An Efficient Two-Stage Network Intrusion Detection System in the Internet of Things
<p>Schematic diagram of the two-stage NIDS model.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Normalized confusion matrix when training CNN with the original training set in Stage-2.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Comparison of the proposed model and previous studies on the CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 dataset. (<b>a</b>) classification performance; (<b>b</b>) train time.</p> "> Figure 3 Cont.
<p>Comparison of the proposed model and previous studies on the CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 dataset. (<b>a</b>) classification performance; (<b>b</b>) train time.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- For the intrusion detection of large-scale flow data, we propose a two-stage fine-grained network intrusion detection model that combines LightGBM algorithm and CNN. The model improves detection accuracy and efficiency while making full use of large-scale data.
- (2)
- In Stage-1, we use the LightGBM algorithm to identify normal and abnormal network traffic and compare six other classic machine learning classification algorithms, including RF, DT, LR, KNN, AdaBoost, and XGBoost. The experimental results show that the LightGBM algorithm has advantages in accuracy and time cost.
- (3)
- In Stage-2, we use CNN to perform fine-grained attack class detection on the samples predicted to be abnormal in Stage-1. Aiming at the problem of class imbalance, we use the improved SMOTE based on the imbalance ratio (IR-SMOTE) to study the effect of different class imbalance ratios in training set on the performance of the model. Experimental results show that the two-stage intrusion detection model can adapt well to imbalanced large-scale network flow data.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Solution
3.1. Benchmark Dataset
3.2. Stage-1
3.2.1. Data Preprocessing
3.2.2. Baseline Methods
3.3. Stage-2
3.3.1. IR-SMOTE
Algorithm 1 IR-SMOTE |
Input: Training set , where C is the total number of classes and is the number of samples in class i Output: Resampled training set ; 1: 2: Oversampling coefficient 3: 4: for to C do 5: if then 6: for do 7: Choose a sample from 8: Randomly select a sample from the K nearest neighbor sample of 9: r = random.random (0, 1) 10: Synthetic sample 11: Add the Synthetic sample to 12: end for 13: end if 14: 15: end for 16: return |
3.3.2. Convolutional Neural Network
4. Experiments and Evaluation
4.1. Evaluation Metrics
4.2. Stage-1: Normal and Abnormal Recognition
4.3. Stage-2: Fine-Grained Classification
4.4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Article | Classifiers | Datasets | Evaluation Metric | Techniques | Findings |
Koroniotis et al. [12] | DT, ANN, NB, ARM | UNSW-NB15 | ACC, FAR | Information gain and Weka tool. | Use of four classification techniques, DT C4.5, ARM, ANN and NB for defining and investigating the botnets. |
Zhang et al. [16] | CNN | CICIDS2017 UNSW-NB15 | ACC, DR, FAR, PRE, F1-score | SMOTE and GMM | A flow-based NID model which fuses SGM and 1D-CNN to detect highly imbalanced network traffic. |
Almiani et al. [20] | RNN | NSL-KDD | ACC, PRE, Recall, F1-score, FPR, FNR | RNN | An IDS composed of cascaded filtering stages to detect specific types of attacks for IoT environments. |
Zhang et al. [21] | MLP | UNSW-NB15 | ACC, PRE, Recall, F1-score | DAE and MLP | An effective IDS based on deep learning techniques, DAE and MLP. |
Kanimozhi et al. [22] | ANN | CSE-CIC-IDS2018 | ACC, PRE, Recall, F1-score, AUC | GridSearchCV | An experimental approach of ANN with hyper-parameter optimization on the realistic new IDS cyber dataset . |
Lopez-Martin et al. [26] | ID-CVAE | NSL-KDD | Frequency, ACC, PRE, Recall, F1-score, FPR, NPV | CVAE | An anomaly-based supervised ML method based on the CVAE. |
Rathore et al. [27] | C4.5 DT | KDD99 | ACC | FSR and BER | Propose a real-time IDS for the high-speed environment with a fewer number of features. |
Hosseini et al. [28] | SVM, ANN | NSL-KDD | PRE, ACC, F1-score, MCC, AUC | MGA-SVM and HGS-PSO-ANN | The SVM technique is used to select relevant features. Than combining MGA-SVM with HGS-PSO-ANN. |
Almaiah et al. [29] | SVM | KDD Cup’99, UNSW-NB15 | ACC, Sensitivity, F1-score | PCA and SVM | Study the impact of different kernel functions of SVM on classification performance. |
Alzaqebah et al. [30] | ELM | UNSW-NB15 | ACC, F1-score, G-mean measures | GWO and IG | Optimize the Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm (GWO) using information gain. |
Abdulhammed et al. [32] | RF | CICIDS2017 | ACC, F1-score, FPR, TPR, PRE, Recall | UDBB | UDBB approach for imbalanced classes. |
