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Post-Harvest Alternatives in Banana Cultivation

Maritza D. Ruiz Medina
1,2,* and
Jenny Ruales
Departamento de Ciencias de Alimentos y Biotecnología, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito 170143, Ecuador
Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Ambientales, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra 100150, Ecuador
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agronomy 2024, 14(9), 2109; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14092109
Submission received: 12 February 2024 / Revised: 13 March 2024 / Accepted: 29 March 2024 / Published: 16 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Agricultural Biosystem and Biological Engineering)


Banana, also known as plátano in some places, is a fruit consumed and appreciated around the world. Its scientific name is Musa paradisiaca, belonging to the Musaceae family. It is native to Southeast Asia and is currently grown in 130 countries in tropical and subtropical regions. This fruit is harvested throughout the year; 75% is generated mainly in India, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, and China. Post-harvest technology enables efficient processing, storage, transportation, and distribution while preserving the quality and safety of the fruit to reduce economic losses. Currently, challenges are being investigated for post-harvest treatments to minimize the environmental impact, reduce polluting emissions, and the requirement for less energy consumption. The most-used options for bananas are de-greening, atmospheric modification, coatings, and frigoconservation, which are important for achieving safe, healthy, and high-quality food in the XXI century. This review details the post-harvest mechanical damage, handling of environmental parameters (temperature and relative humidity), control of gases involved in storage and transport, wax treatment, coatings, the use of antifungal compounds, and packaging necessary for the export of the fruit.

1. Introducción

Banana is a fruit of an elongated and curved shape; in a ripe state, it has a bright yellow skin color with a mild pulp, creamy, sweet taste characteristic and is appreciated by consumers [1]. It is a natural source of energy due to its carbohydrate content; it is very nutritious and contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, iron, magnesium, and dietary fiber, which makes it a healthy and delicious choice to include in the daily diet. Throughout history, banana has been an important food for the subsistence of many cultures, its ease of cultivation and transport contribute to its global popularity, and the main banana-producing regions include Latin American countries such as Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Colombia.
Banana production faces challenges, such as diseases and pests that can affect crops. In addition, the banana industry has been the subject of discussions on sustainable labor and environmental practices; this document details the post-harvest alternatives for the cultivation of bananas that generate an economic, social, and ecological challenge that must be considered to guarantee the marketing and quality of the exported fruit. Post-harvest treatments vary depending on the region, on the local agricultural practices, and the country-specific regulations and market requirements [2]. The treatments are techniques and practices applied after the harvest to prolong the shelf life of the fruit, maintain the quality, and reduce the losses of the product [3].
Ecuador is considered the largest banana exporter; in 2022, it exported 6025 tons with a total of approximately 200 thousand hectares of bananas [4]. If the average loss exceeds 30% post-harvest, where one part is used as animal feed and the other as fertilizer, you must have good practices when handling and storing the fruit to ensure its quality during its lifetime [5,6]. Post-harvest technology is important for the agricultural and food sectors during storage, transportation, and marketing because it enables quality preservation, prolongs fruit life, reduces losses and waste, and meets export, quality, and food safety standards [7]. Post-harvest treatment in bananas is essential because, after harvest, they are susceptible to physical and chemical deterioration caused by shocks, scratches, extreme temperatures, exposure to gases and ethylene, and damage by pests [8]. The implementation of a post-harvest process enables long-term storage to be able to distribute and export, meeting quality requirements with less economic investment and greater profitability for producers and traders.
The post-harvest handling of the banana is challenging in order to avoid affecting the quality and service life due to mechanical damage during handling or transportation, which can deteriorate the fruit and reduce the commercial value, the state of maturity because they are susceptible to an accelerated ripening that causes a loss of firmness and early deterioration of the fruit, and finally, by the humidity and temperature conditions, which can promote the growth of mushrooms on the fruit surface that generates deterioration and early rot, preventing it from reaching its market destination in optimal conditions [8,9].
The post-harvest process of the banana begins with its selection and classification according to its size, quality, and maturity; this allows for the separation of the fruits for national and international consumption [10]. Latex secretion when cutting the hands of the crown affects the quality [11]. Davara concluded that a 45 °C immersion treatment for more than 10 min reduces the latex stain [5]. The fruit is cleaned to remove residues of pesticides and other contaminants by washing with water or disinfectant solutions [12]. Fungicidal compounds and pesticides help to prevent the development of fungal diseases [13]. In ripening, the banana is cooled to maintain its freshness and extend its shelf life by applying cooling techniques, such as refrigeration chambers or forced-air cooling systems around 13 °C. 1-methyl-cyclopropene (1-MCP) can be used with an application of 30 nL L−1, adding 4 days of service life [14].
Then, the bananas are packed in boxes or plates to protect them during transportation and facilitate their handling; about 12% organic bananas and 88% conventional bananas are produced [15]. Suitable materials are used that allow for ventilation and prevent physical damage, according to established food safety regulations and standards. During transportation, refrigerated containers are used with control systems for the temperature (12–13 °C) and relative humidity (90–96%) [16,17]. Banana boxes are labeled with information on the origin of the fruit, company name, harvest dates, and possible expiration dates to facilitate traceability and quality control [17,18]. It is considered to have a positive impact on banana exports as a source of non-oil income for the country [15]. The following are some of the most common and used post-harvest treatments in the banana industry.

