Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review
"> Figure 1
<p>Spatial scale of the reviewed papers: significant positive correlation between log-transformed study area size and spatial resolution (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.61, <span class="html-italic">p</span>-value < 0.001).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Classification accuracy in the reviewed papers: (<b>a</b>) histogram of the highest overall classification accuracy from 61 reported cases, and (<b>b</b>) distribution of classification accuracies with respect to the number of classes in the scheme (multiple statistics reported in some papers).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Applications of classification approaches by general method type and publication year.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. The Scope of Reviewed Papers
2.1. Research Objectives and Focus
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- Classification of within-wetland cover types and/or vegetation: mapping within-wetland surface composition and vegetation types, sometimes targeting specific classes such as invasive plant species (e.g., [5,8,12,13,17,23,24,25,28,30,32,34,41,45,48,49,50,52,53,57,68,69,74,75,76,77,79,80,81,82,83,84,85]);
- (4)
- (5)
- Analysis of within-wetland biophysical and ecological properties using OBIA outcomes for subsequent ecological study: wildlife habitat analyses [25,26,56,58,63], spatial modeling of ecosystem properties such as carbon stocks [70], net primary productivity [78], wetland geomorphology and vegetation structure [42,77,88], and analyses of disturbance [60,61,64].
Region | No. | Wetland Types and Corresponding References | Study Area Range (km2) | Spatial Resolution (m) |
Africa | 4 | River floodplain [37]and inland seasonally flooded freshwater [38]; mangroves and coastal marshes [39,40] | 134.6–6400 | 12.5–30 |
Australia | 4 | Mangroves [ 22] and riparian wetlands [59,79] | 2–10 | 2.4–4 |
Canada | 12 | Diverse peatland types [ 27,43,44,45,46,47], coastal freshwater and estuarine marshes [48,49,50], river floodplain [51], small isolated freshwater wetlands [26] and riparian [52] | 16–1467 | 0.2–30 |
China | 10 | Inland seasonally flooded freshwater [ 7,17,53,54], river floodplain wetlands [55,56], coastal salt marshes [34,57,58], alpine wetlands of Tibet Plateau [55,59] | 2.3–356,000 | 0.61–32 |
Other South & East Asia | 6 | Tropical peat swamps [ 60,61], peatland [5], mangroves [24,62] and river floodplain [63] | 0.1–5331 | 0.02–30 |
Europe | 9 | Diverse peatland types and bogs [ 64,65,66,67], river floodplain [68,69,70,71] and coastal saltwater marshes [72] | 0.4–1500 | 0.3–30 |
Siberia | 1 | Peatland [ 73] | 125,000 | 300 |
Central & South America | 11 | River floodplains [ 74,75,76,77,78], inland permanent and seasonally flooded freshwater wetlands [79,80], mangroves [12,23,81,82] | 16-1,777,000 | 1-125 |
USA | 16 | River floodplain wetlands [ 8,29,83], coastal freshwater, brackish and salt marshes [13,25,28,30,32,84,85], isolated freshwater wetlands of different types [6,15,16,18,86,87] | 0.4-5,400 | 0.2-30 |
2.2. General Characteristics of Input Data and Classification Accuracy
3. Strengths and Benefits of the OBIA Framework in Wetland Analyses
3.1. Background on General OBIA Principles
3.2. Using Image Segmentation to Address Heterogeneity and Noise
3.3. Detection and Delineation of Wetlands as Landscape Units
3.4. Stepwise and Hierarchical Relationships in Advanced Wetland Classifications
3.5. Diversity of Object-Level Variables for Class Delineation and Discrimination
3.5.1. Spectral Variables
3.5.2. Texture Variables
3.5.3. Shape and Contextual Variables
3.6. Object-Based Approaches for Wetland Change Analysis
4. Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Wetland OBIA Applications
4.1. Accuracy in Wetland OBIA
- Spatial scale and spectral properties of image data as inputs to segmentation;
- The choice of segmentation parameters to generate objects as classification units;
- The choice of object attributes to discriminate among classes;
- The choice of a classification approach and statistical algorithm.