Huang et al. [33] | DNN | NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, CICIDS2017 | ACC, F1-score, AUC | IGAN | IGAN to generate representative samples for minority classes and counter the class imbalance problem in intrusion detection by IGAN-IDS. |
Category | Attack Type | Class Label | Number | Volume (%) |
Benign | / | 0 | 13,484,708 | 83.070 |
Brute-force | SSH-Bruteforce | 1 | 187,589 | 1.156 |
FTP-Bruteforce | 2 | 193,360 | 1.191 | |
Brute Force –XSS | 3 | 230 | 0.001 | |
Brute Force –Web | 4 | 611 | 0.004 | |
Web attack | SQL Injection | 5 | 87 | 0.001 |
DoS attack | DoS attacks-Hulk | 6 | 461,912 | 2.846 |
DoS attacks-SlowHTTPTest | 7 | 139,890 | 0.862 | |
DoS attacks-Slowloris | 8 | 10,990 | 0.068 | |
DoS attacks-GoldenEye | 9 | 41,508 | 0.256 | |
DDoS attack | DDOS attack-HOIC | 10 | 686,012 | 4.226 |
DDOS attack-LOIC-UDP | 11 | 1730 | 0.011 | |
DDOS attack-LOIC-HTTP | 12 | 576,191 | 3.550 | |
Botnet | Bot | 13 | 286,191 | 1.763 |
Infilteration | Infilteration | 14 | 161,934 | 0.998 |
Total | / | / | 16,232,943 | 100 |
Prediction Negative | Prediction Positive | |
Actual Negative | TN | FP |
Actual Positive | FN | TP |
Method | ACC | DR | FAR | Precision | MCC | Train-Time (s) | Test-Time (s) | |
LR | 95.337 | 97.423 | 1.012 | 93.975 | 84.900 | 82.712 | 2849.512 | 0.188 |
DT | 98.716 | 95.747 | 0.678 | 96.640 | 96.192 | 95.421 | 1581.116 | 0.704 |
RF | 98.897 | 95.404 | 0.391 | 98.028 | 96.698 | 96.049 | 1001.335 | 3.583 |
KNN | 99.027 | 95.437 | 0.241 | 98.774 | 97.077 | 96.514 | 51,138.024 | 10,967.225 |
AdaBoost | 98.540 | 94.419 | 0.620 | 96.878 | 95.633 | 94.768 | 6018.889 | 35.698 |
XGBoost | 99.149 | 95.087 | 0.023 | 99.883 | 97.426 | 96.959 | 3989.552 | 3.786 |
LightGBM | 99.135 | 95.009 | 0.237 | 99.878 | 97.383 | 96.909 | 56.880 | 1.286 |
Class | Class Label | Train | Val | Test | Total |
Benign | 0 | 485,449 | 53,939 | 638 | 540,026 |
SSH-Bruteforce | 1 | 135,064 | 15,007 | 37,518 | 187,589 |
FTP-Bruteforce | 2 | 139,219 | 15,469 | 38,672 | 193,360 |
Brute Force –XSS | 3 | 166 | 18 | 37 | 221 |
Brute Force –Web | 4 | 440 | 49 | 66 | 555 |
SQL Injection | 5 | 63 | 7 | 7 | 77 |
DoS attacks-Hulk | 6 | 332,577 | 36,953 | 92,382 | 461,912 |
DoS attacks-SlowHTTPTest | 7 | 100,721 | 11,191 | 27,978 | 139,890 |
DoS attacks-Slowloris | 8 | 7913 | 879 | 2172 | 10,964 |
DoS attacks-GoldenEye | 9 | 29,885 | 3321 | 8302 | 41,508 |
DDOS attack-HOIC | 10 | 493,928 | 54,881 | 137,203 | 686,012 |
DDOS attack-LOIC-UDP | 11 | 1245 | 139 | 346 | 1730 |
DDOS attack-LOIC-HTTP | 12 | 414,858 | 46,095 | 115,208 | 576,161 |
Bot | 13 | 203,058 | 22,895 | 57,213 | 283,166 |
Infilteratio | 14 | 116,592 | 12,955 | 5112 | 134,659 |
Total | / | 2,464,178 | 273,798 | 522,854 | 3,260,830 |
Class | SMOTE | ||||
Benign | 17.712 | 14.890 | 16.144 | 16.458 | 17.398 |
SSH-Bruteforce | 99.984 | 99.984 | 99.984 | 99.984 | 99.984 |
FTP-Bruteforce | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Brute Force –XSS | 75.676 | 100 | 91.892 | 97.297 | 100 |
Brute Force –Web | 98.485 | 68.182 | 93.939 | 90.909 | 89.394 |
SQL Injection | 57.143 | 71.429 | 71.429 | 71.429 | 71.429 |
DoS attacks-Hulk | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
DoS attacks-SlowHTTPTest | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
DoS attacks-Slowloris | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
DoS attacks-GoldenEye | 99.988 | 99.988 | 99.988 | 99.988 | 99.976 |
DDOS attack-HOIC | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
DDOS attack-LOIC-UDP | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
DDOS attack-LOIC-HTTP | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Bot | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Infilteratio | 99.980 | 99.980 | 99.980 | 99.980 | 100 |
DR | 99.896 | 99.890 | 99.894 | 99.895 | 99.896 |
ACC | 99.896 | 99.890 | 99.894 | 99.895 | 99.896 |
Precision | 99.902 | 99.897 | 99.900 | 99.901 | 99.903 |
99.862 | 99.853 | 99.859 | 99.860 | 99.862 | |
MCC | 95.922 | 95.922 | 95.913 | 95.922 | 95.836 |
Train-time (s) | 17.996 | 17.475 | 17.691 | 19.890 | 51.050 |
Test-time (s) | 8.790 | 8.083 | 8.851 | 8.470 | 9.057 |
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Share and Cite
Zhang, H.; Zhang, B.; Huang, L.; Zhang, Z.; Huang, H. An Efficient Two-Stage Network Intrusion Detection System in the Internet of Things. Information 2023, 14, 77.
Zhang H, Zhang B, Huang L, Zhang Z, Huang H. An Efficient Two-Stage Network Intrusion Detection System in the Internet of Things. Information. 2023; 14(2):77.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Hongpo, Bo Zhang, Lulu Huang, Zhaozhe Zhang, and Haizhaoyang Huang. 2023. "An Efficient Two-Stage Network Intrusion Detection System in the Internet of Things" Information 14, no. 2: 77.
APA StyleZhang, H., Zhang, B., Huang, L., Zhang, Z., & Huang, H. (2023). An Efficient Two-Stage Network Intrusion Detection System in the Internet of Things. Information, 14(2), 77.