The Influence of Land Use Change on Key Ecosystem Services and Their Relationships in a Mountain Region from Past to Future (1995–2050)
<p>Location (<b>a</b>), digital elevation model (DEM) (<b>b</b>), and rivers (<b>c</b>) of the study area.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Proportions of land use types at different altitude gradients from 1995 to 2015 (<b>a</b>). Spatial distributions of land use in Chongqing from 1995 to 2015 (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 2 Cont.
<p>Proportions of land use types at different altitude gradients from 1995 to 2015 (<b>a</b>). Spatial distributions of land use in Chongqing from 1995 to 2015 (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Land use maps in 2015 (baseline) and 2050 under different scenarios. Notes: EC represents ecological conser-vation (<b>a</b>). RU represents rapid urbanization (<b>b</b>). BAU represents business as usual (<b>c</b>). The three highlighted boxes under each scenario represent the most obvious locations of landscape conversion. The right-most column shows comparisons in the percentage of different land use types between baseline and 2050 under the three scenarios.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Variations in ecosystem services provision from 1995 to 2015 (<b>a</b>). Changes in ESs of past land use distribution (1995) in relation to current ESs (2015) at different altitudes (<b>b</b>). Negative change indicates a decline in specific ES, while positive change presents an increase in specific ES in (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 4 Cont.
<p>Variations in ecosystem services provision from 1995 to 2015 (<b>a</b>). Changes in ESs of past land use distribution (1995) in relation to current ESs (2015) at different altitudes (<b>b</b>). Negative change indicates a decline in specific ES, while positive change presents an increase in specific ES in (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Spatial distributions of WY, SE, CS, and HQ in 1995 and 2015. The right-most column represents the changing areas of the four ESs.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Trends of ecosystem services from 2020 to 2050 (at five-year intervals) under the three scenarios. EC represents ecological conservation. RU represents rapid urbanization. BAU represents business as usual. The changes in the provision of water yield (<b>a</b>), soil export (<b>b</b>), carbon storage (<b>c</b>), and habitat quality (<b>d</b>) under the three scenarios from 2020 to 2050.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The changes in ecosystem services under the three scenarios at different altitudes. Negative changes indicate a decline in specific ES in a specific scenario, while positive changes present an increase in specific ES in a specific scenario.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The relationships between ecosystem services from 1995 to 2015. Notes: XX vs. XX represents the relationship of XX and XX (i.e., WY vs. CS indicated the relationship between WY and CS, the same as below). The different colored dots represent the relationships between ecosystem services at different altitudes. The black triangles indicate the relationships between ecosystem services for the whole region. The numbers on the <span class="html-italic">Y</span>-axis are the Pearson’s correlation coefficients between pairs of ESs.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Variation of the relationship between ecosystem services from 2020 to 2050. Notes: EC represents ecological conservation (right-most column). RU represents rapid urbanization. BAU represents business as usual. WY refers to water yield, SE to soil export, CS to carbon storage, and HQ to habitat quality. WY vs. CS in EC represents the relationship between water yield and carbon storage in the ecological conservation scenario. The different colored dots represent the relationships between ecosystem services at different altitudes. The black triangles indicate the relationships between ecosystem services for the whole region. The numbers on the Y-axis of each figure are the Pearson’s correlation coefficients between pairs of ESs.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>Comparison between the simulated (<b>a</b>) and actual land use map (<b>b</b>) in 2015.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Sources
2.2.1. Ecosystem Services Selection
2.2.2. Ecosystem Services Assessment
2.2.3. Simulating Land Use Change from 2020 to 2050
- (1)
- Business as usual scenario. Land use change under this scenario reflects decade-long trends of land use change. The land use change patterns are similar to those from 2005 to 2015. Land use demands for 2020 to 2050 were estimated based on historical statistics of land use change from 2005 and 2015. The rate of land use change is considered to agree with the annual change from 2005 to 2015. The area of built-up land in 2050 was twice that in 2015, at the expense of cropland, woodland, and grassland. The area of cropland, woodland, and grassland decreased slowly at annual average rates of 0.07%, 0.01%, and 0.25%, respectively.
- (2)
- Rapid urbanization scenario. This scenario forecasts land use under rapid economic development and urban expansion. The area of built-up land, including rural and urban residential land and industrial land, increases rapidly. The built-up area in 2050 was set to be three times that in 2015. The increased area will come from cropland (70%), woodland (20%), and grassland (10%).
- (3)
- Ecological conservation scenario. A karst mountain region is highly desirable for preserving the natural ecosystems and increasing forest and grass coverage. Cropland is set to decrease by 20% in 2050. The cropland will be converted to woodland (70%) and grassland (30%).
