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An Event Matching Energy Disaggregation Algorithm Using Smart Meter Data

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Taxila 47050, Pakistan
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Electronics 2022, 11(21), 3596; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11213596
Submission received: 4 October 2022 / Revised: 28 October 2022 / Accepted: 28 October 2022 / Published: 3 November 2022


Energy disaggregation algorithms disintegrate aggregate demand into appliance-level demands. Among various energy disaggregation approaches, non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) algorithms requiring a single sensor have gained much attention in recent years. Various machine learning and optimization-based NILM approaches are available in the literature, but bulk training data and high computational time are their respective drawbacks. Considering these drawbacks, we devised an event matching energy disaggregation algorithm (EMEDA) for NILM of multistate household appliances using smart meter data. Having limited training data, K-means clustering was employed to estimate appliance power states. These power states were accumulated to generate an event database (EVD) containing all combinations of appliance operations in their various states. Prior to matching, the test samples of aggregate demand events were decreased by event-driven data compression for computational effectiveness. The compressed test events were matched in the sorted EVD to assess the contribution of each appliance in the aggregate demand. To counter the effects of transient spikes and/or dips that occurred during the state transition of appliances, a post-processing algorithm was also developed. The proposed approach was validated using the low-rate data of the Reference Energy Disaggregation Dataset (REDD). With better energy disaggregation performance, the proposed EMEDA exhibited reductions of 97.5 and 61.7% in computational time compared with the recent smart event-based optimization and optimization-based load disaggregation approaches, respectively.