2. Mechanical Damage Management and Proper Packaging

Before packing, it is necessary to inspect to identify and separate damaged or injured fruits, to select the optimal bananas for marketing. [19]. The selection of packaging materials is important to certify the physical protection of bananas [12] and the materials must be durable but also allow for air circulation to prevent moisture accumulation. Careful handling of the fruit post-harvest prevents physical damage such as punches, scratches, falls, and shell injuries that accelerate ripening and reduce the life of the product. In one study, giberylic acid was applied as a maturing retardant agent [8,19]. The packaging avoids excessive compression and isolates the fruit from direct sunlight, as well as other environmental factors that can negatively affect its quality. With the use of pillows, molds, wrappings or absorption materials, cardboard boxes, or plastic plates, it protects the fruit from mechanical damage while maintaining good air circulation, which contributes to prolonging its service life and reducing weight loss [20,21]. The package size should be suitable to accommodate the clusters in a maximum of four rows without compressing them in an appropriate arrangement to avoid crushing damage during transportation, so they are stored in suitable conditions in terms of the temperature and relative humidity [22].
By implementing appropriate handling and packaging practices, mechanical damage can be reduced and freshness in storage and distribution can be improved, generating consumer satisfaction and reducing post-harvest losses. From an environmental point of view, this technique has positive environmental effects by reducing the waste of fruit, which, when discarded, can produce local pollution. The use of packaging materials should be recycled or biodegradable to reduce the impact on the environment and to take care of the biodiversity of the site. Recent research has related to the utilization of lignocellulose residues in the preparation of ecological secondary packaging [23] in the search for processes that generate clean and friendly products using coconut, banana, and rice, ensuring the circular economy by using these packages on the fruit. In an estate in Antoquia, Colombia, an improvement in the process of banana packaging was implemented, showing that the use of industrial equipment increases productivity in the operational work of the estate by optimizing the time and without significantly affecting the quality of the fruit [24].

3. Management of Environmental Parameters

The banana is sensitive to changes in the temperature and relative humidity in the field post-harvest, and measures are taken to keep it in optimal conditions until its sale [25,26]. Cameras with cooling systems are used to avoid cold or heating damage [27]. Temperature and humidity control are crucial for the banana to maintain its quality and extend its shelf life. The specific temperatures can vary in each stage depending on the variety of banana, weather conditions, market requirements, and established quality standards. From an environmental point of view, energy expenditure due to the implementation of acclimatization systems and the use of water resources to control environmental humidity should be considered a negative impact. The importance of controlling the temperature and relative humidity originated from research considering an atmospheric modification for the storage of bananas [16]. In intact and minimally fresh-processed fruit and vegetable products, packaging in a modified atmosphere improves the quality of the products for marketing [28].

