The Locus Coeruleus in Chronic Pain
<p>Schematic representation of the pain pathways and the known modulatory effects of the LC on them. (<b>a</b>) The lateral pathway is influenced by the LC via the SSC and the thalamus. The LC directly modulates the intensity, localization and type of pain perception. (<b>b</b>) The medial pathway processing with its insular and ACC projections is enhanced via the LC but the anatomical pathways and the neurophysiological mechanisms implicated in humans remain unknown. (<b>c</b>) The inhibitory pathway is broadly influenced by LC activity and vice versa. The inhibitory signal is strongly modulated by LC activity and its direct projections to the amygdala. The amygdala, in conjunction with the pgACC and the DLPF modulates descending LC-NE inhibitory pathways. Several investigations suggest that CP might be explained as a lack of inhibition or an imbalance between inhibition output and ascending inputs. Abbreviations: LC: Locus Coeruleus, VPL: ventroposterior lateral nucleus, VPI: ventroposterior inferior nucleus, VMPo: ventromedial posterior pars oralis, SSC: somatosensory cortex, dACC: dorsal- anterior cingulate cortex, PAG: periaqueductal grey, RVM: rostral ventral medulla, DLPC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, pgACC: pregenual anterior cingulate cortex, DRN: dorsal raphe nucleus, SE: serotonin. This figure was created using PowerPoint (version 16.87) and BioRender 2024.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Schematic representation of the pain pathways on a practical example. This simplification of the complexity of pain perception clearly illustrates how a simple multi-layered injury can have different subcomponents that contribute to the total pain experience emerging from it. The widespread projections of medial and lateral pathways will end up integrating the processed nociceptive signals with previous memories and existing environmental or internal contexts. These contexts are perceived through other emotional triggering domains such as vision, audition, olfaction or interoception. PFC: prefrontal cortex, VPI: ventroposterior inferior nucleus, VMPo: ventromedial posterior pars oralis, PFC: prefrontal cortex, VPL: ventroposterior lateral nucleus, VPI: ventroposterior inferior nucleus, STT: Spinothalamic tract. This figure was created using PowerPoint (version 16.87) and BioRender 2024.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Schematic representation of the influence of the LC in chronic pain and its frequent comorbidities. The inner brown ring represents the intrinsic symptoms of chronic pain: Myofascial pain, aches, soreness, fatigue, allodynia, enhanced somatosensory perception, central sensitization, etc. The outer green ring represents the most frequent chronic pain comorbidities (clockwise → depression, sleep, and anxiety disorders) and the potential effects of the LC on each of them (blue dashed arrows). The existence of a common hub for at least a portion of chronic pain comorbidities will facilitate the development of adapted and individualized clinical responses. This figure was created using PowerPoint (version 16.87) and BioRender 2024.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Nociceptive Pathways
Practical Example: From Caesarean Section to Emotion
- The medial pathway (suffering) via its unmyelinated C fibres will carry the context of the pain as unconscious, interoceptive, unspecific visceral pain on the visceral insular cortex (BA 13, 16). The visceral afferents project to areas associated with proprioception and emotional processing, such as the insula, thalamus, ACC or PFC [41]. It could also escalate into more complex perceptions such as memories or emotions based on the context [29,32,33,42].
3. Locus Coeruleus
4. LC and Its Connections with Pain Pathways
4.1. Lateral Nociceptive Pathway and LC
4.2. Medial Nociceptive Pathway and LC
4.3. Descending Inhibitory Pathway, Central Autonomic Network and LC
5. LC and Chronic Pain Comorbidities
5.1. Anxiety
5.2. Depression
5.3. Sleep Disorders
6. LC as a Switch from Acute to Chronic Pain
7. Limitations
8. Conclusion Remarks
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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α 1 A, B, D | LC, olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, dentate gyrus, amygdala, thalamus | Intermediate |
α 2 A, B, C, D | Pre- and post-synaptically at LC, Amygdala, hypothalamus, spinal cord | High |
β 1 | Cerebral cortex (astrocytes ++), spinal cord | Low |
β 2 | Cerebral cortex, cerebellum (astrocytes ++) | Low |
β 3 | Hippocampus (astrocytes ++) | Low |
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España, J.C.; Yasoda-Mohan, A.; Vanneste, S. The Locus Coeruleus in Chronic Pain. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 8636.
España JC, Yasoda-Mohan A, Vanneste S. The Locus Coeruleus in Chronic Pain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(16):8636.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEspaña, Jorge Castejón, Anusha Yasoda-Mohan, and Sven Vanneste. 2024. "The Locus Coeruleus in Chronic Pain" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 16: 8636.
APA StyleEspaña, J. C., Yasoda-Mohan, A., & Vanneste, S. (2024). The Locus Coeruleus in Chronic Pain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(16), 8636.