1. Introduction

In the digital age, modern cities have transformed into smart cities. In such cities, big data collected by sensors require sophisticated algorithms for their analysis and security for multidisciplinary applications [1,2]. Due to digitization, the power grid system has evolved into a smart grid. A smart grid offers better options for renewable energy penetration, but the intermittency of renewable generation poses price volatility and grid stability problems [3,4]. In the smart grid, utilities tend to have more installations of smart meters in their advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). Aggregate demand data collected by smart meters assist in understanding consumer behaviors in aggregation, demand forecasts, customer segmentation, etc.; however, improved demand-side management, better policy designs, and sustainable development require disaggregated energy characterization at the appliance level [5,6]. Disaggregated energy characterization can foster economic gains and technical benefits for diverse stakeholders through innovative services [7,8,9]. It also assists in efficient resource usage, conservation of energy and the environment, and improved living in smart sustainable cities [10]. Some of the benefits of this characterization are shown in Figure 1. A detailed review of such benefits in the context of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 and deep decarbonization goals of 2050 is presented in [6].
To extract appliance-level energy characterization, intrusive and non-intrusive energy disaggregation techniques are used. The former techniques require dedicated sensors for individual appliances, whereas the latter rely on mathematical programming, artificial intelligence, and statistical approaches after getting aggregate demand data from a single sensor. Due to the involvement of a single sensor, which is usually the smart meter, non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) approaches are more economical for energy disaggregation [11]. The general concept of NILM is depicted in Figure 2 where household-level aggregate demand measured by the smart meter is disaggregated into appliance level demands (ALDs) through the NILM algorithm implemented on a laptop computer. As smart meters are increasingly being installed for utilities, it seems a better choice to implement NILM solutions on the smart meters [12].
After Hart’s [13] pioneering NILM work, many researchers have implemented NILM using statistical, machine learning (ML), and optimization algorithms employing low- and high-frequency data [14,15]. NILM algorithms based on high-frequency data are more accurate, but these are not practical due to expensive high-frequency sensors and sophisticated data processing equipment. For practical implementation, low-frequency NILM solutions are justified.
Among various statistical approaches, hidden Markov models (HMMs) are well-recognized. HMMs distinguish appliances by modeling variations in low-frequency data of real power [16]. Some HMM variants requiring additional data about state variations have also been developed [17], whereas others have developed models for the characterization of specific appliances [18]. However, scalability is a major drawback of HMM-based models.
ML-based approaches solve NILM as a clustering [19], regression [20], classification [21], \or hybrid problem [22,23]. Due to advances in graphical processing technology, the application of deep learning (DL) techniques for NILM is on the rise [24]. Some recent DL models include convolutional neural networks [25,26], long short-term memory networks [27,28], generative adversarial networks [29], attention-based deep neural networks [22], seq2seq learning [30], seq2point learning [31], deep pair supervising hash [32], etc. The transfer learning concept of DL models is also extended for NILM [31,33]. The performance of DL-based models for NILM is excellent, but efficient computational sources and bulk data for their training are major issues in their implementation.
To escape the need for bulk training data and advanced computing machines, many researchers have employed optimization algorithms. Some optimization-based NILM approaches include integer linear programming [34], integer non-linear programming (INLP) [11], mixed ILNP [35], quadratic programming [36], sparse optimization [37], etc. Egarter and Elmenreich [38] solved NILM using six metaheuristic ealgorithms and found it difficult to identify appliances with overlapping features. This problem can be tackled either by using additional information about appliance usage or by expanding the feature set. To expand the feature set, H. Liu et al. [39] added harmonic currents through geometrical calculations and applied particle swarm optimization to solve NILM. Probabilities of appliance activations as regularized terms were used in the stochastic optimization approach while accommodating for uncertainties in load parameters [40]. The standard least square method was employed for estimation purposes. Azizi et al. [35] devised a smart event-based optimization (SEBO) technique while formulating NILM as a least-square problem. A penalty term was included to consider the appliance transition modes. An optimization-based NILM method based on state transitions was proposed by Zeinal-Kheiri et al. [11]. They formulated NILM as an INLP problem and solved it using the GAMS LINDOGLOBAL solver. Optimization techniques require less prior data during training phase, but extended computational time is the major issue faced in their adoption.
Despite various techniques, practical NILM using low-frequency data is still a challenging problem. Scalability, bulk data requirements, and high computational time are the key issues exhibited by HMMs, ML, and optimization-based NILM techniques, respectively. To address these issues, a smart event matching energy disaggregation algorithm (EMEDA) was presented using smart meter low-frequency data, with the following contributions:
  • An algorithm was proposed for the formation of a consumer-specific event database (EVD) containing all aggregate demand events (ADEs), due to the activation of target appliances in all possible states considering their state flags. K-means clustering was applied to determine the power states of appliances using limited data of individual appliance consumption. ADEs in EVD were sorted in ascending order for easy matching.
  • An EMEDA was devised to reduce the computational complexity exhibited by metaheuristic and combinatorial optimization techniques. Unlike conventional techniques attempting to match an ADE by aggregating multiple probable appliance combinations, the proposed EMEDA just tallies the test ADE in the sorted EVD to minimize the estimation error.
  • Besides computational cost savings during matching in EVD, a data compression algorithm, inspired by event-driven metering, was applied to reduce the number of test samples/events to be matched for energy disaggregation. This data compression led to significant savings in terms of storage memory and computational time.
  • A post-processing algorithm was devised to encounter the effects of transient dips/spikes occurring during the state transition of appliances. Erroneous appliance detections due to these transients, which may deteriorate the performance of the proposed algorithm, were handled during post-processing.
The organization of the remaining paper is as follows: Section 2 presents the mathematical modeling of the NILM problem, and the relevant metrics used for the evaluation. Various stages involved in the proposed technique are described in Section 3. NILM results obtained by the proposed EMEDA on the Reference Energy Disaggregation Dataset (REDD) [41] are presented in Section 4. Section 5 covers concluding remarks and some directions for future research.