3. Results
3.1. Land Use Changes from 1995 to 2050
3.1.1. Land Use Change from 1995 to 2015
3.1.2. Land Use Change from 2020 to 2050 under Different Scenarios
3.2. The Impact of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services
3.2.1. The Impact of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services from 1995 to 2015
3.2.2. Ecosystem Services Changes Based on Future Land Use Scenarios
3.3. The Impact of Land Use Change on Relationships between Ecosystem Services
3.3.1. The Impact of Land Use Change on Relationships between Ecosystem Services from 1995 to 2015
3.3.2. The Relationships between Ecosystem Services Based on Future Land Use Scenarios
4. Discussion
4.1. Effect of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services
4.2. Effect of Land Use Change on Relationships between Ecosystem Services
4.3. Management Implications
4.4. Limitations and Future Studies
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Simulated Land Use Map (Unit: Pixel) | Producer Accuracy (%) | Kappa Index | ||||||
Actual Land Use Map | Cropland | Woodland | Grassland | Built-Up Land | Water Body | Total | ||
Cropland | 465220 | 23169 | 6326 | 2725 | 485 | 497925 | 93.4 | |
Woodland | 22139 | 302925 | 2023 | 2189 | 382 | 329658 | 91.9 | |
Grassland | 6658 | 2919 | 32646 | 471 | 128 | 42822 | 76.2 | |
Built-up land | 2136 | 986 | 546 | 9421 | 66 | 13155 | 71.6 | |
Water body | 756 | 104 | 185 | 304 | 8460 | 9809 | 86.2 | |
Total | 496909 | 330103 | 41726 | 15110 | 9521 | 893369 | Overall Accuracy | |
User Accuracy (%) | 93.6 | 91.8 | 78.2 | 62.3 | 88.9 | 83.0 | 83.9 | 0.848 |
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Dataset | Source | Description | Spatial Resolution or Distribution | Temporal Resolution |
Land use data | European Space Agency | Land use and land cover maps from 1995 to 2015 | 300 m × 300 m | At five-year intervals |
Climate data | China Meteorological Data Network | Maximum, minimum, and average temperatures, precipitation, and solar radiation | 12 stations | Daily/monthly |
Soil data | Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) | Soil properties including the texture, organic matter content, and root depth | 30 arc-second | – |
Digital elevation model | Geospatial Data Cloud | Elevation data | 30 m × 30 m | – |
Ecosystem Service Indicators | Methods | Unit | Equation | References |
Water yield | Water balance equation | m3. ha−1 | : the water yield for pixel x; : the annual precipitation on pixel x; : the annual actual evapotranspiration for pixel x | [18,19] |
Soil export (Inverse indicator of soil conservation) | Universal soil loss equation | t.ha−1.y−1 | the average annual soil loss for pixel x; : the rainfall factor for pixel x; : the soil erodibility factor for pixel x; : the field topography factor for pixel x; : the cropping and management factor for pixel x, and : the factor for supporting conservation practices for pixel x. | [20] |
Carbon storage | Sum of carbon stored in vegetation, litter, and soil. | Mg. ha−1 | , , represent the aboveground carbon density, belowground carbon density, soil organic carbon density, and dead organic matter of pixel x, respectively. | [21] |
Habitat quality | Habitat quality model of InVEST | Dimensionless index (0–1) | : the HQ for pixel x in land use j; : the habitat suitability of land use type j; : the total threat level in grid cell x in land use type j; k: the half-saturation value; z: normalized constant. | [19] |
Land Use Scenarios in 2050 | |||||
Cropland | Woodland | Grassland | Built-Up Land | Water Bodies | |
Baseline (2015) | 55.7% | 36.9% | 4.8% | 1.5% | 1.0% |
Business as usual scenario | 54.2% | 37.1% | 4.4% | 3.1% | 1.1% |
Ecological conservation scenario | 45.9% | 43.9% | 7.6% | 1.5% | 1.0% |
Rapid urbanization scenario | 53.7% | 36.4% | 4.4% | 4.5% | 1.0% |
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Gao, J.; Tang, X.; Lin, S.; Bian, H. The Influence of Land Use Change on Key Ecosystem Services and Their Relationships in a Mountain Region from Past to Future (1995–2050). Forests 2021, 12, 616.
Gao J, Tang X, Lin S, Bian H. The Influence of Land Use Change on Key Ecosystem Services and Their Relationships in a Mountain Region from Past to Future (1995–2050). Forests. 2021; 12(5):616.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGao, Jie, Xuguang Tang, Shiqiu Lin, and Hongyan Bian. 2021. "The Influence of Land Use Change on Key Ecosystem Services and Their Relationships in a Mountain Region from Past to Future (1995–2050)" Forests 12, no. 5: 616.
APA StyleGao, J., Tang, X., Lin, S., & Bian, H. (2021). The Influence of Land Use Change on Key Ecosystem Services and Their Relationships in a Mountain Region from Past to Future (1995–2050). Forests, 12(5), 616.