Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tower-Based Measurements Over Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Landscapes
<p>Geographical distribution of selected sites (Google Earth).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Photos taken at the Hainich FLUXNET tower site, and configuration of the albedometer (and AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) CIMEL sun photometer. Courtesy of Frank Tindemann (left) and Lukas Siebicke (right), Universität Göttingen.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Example of pyranometer for measuring diffuse radiation. An accurate sun-tracker is installed to shield the pyranometer from direct solar beam. Photo is courtesy of surface radiation budget network (SURFRAD) US-FPK site.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Time series of raw measurements at the NL-CAB tower site between 1 January, 2016 and 31 December, 2018. Incoming shortwave (SW_IN), outgoing shortwave (SW_OUT) and incoming diffuse shortwave radiation (SW_DIF) are represented by red, green and blue lines, respectively.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Comparison of unfiltered and filtered reflectance variations at the NL-CAB sites between the years 2016 and 2018.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Flowchart of Sensor Invariant Atmospheric Correction (SIAC) processing chain to produce updated atmospheric state, which is subsequently employed to generate the surface spectral Bi-Directional Reflectance Factor (BRFs).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Intercomparison of Landsat-8 spectral surface reflectance derived from Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC) algorithm and SIAC processing at band 2 (482 nm), band 3 (561 nm), band 4 (655 nm), band 5 (865 nm), band 6 (1609 nm) and band 7 (2200 nm). This example uses the Landsat-8 scene in a 10 km * 10 km region that centres at the US-SXF site on 15<sup>th</sup> November 2018.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Intercomparison of Sentinel-2 spectral surface reflectance derived from 6Sv, Sen2Cor and SIAC atmospheric corrections at band 1 (442.7 nm), band 2 (492.4 nm), band 3 (559.8 nm), band 4 (664.6 nm), band 5 (704.1 nm) and band 6 (7 40.5 nm), band 7 (782.8 nm), band 8 (832.8 nm) and band12 (2202.4 nm). This example uses the Sentinel-2A scene in a 10 km * 10 km region that centres at the US-SXF site on 2nd July 2017.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Example of Sentinel-2A level1 Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance (RGB composition) and BOA reflectance (RGB green-red-blue composition) derived from SIAC corrections in a 10 km * 10 km region that centres at the US-PSU site on 9 May, 2018.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Example of upscaled Direct Hemispherical Reflectance (DHR) and uncertainty values at the US-GCM site.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Example of upscaled bi-hemispherical reflectance (BHRs) and uncertainty values at the US-GCM site.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Intercomparison of DHR values derived from in situ tower measurements and coarse-resolution satellite products at the DE-HAI, NL-CAB and US-FPK sites. Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS) values are depicted in the first column, moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) values are depicted in the second column and multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) values are depicted in the third column.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Intercomparison of BHR values derived from in situ tower measurements and coarse-resolution satellite products at the DE-HAI, NL-CAB and US-FPK sites. CGLS values are depicted in the first column, MODIS values are depicted in the second column and MISR values are depicted in the third column.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Summary of albedo results for BHRs upscaled from tower to CGLS spatial scale and BHRs from CGLS retrievals at selected tower stations with different land covers.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- The SIAC method has a good agreement with the Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC) algorithm in retrieving Landsat-8 surface reflectance. We also show that the SIAC method has better performance than the Sen2cor tool in retrieving Sentinel-2 surface reflectance.
- (2)
- A streamlined version of SIAC, which includes a representation of anisotropy or surface directional/structural/topography dependence into the upscaling framework, improves the accuracy of upscaled tower albedo values.
- (3)
- The upscaled albedo products, including direct hemispherical reflectance (DHR) and bi-hemispherical reflectance (BHR) for three different global networks are examined for the first time over heterogeneous sites selected from the GbOV tower stations in addition to homogeneous sites.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Ground Measurements
2.2. Satellite Albedo
2.3. The Sensor Invariant Atmospheric Correction (SIAC) method
- (1)
- MODIS MCD43A3 datasets provide 500-m, daily resolution spectral BRDF kernels, which can be used to derive the surface reflectance at the solar and viewing geometries that are consistent with the high-resolution satellite.
- (2)
- As the spectral bands are different between the coarse-resolution BRDF (500-m MODIS) and high-resolution satellites (20-m Sentinel-2 or 60-m Landsat-8), a linear transformation is performed to convert the coarse-resolution surface reflectance to the target EO spectral bands.
- (3)
- Due to the large differences in the spatial resolution between the MODIS and high-resolution EO, the surface reflectance from MODIS and top-of-atmosphere reflectance from high-resolution cannot be compared directly even when they are strongly correlated. Therefore, a point spread function (PSF) is modelled in order to make the coarse-resolution MODIS and high-resolution EO comparable.
- (4)
- The coarse-resolution surface reflectance is mapped to the top of the atmosphere using a radiative transfer model, which can then be compared with the TOA reflectance convolved with the empirical PSF.
- (5)
- An inverse problem is built to solve the aerosol optical thickness (AOT), total columnar water vapour (TCWV) and total columnar ozone (TCO3) based on a prior distribution from CAMS. This step also includes a spatial regularisation that smooths the spatial variation of atmospheric composition.
- (6)
- The final step of SIAC is to correct the target TOA reflectance from high-resolution EO using the Lambertian surface-atmosphere coupling assumption and the atmospheric parameters inferred from above.