2. Mathematical Modelling

Let there be a residential dwelling with N a appliances. At any time instant t , if any j th appliance j = 1 , 2 , , N a consumes power P j t , then the aggregate demand of all the appliances can be given as:
P t = j = 1 N a P j t
The NILM algorithm is aimed to estimate ALDs from the aggregate demand data measured by the smart meter. If the estimated demand for appliance j is represented by P ^ j t , then aggregate demand P t at time instant t can be represented by Equation (2):
P t = j = 1 N a P ^ j t + t
where t is the estimation error, and the difference between the aggregate demand and sum of estimated ALDs. Let the row vector X j = x 1 j , ,   x m j j   m j contain power states of any appliance j , which can operate in m j modes. Suppose θ j t = θ 1 j t , , θ m j j t   m j is the row vector with binary variables representing the operational status of any j th appliance in a certain mode, such as θ i j t 0 , 1 for i = 1 , ,   m j and j = 1 , , N a . Using these vectors, the estimated demand P ^ j t for any j th appliance can be given by Equation (3):
P ^ j t = X j θ j T t
Here superscript T represents the transpose of θ j t and x i j , representing the power level of appliance j in its i th mode of operation. The operational state of the appliance j is denoted by the binary variable θ i j t having unity value when it operates in mode i . Otherwise, its value is zero. As an appliance operates in a single state at any time, we can set the unity summation constraint on all θ i j t θ j t as:
i = 1 m j θ i j t = 1
As NILM attempts to minimize the estimation error t between the aggregate demand and the sum of estimated ALDs, it can be formulated as an optimization problem. The formulation is presented in Equations (5)–(7). The constraint imposed by Equation (6) is used to ensure the operation of all appliances in their single mode only.
t = P t j = 1 N a P ^ j t
min θ j i t t = P t j = 1 N a X j θ j T t
s . t .         t = 1 , 2 , , T   ,     i   , j :       i = 1 m j θ i j t = 1
where θ i j t 0 , 1 for i = 1 , . ,   m j and j = 1 , . , N a .
To evaluate performance, various metrics such as per appliance accuracy ( A C ), relative square error ( R S q E ),  R 2 metric, and relative similarity error ( R S m E ) can be used [42]. Mathematical definitions of these metrics for an appliance j are given in Equations (8)–(13).
A C j = 1 t = 1 T   P j t P ^ j t 2 t = 1 T P j t
R S q E j = t = 1 T     P j t P ^ j t 2 t = 1 T   P j 2 t
R j 2 = 1 t = 1 T     P j t P ^ j t 2 t = 1 T     P j t P ¯ j 2
R S m E j = h j h ^ j h j
where   P ¯ j = 1 T t = 1 T P j t denotes mean actual demand for appliance j during time T . The symbols h ^ j and h j denote estimated and actual energy fraction indexes for appliance j , respectively. Mathematically, these indexes can be formulated using Equations (11) and (12):
h j = t = 1 T E j t j = 1 N t = 1 T E j t
h ^ j = t = 1 T E ^ j t j = 1 N t = 1 T E ^ j t
Here E ^ j t and E j t represent the estimated and actual energy usage for any j th appliance, respectively, such that E j t = P j t × t and E ^ j t = P ^ j t × t for any time index t with span length t .

3. Proposed Methodology

The devised NILM approach is based on EVD containing all the operational appliance groups that can produce an ADE. As the proposed EMEDA relies on the power states of appliances for EVD formation, its performance can be deteriorated due to abnormal power consumption of target appliances. Furthermore, the EMEDA takes low-frequency real power data collected from smart meters; thus, overlapping appliance combinations can result in erroneous results. To avoid these issues, we made two assumptions in this study: (i) All target appliances are healthy. (ii) Simultaneous state transitions do not occur for multiple appliances. This latter assumption is common in most event-based NILM approaches [43]. The methodology of the proposed EMEDA is illustrated using the flowchart shown in Figure 3.

3.1. State Estimation by K-means Clustering

Formation of EVD requires accurate estimation of appliance power states. This state estimation is viable either by having limited training data of individual appliance consumptions or by establishing an appliance signature database with the cooperation of appliance manufacturers and appliance energy labeling agencies. We used the former option and applied K-means clustering to estimate appliance power states. In clustering, suitable K selection is an important task. Silhouette score and elbow methods are famous for choosing the appropriate K [44]. With some visual judgment and tuning, we used the elbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters. The cluster centers returned by the clustering algorithm acted as appliance power states.

