New Examination Approach for Real-World Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics
<p>Combined results from four course evaluations conducted after implementing the new examination principles. The grading was between 0 and 6 and the average grades from the students were the following: (1) 5.5 on the question if they were satisfied with their own efforts during the course; (2) 5.9 on the question whether they thought it was a good course; (3) 5.7 on the question if the intended learning outcomes were clear; (4) 5.8 on the question if the course planning/study guidance provided good support; (5) 5.8 on the question whether they think that the examination was in line with the intended learning outcomes of the course.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Results of additional questions aimed at evaluating the student perception of the new examination and assessment approaches: (6) 96.6% of the students preferred the new examination approach; (7) 98.3% of the students believe that the new examination method was better for creativity and problem-solving; (8) 93.1% of the students believe that the peer assessment improved their understanding of mathematics; (9) 96.6% of the students felt more prepared to face mathematical problems in their future profession after the course.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. State of the Art in Mathematics Education
2.1. Traditional Approaches to Mathematics Education and Assessment
2.2. The Shift toward Student-Centered Learning and Inquiry-Based Approaches
2.3. Creativity in Mathematics Education
- Identify and explore patterns, relationships, and connections between mathematical concepts;
- Generate multiple solutions or approaches to solve a problem;
- Think flexibly and adapt existing methods or techniques to solve novel or unfamiliar problems;
- Pose original questions or problems that stimulate mathematical inquiry and exploration.
- Creating a supportive and safe learning environment that encourages risk-taking, experimentation, and learning from mistakes;
- Providing opportunities for students to engage in open-ended tasks, real-world problem-solving, and collaborative learning experiences;
- Encouraging students to think critically, reflect on their thinking, and develop a growth mindset;
- Modeling and valuing creativity through their own teaching practices and interactions with students.
2.4. Collaborative Learning and Peer Assessment
- Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Collaborative learning fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills by encouraging students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information from multiple sources and perspectives [37];
- Increased motivation and engagement: Collaborative learning can enhance students’ motivation and engagement by creating a sense of community and fostering positive social interactions [38];
- Development of communication and teamwork skills: Collaborative learning provides opportunities for students to practice and develop essential communication and teamwork skills as they work together to achieve common goals [39].
- Enhanced metacognitive skills: By engaging in the process of evaluating their peers’ work, students can develop their metacognitive skills, becoming more aware of their own understanding and learning strategies [40]. The stimulus of the metacognitive skills may also be a factor that promotes the student’s own creativity [41];
- Improved self-regulation: Peer assessment can foster students’ self-regulation by encouraging them to monitor, evaluate, and adjust their own learning and performance based on the feedback they receive from their peers [42];
- Increased motivation: Receiving feedback from peers can be more motivating for some students than feedback from teachers, as it may be perceived as less threatening and more relatable [43];
- Enhanced understanding of assessment criteria: Participating in peer assessment can help students develop a better understanding of assessment criteria and expectations, leading to improved quality of their own work [44].
2.5. Challenges and Barriers to Implementing Innovative Assessment Methods
2.6. Emerging Technologies and Digital Tools in Mathematics Education
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Participants
3.2. Study Design
3.3. Data Collection
3.4. Intervention
- Inventing tasks: Students independently create original mathematical problems that incorporate creativity and problem-solving aspects within a specified part of the course. They are encouraged to think critically about the course material, identify interesting connections, and design problems that require a deep understanding of the concepts. Teachers provide guidance and support during the problem-creation process, ensuring that the tasks are both challenging and appropriate for the students’ level. The students are instructed to create an exam with an appropriate amount of assignments suitable to be solved during a 1.5 h lecture, and they should thereby independently estimate how many tasks are required for each exam;
- Solving tasks: Students solve their self-created problems, providing clear and detailed solutions, including explanations of their thought processes and strategies. They are expected to demonstrate their understanding of the underlying concepts and effectively communicate their reasoning through well-organized and coherent presentations;
- Peer assessment: Examinations are exchanged anonymously among students within the intervention group. Each student assesses another student’s work using a provided rubric, which covers the extent of the tasks, correctness of the solutions, creativity, problem-solving, clarity, and presentation. The rubric is designed to encourage constructive feedback and promote a shared understanding of the assessment criteria among students. Teachers also review the peer assessments to ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process;
- Reflection and feedback: Students reflect on the peer assessment feedback and identify areas for improvement in their problem-solving skills and communication strategies. Teachers facilitate discussions and provide additional guidance to help students integrate the feedback into their learning process. Throughout the intervention, teachers monitor students’ progress and adjust as needed to support their growth and development.
4. Results
- I am satisfied with my efforts during the course;
- My overall impression is that this has been a good course;
- The intended learning outcomes of the course have been clear;
- The course planning/study guidance has given good guidance;
- The examination was in accordance with the intended learning outcomes of the course.
- Do you prefer the new examination method compared to traditional exams?
- Did the new examination method challenge my creativity and problem-solving skills more than traditional exams?
- Did the peer assessment improve your understanding of mathematics?