4.2. Spatial Scale of Research Questions and Input Data
4.3. Characteristics of Remote Sensors
4.4. The Challenge of Segmentation Parameter Selection
4.5. The Challenge of Selecting Object Attributes for Classification
4.6. Importance of the Classification Method
5. Conclusions
5.1. Key Summary Points from the Reviewed Studies
- OBIA is useful for alleviating local spatial heterogeneity of wetland cover as a “smart filtering” strategy, particularly with high and very high resolution data. Integrating pixel signals at the scale of image objects allows smoothing some of the local noise and accentuating spectral contrasts among the target cover types. This advantage becomes especially important for resolving fine-scale wetland composition with high-resolution data, where high local variation in pixel values may be caused by the detail on structural and ecological vegetation properties, shading and small ground surface elements. Furthermore, reducing local heterogeneity does not require an exclusive match between semantic “ground” objects and the segmentation output; on the contrary, it is often achieved by the use of small primitive objects that “absorb” local noise or spatial autocorrelation and serve as mapping units to recover larger patches through classification.
- OBIA is useful for mapping isolated wetlands as semantic objects. The object-based framework is useful for capturing the contrast in topographic, hydrological, geometric and ecological characteristics between wetland units and their landscape matrix, either based on image spectral data alone, or using ancillary geospatial information. This allows delineating whole wetlands as landscape entities and makes OBIA especially useful for studying small, hard-to-detect isolated wetlands scattered in mixed-cover landscapes [6,26,86,87].
- OBIA framework facilitates hierarchical approaches to detection and classification of wetland ecosystems and their components. Creating spatially linked nested object layers allows preserving object boundaries at different classification and analysis levels and controlling for the effects of the outlying pixels. In wetland studies, this capacity allows to build multi-step analyses, often starting by separating wetlands from other landscape cover types and then characterizing their nested cover types and habitat elements using topographic, hydrological and vegetation-based strata. This strategy allows resolving specific confusions among classes individually and incorporating expert knowledge and ancillary data into the analysis. However, it is likely that classification error accumulates when classification results from one hierarchical level are used as the input to steps at the next level. Such error propagation has not been investigated extensively and calls for more efforts to determine its effects on classification uncertainty.
- Flexibility of the OBIA framework is coupled with the risk of overly subjective algorithms that may be difficult to validate, reproduce or generalize. Flexible implementation of OBIA algorithms enables the researcher to develop custom procedures adaptable to the study objectives and specifics of a given landscape. However, different stages of the analysis require decisions on input datasets, segmentation parameters, discriminating attributes and classification methods that may be difficult to pre-test in their entirety. To narrow down the options, OBIA studies often have to rely on prior knowledge of the landscape and expert judgment, which may introduce subjective biases. To reduce the effect of subjectivity while preserving the contribution of expert knowledge, future studies should more rigorously utilize statistical and machine-learning techniques in attribute selection and classification to explore candidate methodologies with lower cost of time and labor.
- The capacity to use OBIA to monitor wetland change and long-term dynamics is still under-developed compared to strategies for single-date or same-year seasonal analyses. Most of the reviewed studies applied OBIA to produce “static” classifications and maps, using either single-date data or multi-temporal images highlighting class differences in surface phenology. In contrast, applications of OBIA to wetland dynamics are still relatively few, conducted mainly as post-classification overlay of mapped cover type extents. Quantifying wetland change from such analyses is likely to be affected by segmentation and classification inaccuracies at individual dates. An under-explored but promising alternative strategy is to trace the “fate” of object geometry and spatial context relationships [106]. Advancing this technique in wetlands would enable novel approaches to modeling their dynamics and uncovering the drivers of their landscape processes.
- A number of wetland-specific challenges to remote sensing-based landscape inference remain important concerns in OBIA, despite its ability to alleviate local surface heterogeneity and reduce “salt-and-pepper” speckle. Spectral similarity of diverse classes due to homogenizing effects of moisture or dead vegetation signals may reduce classification accuracy and the effectiveness of class discrimination. In highly diverse mixed-community wetlands, subpixel heterogeneity, mixing of class signals and dilution of fine morphological features limits separability of cover types even at very high spatial resolutions of the input data [5,22,88]. Difficulties in field access and mobility often constrain the feasible scope of field sampling [7,32] and thus may limit sample representativeness for classification training and testing [51]. Advances in very high resolution and near-surface remote sensing are promising for resolving these issues by providing more detailed and comprehensive descriptions of wetland surfaces and enabling more effective use of texture to discriminate classes based on spatial structure and intrinsic patterns.
5.2. Future Research Needs for OBIA in Wetlands
Conflicts of Interest
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Dronova, I. Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review. Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 6380-6413. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70506380
Dronova I. Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review. Remote Sensing. 2015; 7(5):6380-6413. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70506380
Chicago/Turabian StyleDronova, Iryna. 2015. "Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review" Remote Sensing 7, no. 5: 6380-6413. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70506380
APA StyleDronova, I. (2015). Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review. Remote Sensing, 7(5), 6380-6413. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70506380