Force-Based Self-Organizing MANET/FANET with a UAV Swarm
<p>Four screenshots showing a deployed MANET servicing all the clients (the stress is indicated by color, with the continuous spectrum ranging from bright green (where the Link Quality Metric LQM→1), over yellow (for a LQM value of ≈0.5) to red (when LQM→0)). This sequence of screenshots shows the response of a single swarm to successive relocations of the clients.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Evolution of the <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="italic">LQM</mi> <mrow> <mi>root</mi> <mo>,</mo> <mi>c</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> variable for all clients <span class="html-italic">c</span> (cf. Equation (<a href="#FD2-futureinternet-15-00315" class="html-disp-formula">2</a>)). A total of 100 independent simulation runs (500 clients, divided into eight dynamic clusters). (<b>a</b>) Clients relocate every 800 time units. (<b>b</b>) Clients relocate every 400. The average is an “average of averages”. The standard deviation is the average of the 100 SD values (1 data-point per simulation run and per time unit). The lowest is the average of the 100 worst LQM values experienced by any client <span class="html-italic">c</span> (idem).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Evolution of swarm size (simultaneously airborne drones). Reported are the averages over 100 independent simulation runs. NB: all parameters, including the total number of clients and drone fleet size, are identical in both scenarios. Only the frequency of relocation (the interval between the mobile clients moving to another location) varies (800 vs. 400 time units interval).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs)
1.2. Using Drones to Deploy MANETs
- Flexibility of resource sourcing and maintenance: since the collective of drones (the swarm) is comprised of physically distinct and independently operating devices, the deployment of such a swarm (including the addition and removal of drones during operation) can be very flexible. The operations are the sum of the actions of independent units, which allows for different stakeholders and operators to pool their resources while each maintaining separate responsibility and ownership for the resources they contributed. Especially in cases where large-scale infrastructure, beyond the financial or operational resources of any one party, has been rendered inoperable, this enables smaller parties to come together and collectively solve a problem/provide a service.
- Adaptive network topology [7,16]: when drones are launched with the express goal of becoming members in a MANET, their movement can be designed to contribute to this goal. Due to this, drones that have no other objective can collaborate with those that do by optimizing their position to improve the overall performance of the MANET. This strengthens the ability of the MANET to respond to changing demand profiles and to client terminal movement.
- Exploiting advantages of aerial positions: purely through their ability to move in 3D space, drones can assume positions that offer advantages due to (a) not being restricted by obstacles on the ground (regarding signal transmission), (b) not being affected by conditions on the ground (with regard to the safety of the device). This does come at the price of increased operational cost (as the flight operations require continuous investment of resources) but a sufficiently large number of drones can offset this at least regarding node availability (by retiring drones that are low on battery and sending them home to re-charge).
- Reactivity and resilience: not only can drones position themselves to optimize the topology, but they can dynamically amend their positioning to ensure desired levels of redundancy. This allows them to establish a topology not only suitable for the current state of affairs but also for potential future conditions.
1.3. Real-World Challenges to Drone-Based MANETs
1.4. Contributions of the Paper
2. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)
2.1. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs): Applications and Challenges
2.2. Scope of the Paper
2.3. Target MANET-Applications and -Scenarios
2.3.1. Disaster Response
2.3.2. Wilderness Exploration
2.3.3. Contested Environments
3. Modeling MANETs
3.1. Nodes and Clients
3.2. Link Quality Metric (LQM)
3.3. Stress Level
3.4. Miscellaneous Modeling Choices
3.4.1. Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
3.4.2. Central Dispatch
4. A Novel Self-Organizing Approach to Drone-Based MANETs
4.1. Drone Movement
4.1.1. Moving Towards Clients
Mathematical Modeling of the Attraction of Affiliated Clients
4.1.2. Moving Away from Other Drones
Mathematical Modeling of the Repulsion from Other Drones
4.1.3. Maintaining Connectivity and Routing
Mathematical Modeling of the Force Ensuring Connectivity
4.1.4. Overall Movement
Mathematical Modeling of the Overall Force Governing a Node’s Movement
4.2. Dynamic Drone Deployment and Recall
4.2.1. Dynamic Deployment
4.2.2. Dynamic Recall
4.3. Dynamic Adaptive Topology Management
5. Performance Evaluation
5.1. Numerical Experiment Setup
5.2. Results
- Swarm size appears to saturate at around 80 for the used values (coverage area, number of clients/clusters), which is lower than the total number of drones available (100), indicating the system’s ability to commit only the necessary resources.