- Do you feel more prepared to face mathematical problems in your future profession now than before the course?
When the course suddenly became digital and remote, due to COVID-19, the teacher changed the form of education and examination. The changes were really good, and the remote education was on a very high level.—Spring 20
Good teacher, good lectures, good variation, and fun to invent our own math tasks.—Fall 20
It was a good course, with clear objectives and deadlines, and clearly defined and described assignments.—Fall 20
Very well-organized course, with for example detailed plans for every semester. Good assignments and examination. I thought it was very educational to invent my own tasks for examination, actually better than only having “traditional tests”. It was very innovative of the teacher to invent this type of examination as an alternative during the COVID-19 pandemic.—Fall 20
I thought the course was good despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the new type of examination was implemented in a very good way.—Fall 20
What was less good was the correction of the exams, since it was peer correction it became somewhat unfair, but it still worked out in a good way.—Fall 20
The peer correcting gave me an insight to how my peers are thinking and helped me develop my own approach to problem solving.—Fall 21
I never thought that I would enjoy a mathematics course, but inventing my own tasks and peer correcting other students’ exams was both fun and very educational.—Fall 21
When I joined this course I sucked at math, but now I know that I can solve most problems.—Fall 21
The course is structured in a good way, and it was a fun course!—Spring 22
The invention of my own tasks was challenging, but it gave me a much deeper understanding of mathematics.—Spring 22
Everything was good, it was the best course I have ever had.—Fall 22
Very good way to learn by inventing and solving your own tasks, and then correcting someone else’s. That means you must understand how to approach the problems.—Fall 22
It has been great with self-invented examination tasks. The arrangement with home-examination was very educational, as you have fun coming up with your own tasks and calculating them yourself, and also calculating and correcting someone else’s tasks. Much better than doing a big exam on everything at the end. I think this definitely provides greater and deeper learning.—Fall 22
Very clear instructions and task descriptions.—Fall 22
Good lectures that helped a lot with the home-examinations.—Fall 22
The course had clear goals and information regarding what is required for a student to succeed. Good descriptions of the different parts of the course. It was clear and easy to follow instructions.—Fall 22
- Smooth transition to remote learning: Students noted that the course was well organized and adapted effectively to remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The instructor’s ability to adjust the course format and maintain a high level of quality during this challenging time was well-received by the students during the pandemic as well as after it. The smooth transition to remote learning that was praised by the students can be attributed to the effective use of emerging technologies and digital tools in mathematics education. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of such tools, which have now become indispensable in facilitating remote learning. When effectively integrated into the teaching process, these technologies can facilitate a smooth transition to remote learning, as observed in the student feedback. The teacher’s success in this transition reflects their ability to leverage these tools to maintain the course’s high standards, promote student engagement, and support effective learning despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The course evaluation highlighted that mathematics is a subject that can be effectively carried out and examined online by adapting digital tools and innovative examination formats;
- Innovative examination method: Students appreciated the self-invented examination tasks and the opportunity to correct their peers’ work. They found this approach more engaging and educational than traditional examinations and felt it contributed to deeper learning. They also emphasized that the peer correction improved their understanding of the mathematical concepts, as they had the opportunity to see the assignments and detailed solutions from other students. Several students pointed out that this procedure increased their creativity regarding the design of their own assignments and emphasized that many problems can be solved in different ways than how they would have conducted it themselves. The innovative examination method described in this paper, which involves students inventing and solving their own tasks, followed by peer assessment, can be viewed as a manifestation of student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches to assessment. In a student-centered learning approach, students take an active role in their learning process rather than being passive recipients of information. The examination method mirrors this approach, as students are not just answering set questions but actively creating and solving their own problems. This requires a deeper engagement with the subject matter and allows for creativity and personal relevance in the tasks students develop, making the examination more personally meaningful and engaging. The peer-assessment component of the examination aligns with the collaborative and social aspects of student-centered learning. By assessing each other’s work, students receive a chance to learn from their peers, see different approaches to problem-solving, and develop critical evaluation skills. This collaborative process not only enhances learning but also helps build a sense of community and shared responsibility among students. Similarly, the examination method aligns with inquiry-based approaches, which encourage curiosity, problem-solving, and the exploration of ideas. By inventing their own tasks, students are essentially formulating their own “questions” to explore and answer, mimicking the process of inquiry. This adds an element of discovery and investigation to the examination, which can make it more engaging and intellectually stimulating. Overall, the innovative examination method integrates principles of student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches into assessment, transforming the examination from a rote exercise into a creative, collaborative, and intellectually engaging experience. This aligns with the shift towards more active, personalized, and meaningful learning experiences in modern education;
