A Priority Data Association Policy for Multitarget Tracking on Intelligent Vehicle Risk Assessment
"> Figure 1
<p>Finite state machine diagram.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Priority data association policy diagram.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Configuration of the host and target vehicle.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Test scenarios. (<b>a</b>) Scenario 1; (<b>b</b>) Scenario 2; (<b>c</b>) Scenario 3; (<b>d</b>) Scenario 4.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Real test for scenario 1. (<b>a</b>) NNDA-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>b</b>) PDAP-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>c</b>) RMS for tracking target #1; (<b>d</b>) RMS for tracking target #2.</p> "> Figure 5 Cont.
<p>Real test for scenario 1. (<b>a</b>) NNDA-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>b</b>) PDAP-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>c</b>) RMS for tracking target #1; (<b>d</b>) RMS for tracking target #2.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Real test for scenario 2. (<b>a</b>) NNDA-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>b</b>) PDAP-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>c</b>) RMS for tracking target #1; (<b>d</b>) RMS for tracking target #2.</p> "> Figure 6 Cont.
<p>Real test for scenario 2. (<b>a</b>) NNDA-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>b</b>) PDAP-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>c</b>) RMS for tracking target #1; (<b>d</b>) RMS for tracking target #2.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Real test for scenario 3. (<b>a</b>) NNDA-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>b</b>) PDAP-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>c</b>) RMS for tracking target #1; (<b>d</b>) RMS for tracking target #2.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Real test for scenario 4. (<b>a</b>) NNDA-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>b</b>) PDAP-CT-UKF multitarget tracking; (<b>c</b>) RMS for tracking target #1; (<b>d</b>) RMS for tracking target #2.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Formulation
2.1. Stochastic System
2.2. Coordinate Turn Process Model
2.3. Radar Nonlinear Measurement Model
2.4. Unscented Kalman Filter
- (1)
- Initialization: Parameters λ, , , Q, and R are chosen for a given initiation state X(0|0), covariance P(0|0), A(0), and Γ(0). If k ≥ 1, the following steps are taken:
- (2)
- Step 1: state prediction:
- (3)
- Step 2: covariance prediction:
- (4)
- Step 3: generate sigma points:
- (5)
- Step 4: measurement prediction based on sigma points:
- (6)
- Step 5: mean measurement prediction:
- (7)
- Step 6: mean measurement covariance prediction:
- (8)
- Step 7: calculate Kalman gain:
- (9)
- Step 8: update state estimation:
- (10)
- Step 9: update covariance estimation:
3. Multitarget Tracking
3.1. Priority Data Association Policy
3.2. Track Management
4. Discussion
- (1)
- Scenario 1: the host vehicle is stationary and the two target vehicles drive on a straight route;
- (2)
- Scenario 2: the car is stationary, target car #1 changes lanes, and target car #2 drives on a straight route;
- (3)
- Scenario 3: the host vehicle drives on a straight route and the two target cars drive on a straight route;
- (4)
- Scenario 4: the host vehicle drives on a straight route, target car #1 changes lanes, and target car #2 drives on a straight route.
Algorithm 1. Pseudocode of track management. |
Input: dnew: the new detected data by radar |
Data: Tuo: the Unclassified targets from the last cycle |
Tco: the Candidate targets from the last cycle |
Tao: the Activation targets from the last cycle |
Output: Tun: the updated Unclassified targets |
Tcn: the updated Candidate targets |
Tan: the updated Activation targets |
begin |
if dnew is empty |
if system is not initiation |
if Tuo is nonempty |
Ttp ← Unclassified_accumulation (Tuo) |
Tun ← Unclassified_dieout (Ttp) |
end |
if Tco is nonempty |
Ttp ← Candidate_accumulation (Tco) |
Tcn ← Candidate_dieout (Ttp) |
end |
if Tao is nonempty |
Ttp ← Track_dieout (Tao) |
Tcn ← Track_supplement (Ttp) |
end |
else |
Tun ← empty; Tcn ← empty; Tan ← empty |
end |
else |
if system is not initiation |
if Tao is nonempty |
Ttp ← Track_update (Tao, dnew) |
Tttp ← Track_dieout (Ttp) |
Tant ← Track_supplement (Tttp) |
end |
if Tco is nonempty |
Tantt, Ttp ← Track_initiation (Tco, dnew) |
Tttp ← Candidate_accumulation (Ttp) |
Tcnt ← Candidate_dieout (Tttp) |
end |
if Tuo is nonempty |
Tcntt, Ttp ← Unclassified_accumulation (Tuo, dnew) |
Tun ← Unclassified_dieout (Ttp) |
end |
else |
Tun ← Unclassified_accumulation (dnew) |
Tcn ← empty |
Tan ← empty |
end |
Tcn = Tcnt + Tcntt; Tan = Tant + Tantt |
end |
Tuo = Tun; Tco = Tcn; Tao = Tan |
end |
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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MRMS | Total Tracked Targets | MRMS | Total Tracked Targets | ||
Scenario 1 | Target #1 | 0.7416 m | 25 | 0.7416 m | 23 |
Target #2 | 0.7498 m | 0.7498 m | |||
Scenario 2 | Target #1 | 0.4348 m | 39 | 0.4348 m | 36 |
Target #2 | 0.7854 m | 0.7854 m | |||
Scenario 3 | Target #1 | 0.7032 m | 46 | 0.7032 m | 40 |
Target #2 | 0.9493 m | 0.9493 m | |||
Scenario 4 | Target #1 | 0.7645 m | 68 | 0.7645 m | 64 |
Target #2 | 0.8497 m | 0.8497 m |
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Zeng, D.; Xiong, L.; Yu, Z.; Chen, Q.; Fu, Z.; Li, Z.; Zhang, P.; Xu, P.; Qian, Z.; Xiao, H.; et al. A Priority Data Association Policy for Multitarget Tracking on Intelligent Vehicle Risk Assessment. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 3255. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12193255
Zeng D, Xiong L, Yu Z, Chen Q, Fu Z, Li Z, Zhang P, Xu P, Qian Z, Xiao H, et al. A Priority Data Association Policy for Multitarget Tracking on Intelligent Vehicle Risk Assessment. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(19):3255. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12193255
Chicago/Turabian StyleZeng, Dequan, Lu Xiong, Zhuoping Yu, Qiping Chen, Zhiqiang Fu, Zhuoren Li, Peizhi Zhang, Puhang Xu, Zixuan Qian, Hongyu Xiao, and et al. 2020. "A Priority Data Association Policy for Multitarget Tracking on Intelligent Vehicle Risk Assessment" Remote Sensing 12, no. 19: 3255. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12193255
APA StyleZeng, D., Xiong, L., Yu, Z., Chen, Q., Fu, Z., Li, Z., Zhang, P., Xu, P., Qian, Z., Xiao, H., Fang, P., Li, Z., & Leng, B. (2020). A Priority Data Association Policy for Multitarget Tracking on Intelligent Vehicle Risk Assessment. Remote Sensing, 12(19), 3255. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12193255