Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery
"> Figure 1
<p>The monthly average value of the NPP-VIIRS NTL data from July to September of China in 2014 (<b>a</b>), 2015 (<b>b</b>), 2016 (<b>c</b>), 2017 (<b>d</b>).</p> "> Figure 1 Cont.
<p>The monthly average value of the NPP-VIIRS NTL data from July to September of China in 2014 (<b>a</b>), 2015 (<b>b</b>), 2016 (<b>c</b>), 2017 (<b>d</b>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The annual composites of VIIRS Cloud Mask—Outlier Removed—Night-Time Lights (NPP-VIIRS NTL) data of China in 2015.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Scatter plots depicting the relationship between Night-Time Light (NTL) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), at the provincial (Left) and prefectural (Right) levels in 2015.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The 341 prefectural level regions in the 31 provinces for analysis in this study.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) The corrected NPP-VIIRS NTL data of mainland China in 2014. Two regions bounded by red rectangles are Bayingolin, Xinjiang (sampling area No.1) and Hechi, Guangxi (sampling area No.2). The (<b>b</b>) original and (<b>c</b>) corrected image of sampling area No.1; and the (<b>d</b>) original and (<b>e</b>) corrected image of sampling area No.2). The two example lit areas that were removed during correction are indicated by red circles and blue arrows.</p> "> Figure 5 Cont.
<p>(<b>a</b>) The corrected NPP-VIIRS NTL data of mainland China in 2014. Two regions bounded by red rectangles are Bayingolin, Xinjiang (sampling area No.1) and Hechi, Guangxi (sampling area No.2). The (<b>b</b>) original and (<b>c</b>) corrected image of sampling area No.1; and the (<b>d</b>) original and (<b>e</b>) corrected image of sampling area No.2). The two example lit areas that were removed during correction are indicated by red circles and blue arrows.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The scatter diagram of the regression variables at the provincial and prefectural level: (<b>a2014</b>,<b>a2015</b>,<b>a</b><b>2016</b>) the original NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the provincial level, (<b>b2014</b>,<b>b2015</b>,<b>b2016</b>) the corrected NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the provincial level, (<b>c2014</b>,<b>c2015</b>,<b>c2016</b>) the original NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the prefectural level, (<b>d2014</b>,<b>d2015</b>,<b>d2016</b>) the corrected NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the prefectural level.</p> "> Figure 6 Cont.
<p>The scatter diagram of the regression variables at the provincial and prefectural level: (<b>a2014</b>,<b>a2015</b>,<b>a</b><b>2016</b>) the original NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the provincial level, (<b>b2014</b>,<b>b2015</b>,<b>b2016</b>) the corrected NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the provincial level, (<b>c2014</b>,<b>c2015</b>,<b>c2016</b>) the original NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the prefectural level, (<b>d2014</b>,<b>d2015</b>,<b>d2016</b>) the corrected NPP-VIIRS NTL data in 2014–2016 versus GDP data in 2014–2016 at the prefectural level.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Evolving trends of the Overall inequality (T), Within-province inequality (TWP), Between-region inequality (TBR), and Between-province inequality (TBP).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Contribution rate of Within-province inequality (TWP), Between-region inequality (TBR), and Between-province inequality (TBP) to overall inequality from 2014 to 2017.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Theil index of each province in China, 2014–2017.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>NTL derived mean Theil index for China’s 30 provinces.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methods and Data
2.1. Methods
2.1.1. Two-Stage Nested Theil Decomposition Method
2.1.2. Correction of the NPP-VIIRS NTL Data
2.2. Data
2.2.1. Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Night-Time Light Imagery
2.2.2. Economic and Demographic Data
3. Results
3.1. Correction Results of NPP-VIIRS NTL Data
3.2. Accuracy Assessment of GDP Estimation
3.3. Decomposition of Theil Inequality Indices
3.3.1. Total Inequality and Its Decomposed Components
3.3.2. Economic Inequality within Provinces
3.4. Relationship between Regional Inequality and Economic Development
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The NPP-VIIRS NTL data were found to exhibit a strong capacity in reflecting the real status of the regional economy. This result is in line with previous studies [13,30]. After correction, the VIIRS NTL data showed a statistically positive correlation with GDP. In every year, the R2 for all years in the study period was above 0.82. This proves that our correction method is scientifically effective.
