Model Order Reduction: A Comparison between Integer and Non-Integer Order Systems Approaches
<p>Bode diagram of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>F</mi> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> <mo>=</mo> <mn>100</mn> <mo>/</mo> <msup> <mi>s</mi> <mrow> <mn>0.6</mn> </mrow> </msup> </mrow> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Bode diagram and step response of system with transfer function <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>G</mi> <mn>1</mn> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and corresponding fitted systems.</p> "> Figure 2 Cont.
<p>Bode diagram and step response of system with transfer function <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>G</mi> <mn>1</mn> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and corresponding fitted systems.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Bode diagram and step response of system with transfer function <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>G</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and corresponding fitted systems.</p> "> Figure 3 Cont.
<p>Bode diagram and step response of system with transfer function <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>G</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and corresponding fitted systems.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Bode diagram and step response of system with transfer function <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>G</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and corresponding fitted systems.</p> "> Figure 4 Cont.
<p>Bode diagram and step response of system with transfer function <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>G</mi> <mn>3</mn> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and corresponding fitted systems.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Some Notes on Fractional Calculus
3. Description of the Investigated MOR Techniques
3.1. Open-Loop Balancing Reduction
3.2. Implicit Model Order Reduction via Fractional Order Calculus
3.3. Fractional Order Transfer Function Fitting
4. Numerical Examples
4.1. System with Transfer Function
4.2. System with Transfer Function
4.3. System with Transfer Function
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
MOR | Model Order Reduction |
FOC | Fractional Order Calculus |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
IOTF | Integer Order Transfer Function |
Order of Differentiation | |
FOS | Fractional Order System |
FOTF | Fractional Order Transfer Function |
OLBR | Open Loop Balancing Realization |
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Parameter | Value |
Number of individuals | 3000 |
Maximum number of generation | 150 |
Generation gap | |
Precision | 40 |
System | Transfer Function |
System | Method in [1] | Method in [5] | FO-GA | FO-FMINS | No. of param. |
[6,6,6,6] | |||||
[2,4,6,5] | |||||
not applicable | [2,-,2,2] |
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Caponetto, R.; Machado, J.T.; Murgano, E.; Xibilia, M.G. Model Order Reduction: A Comparison between Integer and Non-Integer Order Systems Approaches. Entropy 2019, 21, 876.
Caponetto R, Machado JT, Murgano E, Xibilia MG. Model Order Reduction: A Comparison between Integer and Non-Integer Order Systems Approaches. Entropy. 2019; 21(9):876.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCaponetto, Riccardo, José Tenreiro Machado, Emanuele Murgano, and Maria Gabriella Xibilia. 2019. "Model Order Reduction: A Comparison between Integer and Non-Integer Order Systems Approaches" Entropy 21, no. 9: 876.
APA StyleCaponetto, R., Machado, J. T., Murgano, E., & Xibilia, M. G. (2019). Model Order Reduction: A Comparison between Integer and Non-Integer Order Systems Approaches. Entropy, 21(9), 876.