3.2. Algorithm for Event Database Formation

With the appliance power states, an EVD containing all ADEs was constructed. This EVD considered every probable operational state of each appliance to constitute all possible ADEs. As each appliance operates in one distinct state to constitute an ADE, the number of records in the EVD depended on the distinct power states of each appliance. Each record represents an ADE with information on appliance power states and flags representing the operational states of appliances. In a residential dwelling with N a number of target appliances, with any j th appliance operating in m j modes, the total records ( N E v D ) in the EVD can be determined by Equation (14) as:
N E v D = j = 1 N a m j
Records of the EVD, where each record represented an ADE with flags representing operational states of appliances, were arranged in ascending order for easy matching of test aggregate samples in EVD. The matching procedure of test aggregate samples/events is analogous to word matching in a language dictionary. Similarly, the objective of minimizing is similar to the minimization of the objective function in optimization techniques. Due to these resemblances, the proposed technique was termed EMEDA. Different steps involved in the formation of sorted EVD are described in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Proposed Algorithm for EVD Formation
    Power states of all target appliances computed by K-means clustering.
    EVD in sorted form.
    Step 1: Prepare power levels sets ( X j ) for all target appliances such that X j = x 1 j , ,   x m j j   m j and j = 1 , . , N a .
    Step 2: Perform the cartesian product among all X j acquired in Step 1 to get all the probable state combinations of appliances.
    Step 3: Designate relevant flags θ j t = θ 1 j t , , θ m j j t   m j to represent appliance states in combinations developed in Step 2.
    Step 4: Take the summation of appliance power levels for all combinations developed in Step 2 to constitute all possible ADEs.
    Step 5: Arrange the ADEs obtained in Step 4 in ascending order to obtain sorted EVD.

3.3. Event-Driven Data Compression

As high computational time is the major issue faced in optimization-based NILM solutions, a reduction in test samples of ADEs to be processed by the NILM algorithm could partially resolve this issue. Taking inspiration from the event-driven metering proposed by Simonov, Chicco, and Zanetto [45], we utilized event-driven data compression to reduce the test samples of ADE obtained from smart meters. Each test sample acts as an ADE; therefore, the words “samples” and “ADEs” are used interchangeably. During data compression, demand fluctuations in uncompressed ADEs were continuously observed. When the absolute values of these fluctuations went beyond a specified threshold ( P t h ), an event transition was perceived due to a switching of appliance states. Usually, the value of P t h was designated by considering the appliance that exhibited the least variation in its demand for state switching. The average value P a v g k for a compressed ADE ‘ k ’ having time duration t could be computed by Equation (15) as:
P a v g k = P t × Δ t Δ t  
where P t × Δ t represents the actual energy calculated using uncompressed ADEs.
The compression algorithms based on the event-driven metering took the list of uncompressed ADEs L U C as input and gave a list of compressed ADEs L C as output. The size of L C was substantially reduced compared with that of L U C . The compressed ADEs in L C were stored in a three-value format as P a v g , t s ,   t e , where P a v g , t s , and t e denoted the average power, starting time, and ending time of an ADE, respectively. The pseudocode of the event-driven data compression employed in this work to compress uncompressed samples of ADEs is given in Algorithm 2. All the necessary details and descriptions of variables are also presented.
Algorithm 2: Algorithm for Event-Driven Data Compression
    List L U C containing the uncompressed samples of ADEs as [ q , t U C q , P U C q ], where q , t U C and P U C q represent the index number, timestamp, and power of uncompressed samples, respectively.
    Power threshold ( P t h ) for event detection.
    A list of compressed samples L C of aggregate demand as P a v g , t s ,   t e .
Dummy Variables and Symbols:
     P s t a r t : Variable to save the first power sample of uncompressed data upon the detection of an event.
    q: Pointer variable to iterate through L U C .
    %: To indicate comments.
    In L C , assign t s = t U C 1 from the first entry of L U C .
    In L C , assign P s t a r t = P U C 1 from the first entry of L U C .
    Initialize t e = 0
    FOR q   = 1 : Length of L U C
        IF  ( P s t a r t P U C q > P t h )
           t e =   t U C ( q )
           P a v g = Value computed by Equation (14) taking P U C values of L U C from t s to t e .
          Append L C by the entry P a v g , t s ,   t e .
          % Initializing values for the next entry of L C .
           t s =   t U C ( q )
           P s t a r t = P U C q
        END IF
        % To ensure the attainment of the last compressed sample of L C on arriving at the last sample of
        % uncompressed time series L U C .
        IF (q = Length   of   L U C a n d   t s t a r t t U C Length   of   L U C )
           t e = t U C ( q )
           P a v g = Value computed by Equation (14) taking P U C values of L U C from t s to t e .
          Append L C by the entry P a v g , t s ,   t e .
        END IF
         q = q + 1