- The results of two-stage nested Theil decomposition indicate that overall inequality, within-province inequality and between-region inequality in China all declined from 2014 to 2017. However, between-province inequality increased slightly. As for the contributions of these components to the overall regional income, the within-province inequality was the highest, followed by the between-region inequality, while the between-province inequality was the lowest. Moreover, further analysis of within-province inequality reveals that location has played a significant role in shaping China’s uneven economic landscape. Specifically, economic inequalities in coastal provinces are smaller than are those in inland provinces.
- Using scatter plots, we have found that China’s economic development plays an important role in affecting regional inequality. Furthermore, the extent of the influence of economic development on regional inequality varies across provinces. In particular, the regional inequalities in relatively backward areas are more obvious than are those in relatively developed areas.
- Currently, a series of NPP-VIIRS NTL data are released, in particular, annual composite products are being released. As NOAA/NGDC is working to produce more NPP-VIIRS data, further research can be focused on multi-temporal image analysis for revealing the spatiotemporal dynamics of regional inequality in China at multi-scale. In addition, various types of data, such as vegetation index data, land cover data shall be applied to correct the NPP-VIIRS NTL data. In this way, more detailed relationship between corrected NTL data and GDP will be revealed, and application of NTL data in investigating regional inequalities would be more reliable, which are the directions in further research.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Province | R2 | Formula |
Liaoning | R2 = 0.9430 | y = −0.0003x + 0.0991 |
Jilin | R2 = 0.9586 | y = −0.0007x + 0.1164 |
Heilongjiang | R2 = 0.4869 | y = −0.0014x + 0.3177 |
Hebei | R2 = 0.9571 | y = −0.0007x + 0.1605 |
Shandong | R2 = 0.4656 | y = −0.0004x + 0.1162 |
Jiangsu | R2 = 0.9772 | y = −0.0006x + 0.1857 |
Zhejiang | R2 = 0.9862 | y = −0.0003x + 0.0984 |
Fujian | R2 = 0.4414 | y = −0.0002x + 0.0697 |
Guangdong | R2 = 0.9573 | y = −0.0012x + 0.244 |
Shanxi | R2 = 0.4529 | y = 0.0001x + 0.0434 |
Inner Monglia | R2 = 0.3667 | y = −9 × 10−5x + 0.1942 |
Henan | R2 = 0.5402 | y = 0.0002x + 0.0947 |
Shannxi | R2 = 0.0344 | y = −1 × 10−4x + 0.3593 |
Anhui | R2 = 0.7787 | y = −0.0013x + 0.2219 |
Jiangxi | R2 = 0.9278 | y = −0.0004x + 0.1015 |
Hubei | R2 = 0.0071 | y = −9 × 10−5x + 0.2273 |
Hunan | R2 = 0.9951 | y = −0.0029x + 0.3534 |
Guangxi | R2 = 0.9491 | y = −0.0009x + 0.1816 |
Sichuan | R2 = 0.9835 | y = −0.0045x + 0.403 |
Guizhou | R2 = 0.5099 | y = −0.0005x + 0.1338 |
Yunnan | R2 = 0.2847 | y = −0.0006x + 0.2043 |
Xizang | R2 = 0.6399 | y = −0.0015x + 0.4700 |
Gansu | R2 = 0.4529 | y = 0.0001x + 0.0434 |
Qinghai | R2 = 0.0115 | y = −6 × 10−5x + 0.2716 |
Ningxia | R2 = 0.0122 | y = 2 × 10−5x + 0.1164 |
Xinjiang | R2 = 0.8017 | y = 0.0003x + 0.1323 |
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Wu, R.; Yang, D.; Dong, J.; Zhang, L.; Xia, F. Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 240.
Wu R, Yang D, Dong J, Zhang L, Xia F. Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(2):240.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Rongwei, Degang Yang, Jiefang Dong, Lu Zhang, and Fuqiang Xia. 2018. "Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery" Remote Sensing 10, no. 2: 240.
APA StyleWu, R., Yang, D., Dong, J., Zhang, L., & Xia, F. (2018). Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery. Remote Sensing, 10(2), 240.