2.4. Uncertainty Estimation
3. Results
3.1. Comparison of Surface Albedo between Satellite Products, In Situ Retrievals and Upscaled Values
3.2. Comparison of Surface Albedo between Satellite Products and Upscaled Values
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Aerosol Optical Depth | AOD |
AErosol RObotic NETwork | AERONET |
Baseline Surface Radiation Network | BSRN |
Bi-Hemispherical Reflectance | BHR |
Bi-Directional Reflectance Factor | BRF |
Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function | BRDF |
Bottom Of Atmosphere | BOA |
Copernicus Global Land Service | CGLS |
Dense Dark Vegetation | DDV |
Directional Hemispherical Reflectance | DHR |
Earth Observing System | EOS |
Field-of-View | FoV |
Ground Based Observation for Validation | GbOV |
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme | IGBP |
Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance Code | LaSRC |
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer | MODIS |
Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer | MISR |
Point Spread Function | PSF |
Surface Radiation Budget Network | SURFRAD |
Top Of Atmosphere | TOA |
World Climate Research Programme | WCRP |
World Meteorological Organization | WMO |
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Station | Acronym | Latitude (°) | Longitude (°) | Network | Footprint | Land Classification (IGBP) | Time Range |
Ny-Ålesund** | NO-NYA | 78.925 | 11.93 | BSRN ( | 25 m | Snow and ice | 2017–2018 |
Concordia Station* | DOM | -75.1 | 123.383 | BSRN | 46 m | Snow and Ice | 2017–2018 |
Cabauw | NL-CAB | 51.971 | 4.927 | BSRN | 46 m | Grasslands | 2016–2018 |
Gobabeb* | NM-GOB | -23.519 | 15.083 | BSRN | 46 m | Desert | 2016–2018 |
Niwot Ridge# | US-NR1 | 40.033 | −105.546 | FLUXNET ( | 158 m | Evergreen Needleleaf | 2013–2018 |
ARM Southern Great Plains | US-ARM | 36.606 | −97.489 | FLUXNET | 25 m | Croplands | 2012–2018 |
Hainich* | DE-HAI | 51.070 | 10.450 | FLUXNET | 265 m | Mixed Forest | 2012–2018 |
Grignon | FR-GRI | 48.844 | 1.952 | FLUXNET | 67 m | Croplands | 2012–2018 |
Guyaflux*# | GF-GUY | 5.279 | –52.925 | FLUXNET | 290 m | Evergreen Broadleaf | 2012–2018 |
Brasschaat# | BE-BRA | 51.309 | 4.521 | FLUXNET | 240 m | Mixed Forest | 2012–2018 |
Renon | IT-REN | 46.587 | 11.434 | FLUXNET | 152 m | Evergreen Needleleaf | 2012–2017 |
Tumbarumba* | AU-TUM | −35.657 | 148.152 | FLUXNET | 505 m | Evergreen Broadleaf | 2012–2018 |
Calperum # | AU-CPR | −34.003 | 140.588 | FLUXNET | 215 m | Closed Shrublands | 2013–2018 |
Sioux Falls | US-SXF | 43.730 | −96.620 | SURFRAD ( | 126 m | Croplands | 2012–2018 |
Bondville | US-BON | 40.052 | −88.373 | SURFRAD | 126 m | Croplands | 2012–2018 |
Desert Rock * | US-DRA | 36.624 | −116.019 | SURFRAD | 126 m | Open Shrublands | 2012–2018 |
Fort Peck * | US-FPK | 48.308 | −105.102 | SURFRAD | 126 m | Grasslands | 2012–2018 |
Goodwin Creek | US-GCM | 34.255 | −89.873 | SURFRAD | 126 m | Deciduous Broadleaf | 2012–2018 |
Penn State | US-PSU | 40.720 | −77.931 | SURFRAD | 126 m | Deciduous Broadleaf | 2012–2018 |
Table Mountain * | US-TBL | 40.125 | −105.237 | SURFRAD | 126 m | Bare soil and Rocks | 2012–2018 |
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Share and Cite
Song, R.; Muller, J.-P.; Kharbouche, S.; Yin, F.; Woodgate, W.; Kitchen, M.; Roland, M.; Arriga, N.; Meyer, W.; Koerber, G.; et al. Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tower-Based Measurements Over Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Landscapes. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 833.
Song R, Muller J-P, Kharbouche S, Yin F, Woodgate W, Kitchen M, Roland M, Arriga N, Meyer W, Koerber G, et al. Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tower-Based Measurements Over Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Landscapes. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(5):833.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSong, Rui, Jan-Peter Muller, Said Kharbouche, Feng Yin, William Woodgate, Mark Kitchen, Marilyn Roland, Nicola Arriga, Wayne Meyer, Georgia Koerber, and et al. 2020. "Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tower-Based Measurements Over Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Landscapes" Remote Sensing 12, no. 5: 833.
APA StyleSong, R., Muller, J.-P., Kharbouche, S., Yin, F., Woodgate, W., Kitchen, M., Roland, M., Arriga, N., Meyer, W., Koerber, G., Bonal, D., Burban, B., Knohl, A., Siebicke, L., Buysse, P., Loubet, B., Leonardo, M., Lerebourg, C., & Gobron, N. (2020). Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tower-Based Measurements Over Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Landscapes. Remote Sensing, 12(5), 833.