3.4. Event Matching Optimization Algorithm

Our proposed approach compared each compressed ADE from the testing data in the sorted EVD to determine its closest match. The absolute difference between the compressed ADEs of the testing data and records of EVD was computed. As our assumption avoids simultaneous transition of multiple appliances, an EVD record exhibiting minimum absolute difference with no more than one state transition was recognized as the matched event. The power levels of appliances in the matched record were designated as ALDs. To estimate the number of state transitions occurring between two successive events, the proposed EMEDA needed knowledge about the current operating states of appliances at the start. This information could be provided either by giving information about appliance state flags (ASFs) or by initiating the matching algorithm from the test sample, where accurate information of ASFs was easily accessible. For instance, test ADEs with nearly zero values represented that all appliances were operating in their OFF states. During the matching of compressed ADEs, coming in a three-value format ( P a v g , t s ,   t e ) in the EVD, the events lasting less than a specific threshold time ( τ t h ) were detected as transient events. These were left for the post-processing stage by assigning zero power to all appliances. The algorithm of the proposed EMEDA is described in Algorithm 3.
Algorithm 3: Event Matching Optimization Algorithm
    Consumer-specific EVD.
    List L C of compressed testing ADEs as P a v g , t s ,   t e   .
    Initial values of ASFs.
    Array R e s t containing estimated ALDs and ASFs.
    List L t r i n d containing indexes of transient events.
    Declare an empty array R e s t .
    Declare an empty list L t r i n d .
    FOR each compressed ADE P a v g , t s ,   t e   L C
      IF ( t e t s for current ADE in L C τ t h )
        Declare the current ADE as a transient ADE.
        Retain initial ASFs and add an entry in R e s t with zero powers for all appliances.
        Append the index of the current ADE according to L C in L t r i n d .
        Step 1: Add two empty columns in EVD to get an extended EVD.
        Step 2: Put the absolute difference between the test ADE and the records in EVD items in the first empty column.
        Step 3: Fill the second empty column with the number of state variations obtained by comparing earlier state flags of appliances with ASFs associated with EVD records.
        Step 4: Arrange the extended EVD with respect to the absolute difference obtained in Step 2.
        Step 5: Pick the EVD record with the minimum absolute difference and no more than one state variation as matched ADE.
        Step 6: Extend R e s t with the matched ADE obtained in Step 5.
        Step 7: Reset the initial values of ASFs in accordance with the matched ADE for the next compressed testing ADE.

3.5. Post-Processing Algorithm

Due to their inherent characteristics, certain appliances consume abnormal levels of power when transitioning states. These unusual dips/spikes in power demands cause erroneous estimations and degrade the performance of NILM. To improve the performance, the proposed EMEDA assigned zero power to all appliances when detecting a transient ADE, without changing the earlier state flags of appliances. The post-processing algorithm was then applied for a better estimation of appliance power demands. The pseudocode of this algorithm is given in Algorithm 4.
Apart from the current transient event, the post-processing algorithm considered the two non-transient events preceding and succeeding the current event. More accurate power was assigned based on the supposition that the appliance in the transitioning phase drew irregular power, while the rest of the appliances exhibited no change in their power consumptions. The transitioning appliance was identified by comparing ALDs of non-transient events sandwiching the current transient sample. The appliance with the maximum absolute difference in its power demand in non-transient events was declared as the appliance undergoing a state transition.
Algorithm 4: Proposed Post-Processing Algorithm
    Array R e s t of estimated ALDs and ASFs returned by EMEDA.
    List L t r i n d containing indexes of transient events in R e s t   .
    Array R e s t _ p o s t of estimated ALDs and ASFs after post-processing.
     R e s t _ p o s t = R e s t
     i = 1
    WHILE ( i Length of L t r i n d )
      Step 1: Extract the index of the current transient event/sample as = L t r i n d i
      Step 2: Extract the current transient event R e s t _ p o s t  
      Step 3: Extract the non-transient events from R e s t _ p o s t preceding and succeeding the current transient event.
      Step 4: Update ALDs and ASFs of the current transient event according to preceding and succeeding non-transient events, respectively.
      Step 5: Calculate the absolute differences between ALDs of succeeding and preceding non-transient events.
      Step 6: Pick the appliance in the transient phase based on the maximum value of absolute differences calculated in the previous step.
      Step 7: Evaluate the absolute difference between the sum of ALDs updated from the preceding non-transient event and aggregate power of the transient event.
      Step 8: Designate the absolute difference of Step 7 as the estimated demand of the appliance transitioning its state.
       i = i + 1

