, O., Rodriguez-Ramirez, A., Holtrop, T., González-Marrero, Y., Ganase, A., Roelfsema, C., Phinn, S., & Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2016). Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 30.