3.1. Temperature Treatments

Reliable cooling equipment and temperature control systems must be in place to ensure that bananas are kept in optimal conditions post-harvest [7]. Below, some temperature treatments are described as follows:
Quick cooling: after harvest, green bananas are subjected to rapid cooling to reduce their internal temperature using refrigeration chambers or forced-air cooling systems to slow the ripening process and minimize the risk of deterioration [29].
Cold storage: They can be stored in refrigerated chambers at temperatures between 13 and 15 °C, avoiding freezing to prolong the life of the banana and prevent the onset of post-harvest diseases. The duration of cold storage depends on the banana variety and the specific conditions of each crop [30].
Refrigerated transport: From the estate to the markets, containers or refrigerated trucks are used to maintain the temperature. Refrigerated transport preserves the quality and prevents damage from sudden temperature changes [31].

3.2. Moisture Treatments

Humidity is another critical factor in banana handling. There are precipitation values that can be simulated using software 8 to model the growth and production of bananas in the field. In post-harvesting, coating or wax is used to reduce moisture loss and prevent the dehydration and deterioration of the fruit, which decreases its volume and weight [32,33,34]. Monitoring should be balanced regularly because an excess or lack of moisture can adversely affect the quality and shelf life of the banana, and necessary measures should be taken to keep it in an optimal range [35,36]. Below, some of the moisture treatments used are described as follows:
Relative humidity control: Removes dirt to have clean fruits and could apply a slight moisturization to rehydrate the banana shell and prevent moisture loss in storage and transport [37]. The recommended relative humidity should be controlled between 85% and 95% of the surrounding environment to maintain quality; this is achieved by using humidification systems or selecting suitable packaging and packaging materials [7].
Proper packaging: The use of suitable packaging and packaging materials helps to control the moisture of the banana. Materials are selected that allow for ventilation to prevent moisturization and prevent the formation of conditions conducive to the development of diseases [38].
Coatings and waxes: Reduce moisture loss and improve the appearance of bananas; form a protective layer on the shell that helps to retain the natural moistening of the banana; and prevent dehydration [39]. In addition, they can improve disease resistance [40].

4. Gas Control

Bananas produce ethylene, a plant hormone that accelerates their ripening process and is produced naturally [16]. Techniques are applied to control the concentration of ethylene in the environment, such as the use of ethylene absorbers or air purification systems that are accepted by the European Union [16,41]. The following are strategies used to control the gases in the banana:
Air filtration: These systems are used in storage or transport chambers to remove ethylene and other undesirable gases from the environment [42]. Can be stored or transported in individual areas or containers to avoid exposure to ethylene produced by other fruits or vegetables [7].
Air purification: Air purification systems, such as ozone generators or photocatalytic systems, can be used to remove ethylene and other harmful gases using photochemical reactions or chemical processes to break them down into harmless compounds [43].
Ethylene absorbents: Used to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this hormone in the storage or transportation environment, these materials can capture and retain ethylene gas, avoiding speeding up. Ethylene absorbents are activated coal pellets, zeolites, or potassium permanganate [44].
The variety of bananas, the state of ripeness, and environmental conditions influence the concentrations of ethylene and other gases. To ensure the best quality and long service life of the fruit, it is essential to monitor the gas levels and adjust strategies as needed. In the environmental aspect, the control of gases has effects on the site because the product of the breathing and sweating of the fruit during ripening releases gases that cause a negative environmental impact that affects the air quality. Using gaseous ozone to quantify the effective dose to extend the shelf life of the moron, it was concluded that it is a viable and applicable alternative to other fruits to be able to reach international markets [45]. Particularly, Bataller-Venta conducted research on the use of ozone as a sustainable alternative for the sustainable post-harvest treatment of fruits and vegetables [43].