4. Results and Discussion

The proposed EMEDA was validated using REDD [41]. REDD contains aggregate and ALDs of six residential houses at a sampling rate of 0.25–0.33 Hz. For fair evaluation, five residential appliances (kitchen outlets, microwave, oven, refrigerator, and washer dryer) considered by [35] were selected as target appliances in house #1. The particulars of training and testing data segments are described in Table 1, and the actual ALDs for testing data 2 are shown in Figure 4. A core i5 system (CPU @ 2.30 GHz) equipped with 8 gigabytes of SSD RAM was employed for simulations using 64-bit Windows 10 Pro as the operating system. Python was used for programming in the Anaconda environment.

4.1. State Estimation and Data Compression Results

The application of k-means clustering on the training data gave estimated power states for appliances. These states are tabulated in Table 2. These states were used to construct consumer-specific EVD using algorithm I. This algorithm used these states as inputs and returned an EVD. The EVD, in our case, contained 72 records of target appliances [2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 2 = 72].
In the data compression mechanism inspired by event-driven metering [45], demand fluctuations in the aggregate demand samples were continuously monitored. When the fluctuation deviated from the threshold power ( P t h ), a transitioning of events was anticipated. The value of P t h was selected based on an appliance that exhibited minimum variation during its state variation. In our data, the minimum on-state power of 193 watts occurred for the refrigerator. When the refrigerator went from its off-power mode of 6.5 watts to the first on-power mode of 193 watts, a power variation of 186.5 watts occurred. Half of the 186.5 watts (≅ 93 watts) was selected to detect a state variation. A total of 129,595 samples of test ADEs were compressed into 407 samples, giving a compression ratio of 318, as shown in Table 3. The high compression ratio saved resources for data transmission, storage, and processing.

4.2. NILM Results by EMEDA

The reduced samples of compressed ADEs were matched in the sorted EVD for their closest record. This closest record represents the estimated ALDs. When matching through the proposed EMEDA, transient events were also detected. The REDD dataset contained low-frequency data sampled after 3 or 4 s; therefore, we selected 6 s as the transient identification period ( τ t h ) . ADEs lasting lesser than τ t h were detected as transient events. Upon detecting transient events, zero power was assigned to these appliances as their estimated demand. Assignment of zero power is evident in Figure 5 compared with Figure 4, which shows actual ALDs. Assigning zero power to transient events for all appliances suppressed the performance of the proposed NILM algorithm. Results of various evaluation metrics before post-processing are given in Table 4 and Table 5.
The transient events obtained during event matching were processed during post-processing, which improved the performance of the proposed EMEDA by assigning more accurate power to appliances going through transitions. Due to these more accurate assignments, the values of R S q E , R 2 , and A C were improved for all residential appliances after post-processing, except for the microwave, where slightly degraded values of R S q E and R 2 were observed. Similarly, R S m E was improved for kitchen outlets, the refrigerator, and washer dryer after post-processing, whereas this value slightly decreased for the microwave and oven. One potential reason for these degraded values is inaccurate power assignments to some samples during the post-processing procedure. As an illustration, a few transient power assignments are highlighted using elliptical shapes for the refrigerator in Figure 6.

4.3. Computational Time Analysis

One of the primary objectives of the proposed EMEDA was to reduce the computational burden of the NILM solution; therefore, its computational time needed to be investigated. Computational time required for various stages of the proposed approach are presented in Table 5. For the observed testing period spanning over 8.5 days, the proposed approach approximately consumed 8.0247 s for data compression, energy disaggregation, and post-processing. Data compression reduced the number of test samples to be processed, whereas the pre-evaluated EVD reduced matching time. Therefore, the computation speed of the proposed approach was significantly improved. From Table 6, it is evident that, on average, the proposed algorithm disaggregated one sample of ADE in approximately 19.35 ms.