- After relocation, the total number of drones in the air does not drop below about 60, so the adaptation process is not equivalent to a “reboot”. Only about 25% of the swarm (≈20 units) is being “retired” (then progressively replaced), whereas the remaining 75% just “follow the clients” in their migration.
6. Conclusions and Future Work
6.1. Summary
6.2. Conclusions
6.3. Future Work
- We have not explored extreme outlier scenarios, such as the case where there are no clients present or where all clients have aggregated at the extreme ends of the map.
- The introduction mentions resilience as a benefit for MANET’s (see Section 1.2). The MANET approach we developed does not provide any redundancy. However, we expect that this can be designed into the swarm and are hoping to proceed with work focusing on this (and the formal verification thereof) in the near future.
- We argue that the parameters needed to control energy efficiency are already included in the force-based control of the nodes in the network: in Section 4.1.3, Equation (7), we set the inter-drone distance for which the value of this force becomes infinitesimally small to 1. As distance affects energy efficiency later work can use this part of the model to modulate the power required for inter-drone communication.Similarly, the LQM (Section 3.2) is set to plateau for the distance value of 1. Despite this connection to the energy cost incurred when transmitting data over the resulting MANET, our current investigations do not assess this cost.Future work, especially work directed at specific applications, will include considerations for this network performance indicator.
- During performance evaluation we noted that small changes in the setup as well as in Equations (5)–(7) led to peculiar emergent behaviors of the swarm (such as, e.g., a long arm of connected drones swaying from left to right until they connect with a client). Future work will investigate the design and use of such behaviors and the environmental conditions necessary to achieve them.
- In Equation (2) we defined the LQM value as simply the weakest link in the route from root to client. We can define this value in a more complex manner to reflect additional properties of the connection, the resulting LQM will be subject to the signal deterioration in the entire route to the root. The recursive definition for for any node i connected to the best available access point j is thus:Under this revised definition, any sub-optimal link anywhere in the connection to the router will further degrade the overall LQM value (the presented work only considers the last link). This affects the deployment of additional nodes in at least two ways. Firstly, since sub-optimal links closer to the router may further lower the LQM value this directly impacts the deployment of additional nodes, which may now be deployed earlier (thereby potentially improving the individual link quality and thus the overall connectivity). Secondly, the LQM values now reflect the actual connection quality better and are thus more likely to result in new nodes being dispatched to the locations where they are needed most. To motivate the latter claim, consider two routes of LQM value , one where all links are perfect except one and another where all links have the sub-optimal value of . The second route would (correctly) receive a much lower overall LQM value and thus be allocated an additional drone first. Exploring the impact of this revised performance measure is future work.
- In Section 2.3 we have specifically restricted our scenario to the 2D domain. With a large number of projects in our labs being rooted in the maritime sector, the presented work currently meets our needs. That being said, while we do not foresee any issues with extending the theory to 3D in general, working on an amended approach for obstacle-rich environments or challenging landscapes (such as, e.g., urban canyons or indoor search-and-rescue) is considered future work.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
1 | — | 1.06 | 1.3 | 1.5 |
2 | 1.06 | 1.3 | 1.5 | 1.68 |
3 | 1.3 | 1.5 | 1.68 | 1.84 |
4 | 1.5 | 1.68 | 1.84 | 1.98 |
… | ||||
9 | 2.25 | 2.37 | 2.49 | 2.6 |
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Saffre, F.; Hildmann, H.; Anttonen, A. Force-Based Self-Organizing MANET/FANET with a UAV Swarm. Future Internet 2023, 15, 315.
Saffre F, Hildmann H, Anttonen A. Force-Based Self-Organizing MANET/FANET with a UAV Swarm. Future Internet. 2023; 15(9):315.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaffre, Fabrice, Hanno Hildmann, and Antti Anttonen. 2023. "Force-Based Self-Organizing MANET/FANET with a UAV Swarm" Future Internet 15, no. 9: 315.
APA StyleSaffre, F., Hildmann, H., & Anttonen, A. (2023). Force-Based Self-Organizing MANET/FANET with a UAV Swarm. Future Internet, 15(9), 315.