4.1. Controlled Atmosphere

The banana is collected in green stages and subjected to specific conditions to control its ripening process [44]. To create a controlled atmosphere, storage chambers or sealed packaging systems are used to control gas concentrations [16]. At landing, bananas are subjected to a controlled ripening process using special chambers. During this process, the temperatures, humidity, and concentrations of oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and ethylene (C2H4) are adjusted to accelerate the process of ripening bananas and ensure that they reach the optimal point of consumption at the desired time [46]. The rate of breathing and ripening is reduced to extend its service life and to maintain its quality.
Initially, green bananas in their developmental stages are selected so that they reach a degree of physiological maturity without having a natural ripening process [35,47]. There is a conditioning process, which removes impurities [48,49]. Then, the temperature and humidity in the ripening or cooling chambers are controlled, and the optimal temperature is controlled, the range of which varies depending on the fruit; a suitable relative moisture level is established to prevent dehydration of the bananas; and the recommended humidity range is between 85% and 95% [50,51]. A controlled concentration of gases can be inserted into the chamber to speed up or slow down the process as required. This can be achieved by using gaseous ethylene generators or absorbers in the environment. The color, texture, and firmness should be regularly monitored to determine the optimal maturity time without overripening or deteriorating [52,53].
In storage and distribution, the desired degree of maturity is achieved by storing at a temperature of approximately 13 °C and real humidity (85–95%) [16,54].
  • It is generally sought to reduce the concentration of O2 and increase the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere surrounding bananas because, at lower concentrations, O2 delays the breathing rate and the production of ethylene, which slows the ripening of the fruits. An increase in the CO2 concentration also has an inhibitory effect on maturation [7,16]. To accelerate ripening, the temperature and concentration of ethylene can be increased, and to delay maturing, these variables can be reduced [55]. The controlled atmosphere has several benefits; among them are the following:
  • Uniformity of the degree of maturity, according to the requirements.
  • Supply and sale planning, according to the availability of ripe bananas at specific times to meet market demand. Permeable packaging materials allow for a controlled exchange of gases between the inside and outside of the packaging, while waterproof materials prevent gases from entering or escaping. The modified atmosphere in the banana offers several benefits:
  • It improves and preserves the quality at the optimal level of taste, texture, and color by improving the sensory quality and minimizing physiological changes, decomposition, and the appearance of diseases.
  • It extends the shelf life by reducing the ripening rate, so bananas can stay fresh and in optimal conditions for a longer period.

4.2. Modified Atmosphere

The composition of gases in banana storage changes with the use of permeable films that control the concentration of permeable films or bags that control the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide, delaying ripening and improving the quality [16,56]. Unlike the controlled atmosphere, the modified atmosphere has the optimal gaseous composition to slow down ripening and preserve the quality of bananas. For this technique, specific packaging and packaging materials are used, which can be permeable or waterproof to certain gases, allowing for regulating the concentration around the fruits [28]. Permeable packaging materials allow for a controlled exchange of gases between the inside and outside of the packaging, while waterproof materials prevent gases from entering or escaping. The modified atmosphere in the banana offers several benefits:
  • Delayed ripening because the gaseous composition slows down the breathing rate, which delays its ripening and keeps the fruits fresh for longer.
  • Preservation of quality by controlling the gaseous conditions, including their texture, taste, and appearance, and offering the consumer fresh and attractive bananas.
  • Loss reduction by extending service life.
  • Reduction in post-harvest losses.

5. Banana Coatings

Coatings are substances that are applied to the surface of bananas to form a protective layer. They are used to protect the fruit, reduce moisture loss, and extend its shelf life [57]. The coatings must retain moisture because they form a barrier while maintaining their texture and freshness. They must also be physically protected to avoid damage to the banana surface so that it is visibly appetible with a better appearance of shine, maturing is delayed, and additives can be added. For the care of the environment, it must be borne in mind that processing requires chemicals that can contaminate the environment by discarding them, can even cause harm to the health of the consumer, and cause negative environmental pollution on the soil and water that affects animal plants and microorganisms. Ship evaluated and compared the effect of the commercial wax “Cerabrix de Banano” (Tao Química Ltda., Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia) and a natural coating based on hydrolyzed yuca starch on the banana (Musa sapientum); the results indicated that the pH and maturity index were not affected while the bananas covered with Cerabrix had a greater firmness compared to the natural coat [58].