4.4. Comparison with Recent Existing Approaches

For performance evaluation, the proposed EMEDA was compared with some recent NILM approaches. For the sake of a fair evaluation, the proposed EMEDA used the same dataset, with similar appliances and training period as used in the SEBO approach [35]. SEBO was evaluated on the data of a single test day, whereas EMEDA considered testing data spanning over 8.5 days. The second comparison technique was optimization-based load disaggregation (OLDA) proposed by Zeinal-Kheiri, Shotorbani and Mohammadi-Ivatloo [11]. This technique considered six target appliances from house 1 of the REDD dataset. The four target appliances considered by OLDA [11] were similar to the appliances considered in the current study for a similar house of the REDD dataset, but we included kitchen outlets as our fifth target appliance for a fair comparison with the SEBO approach [35]. A comparison of the proposed EMEDA with SEBO [35], multi-label K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) [35], OLDA [11], integer programming (IP) [11], and aided linear integer programming (ALIP) [11] before and after post-processing is presented in Table 5 and Table 7. Results in Table 5 indicate that EMEDA surpassed the other techniques in all metrics except for A C i for the microwave, which was slightly higher in the case of OLDA [11] after post-processing. Results of the proposed technique are highlighted using bold text.
From Table 7, it is evident that recently published OLDA [11], IP [11], ALIP [11], and SEBO [35] take 50.52, 38.68, 28.61, and 766.9 ms, respectively, to extract ALDs from one sample of ADE. Our proposed approach can disaggregate one aggregate demand sample in 19.35 ms, on average. This computational effectiveness of the proposed approach is due to event-driven data compression and EVD formation. Data compression reduced the number of samples to be processed and EVD formation eliminated the need to mix different state combinations of appliances over several iterations to reduce estimation error.

5. Conclusions

This work proposes a computationally efficient EMEDA for residential NILM. The proposed approach involves less prior data for training and is viable for practical applications. In the proposed technique, an EVD containing all the potential ADEs of target appliances was pre-established using the appliance power states and test ADEs were matched to estimate ALDs while reducing the estimation error and considering appliance operating states. The pre-evaluated EVD eliminated the need to attempt several combinations of appliance operational modes during each iteration to reduce estimation error, as done in conventional metaheuristic and combinatorial optimization techniques, thus reducing computational complexity. Furthermore, event-driven data compression was applied to reduce samples of ADEs to decrease processing time. In the future, additional low-frequency features, such as apparent power, power factor, reactive power, etc., could be incorporated to overcome performance degradation due to appliances with overlapping active power features. Similarly, mutually exclusive appliance operations could be eliminated in EVD to reduce its event records for further reductions in matching time. By providing ALDs from smart meter data, the proposed EMEDA could support utility and energy managers in devising efficient programs for energy conservation and demand-side management.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.L. and I.A.S.; resources, R.L.; data curation, R.L.; writing—original draft preparation, R.L.; writing—review and editing, R.L. and I.A.S.; visualization, R.L.; supervision, I.A.S.; project administration, I.A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This paper received partial funding from Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan under grant no. 17014.


