Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite’s MWHS-2 Data Assimilation
<p>The moving track and strength change of super typhoon Lekima from 6 August to 13 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The simulation domain of WRF model.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The track for: (<b>a</b>) exp1, exp2, and exp3, (<b>b</b>) exp3, exp4, and exp5, (<b>c</b>) exp6, exp7, and exp8, (<b>d</b>) all the experiments for the 42 h forecasts from 0600 UTC 8 August to 0000 UTC 10 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The mean track error (units: km) with forecast leading time for different experiments from 0600 UTC 8 August to 0000 UTC 10 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) Max wind speed (units: m/s) and (<b>b</b>) minimum sea level pressure (units: MB) forecast errors by lead time from 0600 UTC 8 August to 0000 UTC 10 August 2019, initialized at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019 for the eight different sensitivity experiments.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The distribution of Tb (units: K) for: (<b>a</b>) the background, (<b>b</b>) the analysis, (<b>c</b>) the observation, (<b>d</b>) the observation minus the background with BC (bias correction), and (<b>e</b>) the observation minus the analysis, valid at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Scatterplots for MWHS-2 assimilation in (<b>a</b>) observation vs. background without BC, (<b>b</b>) observation vs. background with BC, (<b>c</b>) observation vs. analysis with BC, from channel 15, valid at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The histogram of residual frequency distribution at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019 for (<b>a</b>) OMB, (<b>b</b>) OMA.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The 850 hPa water vapor increment (units: g/kg) between the analysis and the background at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Vertical profiles of the mean increment for different model variables at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The geopotential height (shaded, units: gpm) from (<b>a</b>) the background and (<b>b</b>) the analysis at 500 hPa, and wind (wind shaft, units: m/s) in the background at 0600 UTC 8 August 2019.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>(<b>a</b>) mean range error (units: km), (<b>b</b>) max wind speed (units: m/s), (<b>c</b>) minimum sea level pressure (units: MB), and (<b>d</b>) the typhoon’s tracks for numerical experiments and observed track from 0600 UTC 8 August to 0000 UTC 10 August 2019.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Data, Model, and Methodology
2.1. MWHS-2 Radiance Data
2.2. WRF Model and Data Assimilation
2.2.1. WRF Model
2.2.2. WRF-3DVar Assimilation System
2.3. Radiance Data Assimilation Methodology
- (1)
- Eliminate all channels with mixed observation data from the land surface.
- (2)
- Eliminate the satellite data detected at large scanning angles.
- (3)
- Eliminate data if the absolute difference between the bias-corrected brightness temperature (Tb) and the simulated Tb exceeds 15 K or if it is three times larger than that of the specified observation error.
- (4)
- Delete data with high scattering index (SI), which is the difference of the observed values in channel 1 (89 GHz) and channel 10 (150 GHz). Data are removed when SI exceeds the relative high threshold of 5 K [18].
3. Case Overview and Experimental Design
3.1. Overview of Super Typhoon Lekima
3.2. The Experimental Setups
4. Results
4.1. Parameterization Sensitivity Experiments
4.1.1. The Typhoon’s Track
4.1.2. The Typhoon’s Intensity
4.2. MWHS-2 Data Assimilation Experiment
4.2.1. The Impact on the Analysis
4.2.2. Track and Intensity Forecast
5. Summary
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Channel | Center Frequency (GHz) | Direction of Polarization (Vertical—V/Horizontal—H) | Bandwidth (MHz) | Calibration Accuracy (K) | Sensitivity (K) |