5.1. Wax Coating

Bee wax coatings were carried out with sauce and garlic extracts in banana Grand Dwarf, resulting in sweeter fruits with a greater characteristic smell [59]. The evaluation of the bioactive compounds of 19 genotypes of bananas showed the presence of total carotenoids and flavonoids [60]. It can be included in the wax additives or fungicides, which must be approved and safe for human consumption; however, due to its non-digestible nature, the wax layer is not consumed but is removed by washing or peeling the fruit before consuming it [61]. Natural waxes, such as carnauba wax or bee wax, are used to cover the surface of the banana; synthetic resin coatings, such as polyethylene or polypropylene, are employed to create a protective layer on the surface, provide an effective barrier against moisture loss, and protect the fruit from possible external contaminants [62,63].

5.2. Comestible Coatings

Preparations based on natural ingredients, such as starch, pectin, or proteins, to protect the banana [64] must be safe for human consumption and may have antimicrobial or antioxidant properties that improve the quality of the banana during its storage [65]. Banana starch has a low solubility index, high viscosity, and a low tendency to swell [30]. A biopolymer whose structure consists of cellulose, lignin, lipids, and starch was designed. A product with good mechanical strength, durability, and physical appearance was obtained [39]. The life of the banana is short due to the processes of ripening, breathing, and attacks by microorganisms. The fruit coated with a composition of 1.5% CHI (chitosan) and 3% WPI (serum) demonstrated better results in terms of weight loss, moisture, and color [57]. Uscocovich assessed the effect of different percentages of chitosan (0.75%, 1%, 1.25%, and 1.50% p/v) on the physical quality of the post-harvest banana (percentage of weight loss (%), total soluble solids (°Brix), firmness (N), and developing a coating) [66].
Whey is a by-product of the cheese manufacturing process; it occurs when milk coagulates and is separated into two main components: the shell (cheese) and the liquid (whey), which contain nutrients, proteins, lactose, minerals (calcium and potassium), vitamins (B complex), and beneficial bioactive compounds [67]. The quality depends on the process of making the cheese, according to the guidelines and regulations [33], which is used in the manufacture of functional ingredients, such as protein isolates or concentrates, modified lactose, the cosmetic food industry, nutritional supplements, and sports supplements [68]. It is a component of coatings because it retains moisture on the surface of the fruits, prevents dehydration and freshness, protects against physical damage, delays ripening by reducing enzymatic activity and ethylene production, improves quality, enhances visual presentation due to its brightness, and prolongs its life [69]. Arce developed a lactose (WPI) and chitosan (CHI)-based coating known as antifungal to prevent the transfer of water vapor, preserving the fruit, and determined that the best coating was CHI 1.5%–WPI 3% [70].
Yuca starch is a product derived from the root (mandioca or casava). It is used in coatings because it forms films that adhere to the surface [71], delays the ripening process by reducing the production of ethylene, and gives a more attractive appearance due to the shine [72,73]. Agar agar is an extract of red seaweed that is used as a gelifier, stabilizer, and thickener, forms a flexible and sturdy film, improves appearance, delays ripening, and acts as a barrier. Ruiz evaluated the performance of a comestible coating based on agar and citric acid used via immersion as a fresh pepper test model (Solanum tuberosum) [74]. With a solution of agar (A), agar–citric acid (AC), agar–glycerol (AG), and a mixture of the three (ACG), the AC-based film presented lower values of thickness and speed of transmission to water vapor. Glycerol is a liquid, colorless, and viscous substance used in coatings. It acts as a plasticizer in formulated solutions [75]. Muñoz formulated an edible coating elaborated on the basis of candlestick wax, pectin, and glycerol to evaluate the life of fruit anaquel [75,76]. It also delays the ripening of the fruits by forming a barrier that reduces oxygen exposure and protects against physical damage to the fruit by creating a protective layer on the surface of the fruit [77].