R.L. and I.A.S. would like to thank the postgraduate office of the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, for providing the facilities to accomplish this work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Benefits of disaggregated energy characterization in smart cities.
Figure 1. Benefits of disaggregated energy characterization in smart cities.
Electronics 11 03596 g001
Figure 2. Illustration of the general NILM concept.
Figure 2. Illustration of the general NILM concept.
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Figure 3. Methodology flowchart for the proposed EMEDA.
Figure 3. Methodology flowchart for the proposed EMEDA.
Electronics 11 03596 g003
Figure 4. Actual ALDs for testing data 2.
Figure 4. Actual ALDs for testing data 2.
Electronics 11 03596 g004
Figure 5. Estimated ALDs for testing data 2 before post-processing.
Figure 5. Estimated ALDs for testing data 2 before post-processing.
Electronics 11 03596 g005
Figure 6. Estimated ALDs for testing data 2 after post-processing (dotted elliptical shapes represent some samples where transient powers are assigned to the refrigerator).
Figure 6. Estimated ALDs for testing data 2 after post-processing (dotted elliptical shapes represent some samples where transient powers are assigned to the refrigerator).
Electronics 11 03596 g006
Table 1. Training and testing data.
Table 1. Training and testing data.
(D-M-Y H:M:S)
(D-M-Y H:M:S)
Training data19-04-2011 09:30:0002-05-2011 09:29:5914 daysBoth
Testing data 123-05-2011 19:00:0024-05-2011 07:00:0312 hWeekdays
Testing data 207-05-2011 12:00:0608-05-2011 12:00:011 dayWeekends
Testing data 309-05-2011 00:00:0210-05-2011 23:59:572 daysWeekdays
Testing data 402-05-2011 09:30:0307-05-2011 09:30:035 daysBoth
Table 2. States of appliances, computed by K-means clustering.
Table 2. States of appliances, computed by K-means clustering.
j ApplianceNumber of Operating ModesPower Levels in
Various Modes (Watts)
m j x 1 j x 2 j x 3 j
1Kitchen outlets21 *1068
2Microwave24 *1519
4Refrigerator36.5 *193424
5Washer dryer202692
* These non-zero values are aligned with REDD [41] for house 1.
Table 3. Compression ratios and data compression time.
Table 3. Compression ratios and data compression time.
Time SpanUncompressed
Compressed ADEsCompression RatioComputational Time for Data Compression
Period #1 0.5 days11,34730378:10.0130 s
Period #2 1 day22,55187259:10.0254 s
Period #3 2 days44,562166268:10.0496 s
Period #4 * 5 days51,135124412:10.0609 s
Total 8.5 days129,595407318:10.1489 s
* The samples in testing period # 4 of REDD are as per the original data and are fewer in number due to some missing intervals. Therefore, the computational time is also smaller.
Table 4. Results for different evaluation metrics.
Table 4. Results for different evaluation metrics.
ApplianceGround TruthBefore Post-ProcessingAfter Post-Processing
h j h ^ j R S q E j R S m E j h ^ j R S q E j R S m E j
Kitchen outlets0.05510.05420.00290.01540.05410.00040.0186
Washer dryer0.02380.02240.02920.05850.02330.00090.0216
Table 5. Evaluation results of the proposed EMEDA and their comparison with other techniques.
Table 5. Evaluation results of the proposed EMEDA and their comparison with other techniques.
ApplianceBefore Post-ProcessingAfter Post-Processing A C j A C j R j 2 A C j
R j 2 A C j R j 2 A C j R j 2 A C j R j 2 A C j A C j
Proposed EMEDAProposed EMEDASEBO
Proposed EMEDAProposed EMEDASEBO
Multi-Label KNN
Multi-Label KNN
Kitchen outlets0.99710.98570.960.850.99960.98670.960.86N/AN/AN/A0.840.73
Washer dryer0.97070.97510.910.940.99900.98860.920.960.870.520.500.910.93
Table 6. Computational time analysis for the proposed EMEDA.
Table 6. Computational time analysis for the proposed EMEDA.
Testing DataComputational Time
Compression (DC)
DC+ Energy
Disaggregation (ED)
Time/day for DC + ED+
Time/Day for ED+
Period #1 (12 h)0.0130 s0.5930 s0.7105 s1.4210 s0.6975 s1.3950 s
Period #2 (24 h)0.0254 s1.1974 s1.4309 s1.4309 s1.4055 s1.4055 s
Period #3 (48 h)0.0496 s2.2749 s2.7010 s1.3505 s2.6514 s1.3257 s
Period #4 (5 days) *0.0609 s2.6792 s3.1823 s0.6365 s3.1214 s0.6242 s
Total (8.5 days)0.1489 s6.7445 s8.0247 s0.9441 s7.8758 s0.9266 s
* Computational time for testing period # 4 of REDD is less due to missing samples and less number of event transitions.
Table 7. Comparison of computational time.
Table 7. Comparison of computational time.
TechniqueTesting DataTesting
Computational TimeComputational Time/Sample
Proposed EMEDA8.5 days4077.8758 s19.35 ms
OLDA [11]2 days28814.55 s50.52 ms
IP [11]2 days28811.14 s38.68 ms
ALIP [11]2 days2888.24 s28.61 ms
SEBO [35]1 day163125 s766.9 ms
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MDPI and ACS Style

Liaqat, R.; Sajjad, I.A. An Event Matching Energy Disaggregation Algorithm Using Smart Meter Data. Electronics 2022, 11, 3596. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11213596

AMA Style

Liaqat R, Sajjad IA. An Event Matching Energy Disaggregation Algorithm Using Smart Meter Data. Electronics. 2022; 11(21):3596. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11213596

Chicago/Turabian Style

Liaqat, Rehan, and Intisar Ali Sajjad. 2022. "An Event Matching Energy Disaggregation Algorithm Using Smart Meter Data" Electronics 11, no. 21: 3596. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11213596

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