1 | 89 | V | 1500 | 1.3 | 1 |
2 | 118.75 ± 0.08 | H | 20 | 2 | 3.6 |
3 | 118.75 ± 0.2 | H | 100 | 2 | 2 |
4 | 118.75 ± 0.3 | H | 165 | 2 | 1.6 |
5 | 118.75 ± 0.8 | H | 200 | 2 | 1.6 |
6 | 118.75 ± 1.1 | H | 200 | 2 | 1.6 |
7 | 118.75 ± 2.5 | H | 200 | 2 | 1 |
8 | 118.75 ± 3.0 | H | 1000 | 2 | 1 |
9 | 118.75 ± 5.0 | H | 2000 | 2 | 1 |
10 | 150 | V | 1500 | 1.3 | 1 |
11 | 183.31 ± 1 | H | 500 | 1.3 | 1 |
12 | 183.31 ± 1.8 | H | 700 | 1.3 | 1 |
13 | 183.31 ± 3.0 | H | 1000 | 1.3 | 1 |
14 | 183.31 ± 4.5 | H | 2000 | 1.3 | 1 |
15 | 183.31 ± 7 | H | 2000 | 1.3 | 1 |
Physical Process | Options | Parameterization Schemes | Short Name |
mp_physics | 10 | Morrison 2-moment scheme | Morrison |
8 | Thompson scheme | Thompson | |
6 | WRF single-moment 6-class scheme | WSM6 | |
16 | WRF double Moment 5-class and 6-class schemes | WDM6 | |
ra_lw_physics | 1 | RRTM longwave Scheme | RL |
4 | RRTMG shortwave and longwave schemes | RGSL | |
ra_sw_physics | 1 | Dudhia Shortwave scheme | DS |
2 | Goddard shortwave Scheme | GS | |
4 | RRTMG shortwave and longwave schemes | RGSL | |
sf_sfclay_physics | 1 | Revised MM5 scheme | RMM5 |
2 | Eta similarity Scheme | ES | |
sf_surface_physics | 1 | 5–layer thermal diffusion scheme | 5-LTD |
2 | Unified Noah land surface model | UNLS | |
bl_pbl_physics | 1 | Yonsei University scheme (YSU) | YSU |
2 | Mellor–Yamada–Janjic scheme (MYJ) | MYJ |
UTC | Typhoon Center/(°N, °E) | MSLP/hPa | Maximum Wind Speed/(m/s) | Move Speed/(km/h) | Moving Direction | |
August | 8th, 0600 | 23.7, 125.5 | 925 | 55 | 18 | Northwest |
8th, 1200 | 24.4, 125.0 | 920 | 58 | 22 | Northwest | |
8th, 1800 | 25.4, 124.5 | 915 | 62 | 22 | Northwest | |
9th, 0000 | 26.5, 123.4 | 920 | 58 | 13 | Northwest | |
9th, 0600 | 27.0, 122.6 | 920 | 58 | 15 | Northwest | |
9th, 1200 | 27.5, 122.0 | 935 | 52 | 15 | Northwest | |
9th, 1800 | 28.3, 121.4 | 930 | 52 | 18 | North-Northwest | |
10th, 0000 | 28.9, 120.8 | 970 | 33 | 15 | North-Northwest |
Test exps | exp1 | exp2 | exp3 | exp4 | exp5 | exp6 | exp7 | exp8 | |
Physical Process | |||||||||
mp_physics | 10-Morrison | 10-Morrison | 8-Thompson | 8-Thompson | 8-Thompson | 6-WSM6 | 16-WDM6 | 6-WSM6 | |
ra_lw_physics | 1-RL | 4-RGSL | 4-RGSL | 1-RL | 1-RL | 1-RL | 1-RL | 4-RGSL | |
ra_sw_physics | 1-DS | 4-RGSL | 4-RGSL | 1-DS | 2-GS | 1-DS | 1-DS | 4-RGSL | |
sf_sfclay_physics | 2-ES | 2-ES | 2-ES | 2-ES | 1-RMM5 | 1-RMM5 | 1-RMM5 | 1-RMM5 | |
sf_surface_physics | 2-UNLS | 2-UNLS | 2-UNLS | 1-5LTD | 1-5LTD | 2-UNLS | 2-UNLS | 2-UNLS | |
bl_pbl_physics | 2-MYJ | 2-MYJ | 2-MYJ | 2-MYJ | 1-YSU | 1-YSU | 1-YSU | 1-YSU | |
num_soli_layers | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
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Share and Cite
Xu, D.; Zhang, X.; Li, H.; Wu, H.; Shen, F.; Shu, A.; Wang, Y.; Zhuang, X. Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite’s MWHS-2 Data Assimilation. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4556. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13224556
Xu D, Zhang X, Li H, Wu H, Shen F, Shu A, Wang Y, Zhuang X. Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite’s MWHS-2 Data Assimilation. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(22):4556. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13224556
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Dongmei, Xuewei Zhang, Hong Li, Haiying Wu, Feifei Shen, Aiqing Shu, Yi Wang, and Xiaoran Zhuang. 2021. "Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite’s MWHS-2 Data Assimilation" Remote Sensing 13, no. 22: 4556. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13224556
APA StyleXu, D., Zhang, X., Li, H., Wu, H., Shen, F., Shu, A., Wang, Y., & Zhuang, X. (2021). Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite’s MWHS-2 Data Assimilation. Remote Sensing, 13(22), 4556. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13224556