6. Antifungal Treatments

These consist of preventing the proliferation of mushrooms in bananas. Chemical fungicides and natural products such as essential oil extracts can be applied. Considering that each has advantages and disadvantages according to effectiveness, safety, and environmental sustainability, research should be conducted to determine the recommended dosages. This treatment can contaminate water and local aquifers, infiltrate the soil, and contaminate the aquatic ecosystem. Because of its level of toxicity, it should be considered that frequent use of fungicides can develop resistance in fungi, reducing their effectiveness, and increasing the dose could cause harm to consumers. There are studies to treat viruses in mosaics before harvesting, such as banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), striates (banana streak virus, BSV), and descending death (banana die-back virus, BDBV), among others [78]. In an research, Martínez used clones in vitro plants carrying the banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), introducing clones resistant to Foc R4T, which is a disease present in America [79].
Pest control is essential for preventing plant damage and ensuring healthy production, with greater emphasis on post-harvesting [80,81]. For the control of pests and diseases, fungicidal treatments and pesticides are used to prevent and control the development of diseases [25]. They can be classified into the following:
Integrated Pest Management (MIP) combines strategies to control pests effectively and sustainably. It includes preventive, biological, and chemical methods aimed at minimizing the use of pesticides [25]. It is based on constant pest monitoring and informed control decisions [21,82].
Biological control uses living organisms to control pests, predatory insects, parasitic organisms, and pathogenic microorganisms released in cultivation [82].
Chemical control uses pesticides according to good agricultural practices and local regulations. For each pest, the recommended doses and application intervals must be followed to protect human health and the environment. It is necessary to look for alternatives that improve the performance of fungi of organic origin [83].
Regular monitoring allows for the early detection of pests before they become a significant threat, allowing for timely control measures to be taken to prevent proliferation. Training and counseling for farmers on this subject with expert technical advice will provide specific and up-to-date guidance for pest control [84]. Antifungal treatments are applied to prevent the growth of fungi and delay the appearance of stains and dirt on bananas [79,85]. Essential oils are volatile, aromatic compounds extracted from plants with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, so in fruit coatings, they are natural ingredients to provide additional benefits [86,87]. For their antimicrobial activity, they inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts on the surface of the fruits; for their antioxidant properties, they protect the fruits from oxidation and deterioration caused by free radicals; and for their aromatization, they improve the natural aroma of the fruit and the sensory experience when consuming them.
Collectotrichum spp. is one of the main fungi that affect the fruit, and research is being carried out to inhibit or control its growth [88]. In vitro sensitivity to three fungicides was studied (tiabendazol, imazalil, and miclobutanil) [89]. Alternatives are constantly carried out for the control of Colletotrichum spp. pests through hydrothermal treatment, genetic manipulation, and resistance-inducement [90,91]. Defloration in the field does not reduce the presence of Colletotrichum spp. and Fusarium spp.; however, washing the clusters with pressure water decreases the fungal load [92,93]. The germicidal effect of UV-C irradiation is carried out in food as an alternative to disinfection on the surface of the products without leaving residues, effectively combats Penicillium spp. with effective doses, and is non-phytotoxic between 5 and 10 KJ/m2 [94]. For the control of anthracnosis caused by the mushroom Colletotrichum musae, Maqbool investigated the antifungal effects of arabian rubber and chitosan, concluding that the optimal concentration was 10% arabian rubber and 1% quitosan, improving the results of the weight loss, firmness, concentration of soluble solids, and titratable acidity [89]. Furthermore, fumigation with ozone was used for 10 min at a concentration of 1.5 L/min [95].