- Clear objectives and deadlines: Students highlighted the clarity of the course’s objectives, deadlines, and task descriptions, which facilitated their understanding of the course structure and expectations. Clear objectives and deadlines are key elements of student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches. These pedagogical strategies prioritize the active involvement of students in their learning journey, encouraging them to take ownership and responsibility for their educational progress. Student-centered learning emphasizes personalizing education to meet individual students’ needs and interests. It promotes active learning, with students actively involved in the process of constructing knowledge. Clear objectives are essential in this context, as they provide students with a clear understanding of what they are expected to know or be able to do at the end of a course or lesson. This enables students to take charge of their learning, guiding their study strategies and facilitating self-assessment of their progress. Similarly, in inquiry-based approaches, students are guided to explore and investigate, forming their own questions and seeking answers through research and exploration. Here, clear deadlines are particularly important as they provide structure and manageability to the otherwise open-ended process of inquiry. Deadlines help students manage their time and efforts effectively, ensuring a fruitful and comprehensive inquiry process. The teacher’s success in establishing clear objectives and deadlines, as noted in the student feedback, reflects their effective use of student-centered and inquiry-based approaches. By defining what is expected of students (the objectives) and when (the deadlines), the teacher has empowered students to take an active role in their learning process, fostering engagement, autonomy, and self-directed learning. This aligns with modern pedagogical trends emphasizing active and personalized learning;
- Effective lectures: Students found the lectures helpful in supporting their learning and preparing them for the home examinations. Effective lectures, particularly in the context of student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches, are those that go beyond mere information transmission to engage students actively in the learning process. In these pedagogical strategies, lectures serve as a springboard for exploration and inquiry, sparking students’ curiosity and driving them to take charge of their learning journey. In a student-centered approach, effective lectures often involve interactive components that engage students in active learning. This could include discussion prompts, problem-solving activities, real-time quizzes, or other forms of active engagement that encourage students to apply what they’re learning. The lectures are designed to be responsive to students’ needs and questions, allowing for flexibility and personalization. In the context of inquiry-based learning, effective lectures often serve as a starting point for student investigation. Rather than providing all answers, they stimulate questions, challenge assumptions, and encourage students to seek their own solutions. The lectures may introduce a topic or problem and guide students on how to approach it, but the emphasis is on student discovery and problem-solving. The positive feedback from students regarding the effectiveness of the lectures suggests that the instructor was successful in implementing these approaches. By structuring lectures in a way that promoted active learning and sparked student inquiry, the instructor was able to engage students in the learning process more deeply, fostering a more dynamic and interactive learning environment. These strategies align with contemporary shifts in education towards more student-centered and inquiry-based approaches, underscoring the importance of active engagement and personal discovery in effective learning;
- Enjoyable and engaging learning experience: Several students mentioned that the course was enjoyable and engaging, with some even calling it the best course they had ever taken. An “enjoyable and engaging learning experience” is at the heart of student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches. These contemporary pedagogical models prioritize active engagement, curiosity, and a sense of ownership over learning, which often result in a more enjoyable and rewarding educational experience for students. Student-centered learning, as the name implies, places the student at the center of the educational process. Instead of being passive receivers of information, students are actively involved in constructing their own knowledge and understanding. This approach recognizes that each student brings a unique set of experiences, interests, and strengths to the classroom and aims to cater to these individual differences. By allowing students to explore topics of interest, work at their own pace, and engage in hands-on, experiential learning activities, student-centered learning can make the educational process more engaging and enjoyable. Similarly, inquiry-based approaches promote enjoyment and engagement in learning by fostering curiosity and exploration. Instead of simply learning established facts or methods, students are encouraged to ask their own questions, investigate problems, and seek out their own answers. This active, discovery-based learning process can be highly engaging, as it caters to students’ natural curiosity and desire to understand the world around them. The positive student feedback suggests that the instructor was successful in implementing these approaches, creating a learning environment that was not only educational but also engaging and enjoyable. By prioritizing active involvement, personal discovery, and respect for individual interests and strengths, the instructor was able to align with the shifts towards student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches, leading to a more positive learning experience for students.
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
- The new examination method successfully promotes student-centered learning and inquiry-based approaches by actively engaging students in the learning process, fostering personalization, and emphasizing problem-solving skills. These aspects are crucial for effective mathematics education and the development of well-rounded learners;
- The examination enhances creativity in mathematics education by encouraging students to think critically about course material, identify interesting connections, and design problems that require a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. This focus on creativity contributes to a more engaging and meaningful learning experience;
- The incorporation of collaborative learning and peer assessment within the examination helps to develop essential skills such as communication, teamwork, and critical thinking, which are valuable for students’ academic and professional success;
- The study demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating self-regulation, metacognition, and adaptability into mathematics education, which can contribute to more effective learning and better-prepared students for future challenges;
- The new method’s alignment with emerging trends in higher education suggests that it could serve as a valuable addition to traditional assessment methods, potentially transforming the way students learn and engage with mathematics.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Nilimaa, J. New Examination Approach for Real-World Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics. Trends High. Educ. 2023, 2, 477-495.
Nilimaa J. New Examination Approach for Real-World Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics. Trends in Higher Education. 2023; 2(3):477-495.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNilimaa, Jonny. 2023. "New Examination Approach for Real-World Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics" Trends in Higher Education 2, no. 3: 477-495.
APA StyleNilimaa, J. (2023). New Examination Approach for Real-World Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics. Trends in Higher Education, 2(3), 477-495.