7. Packaging for Bananas

They are essential in the transportation, storage, and marketing of bananas. They include cardboard boxes that have a specific size, are durable and adaptable to protect against mechanical damage, reusable plastic trays for domestic sales that do not generate waste from packaging, polyethylene bags, polyester foams to dampen the shocks, and sometimes Kraft paper. From an environmental point of view, waste is generated from packaging that is not biodegradable or recyclable; waste accumulates in landfills and natural areas. The consumption of these products can over-exploit ecosystems and exhaust non-renewable resources, negatively affecting wildlife, so you must choose more sustainable, biodegradable, recycled packaging materials and have proper waste management. A plan for the export of biodegradable plastic heads made with banana shells for the PLASCA S.A. company to the Chilean market for use in banana packaging was produced [96]. A study was carried out to evaluate the properties of the quality of the banana in different types of packaging (wood box, cardboard, and bulk), concluding that the cardboard box is the best alternative [97].
Field packaging is necessary to prevent damage caused by insects in flowering and fruiting or viral diseases [98,99].
Among the packaging used in post-harvest, the cardboard box is considered the best alternative, compared to the use of plastic boxes [3]. The cardboard packaging protects them during the safe transportation of bananas [12,97], is sturdy, rectangular or square, withstands the weight of bananas without breaking, is air-permeable, improves the freshness and quality of the bananas during transportation and storage [3], and can have openings or slots on the sides to allow for air circulation and prevent moisture accumulation. These packages are designed to provide protection against physical damage and minimize the risk of impact and crushing of the fruits [3].
The sheet used for packing bananas is known as a “plastic sheet for bananas” or “plastic sheets for bananas”. These sheets are made of low-density polyethylene (PEBD) or high-density polyethylene (PEAD), which are flexible and durable plastic materials that cover and protect the fruits from moisture, dust, and dirt, help prevent dehydration and premature deterioration, and are generally transparent for visual control [100]. They are standard-sized; some may have small holes or drills to allow air to circulate and avoid the accumulation of condensation. Other, more sustainable alternatives are currently being explored, such as biodegradable or compostable sheets to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste. Vargas studied the effect of the color and density of polyethylene funds on bananas in the field [101].
Vacuum funds, polytubes, and polipacks are three types of packaging used in the banana industry, but they differ in their design and function. Vacuum funds are a type of packaging that protects and preserves by extracting air from the inside of the bag and sealing it hermetically. This creates a vacuum environment around the bananas, reduces the amount of oxygen present in the storage environment, minimizes the oxidation of the fruit, delays its ripening, and preserves its freshness for longer in its modified atmosphere. The use of this packaging requires a vacuum sealing machine to extract air and properly seal the bags [102].
“Politube for banana” is another type of packaging that consists of a flexible plastic tube that physically protects the fruits, keeps the moisture, and can be permeable to air and moisture, allowing for the gas exchange and avoiding the accumulation of condensation because it does not create a vacuum environment because the air is not extracted or sealed hermetically. “Polipack” is not a standard term in the banana industry; it is a durable and flexible material cover that has perforations that can provide physical protection to bananas in cartons, maintain humidity, prevent dehydration, and has no vacuum environment.

8. Conclusions and Future Prospects

Banana packaging is crucial in transporting, allocating, and marketing bananas. Specific cardboard boxes are used for their durability and adaptability, while reusable plastic bands are used for national sales. There are three types of packaging used in the banana industry: vacuum, polytubo, and polipack. The polytubo and polipack are flexible plastic tubes that protect the fruit, ins moisture and prevent condensation, while the vacuum is a protective container that removes air from the inside of the package.
Post-harvest alternatives vary depending on the specific needs of accelerating or delaying the ripening of the banana and are important for the agricultural and food sector in terms of quality preservation, prolonging service life, reducing losses and waste, and meeting export, quality, and food security standards.
In future research, the effect of packaging on the banana post-harvest quality can be studied.

Author Contributions

All authors listed have significantly contributed to the development and writing of this article. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received equal contributions from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional and the Universidad Técnica del Norte.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


The authors acknowledge the support from Departamento de Ciencias de Alimentos y Biotecnología DECAB–Escuela Politécnica Nacional and the Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Ambientales FICAYA–Universidad Técnica del Norte.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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MDPI and ACS Style

Ruiz Medina, M.D.; Ruales, J. Post-Harvest Alternatives in Banana Cultivation. Agronomy 2024, 14, 2109. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14092109

AMA Style

Ruiz Medina MD, Ruales J. Post-Harvest Alternatives in Banana Cultivation. Agronomy. 2024; 14(9):2109. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14092109

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ruiz Medina, Maritza D., and Jenny Ruales. 2024. "Post-Harvest Alternatives in Banana Cultivation" Agronomy 14, no. 9: 2109. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14092109

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