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Journal of Data Intelligence  ISSN: 2577-610X      published since 2020
Vol.1 No.4  December, 2020 

Clause-level Analysis High-value Reviews based on Sentiment (pp468-488)
 Akiyo Nadamoto, Kazuhiro Akiyama, and Tadahiko Kumamoto
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/JDI1.4-4

Abstracts: Today, huge numbers of reviews are posted on the internet. Online shoppers often refer to reviews written about the products. A review has a star rating that represents what other people think about the product. However, the star rating is not always appropriate for evaluating the product. High-value reviews that affect the users' willingness to buy are independent of the number of stars in ratings. High-value reviews are those from which people find useful information those regarded as good reviews. As described in this paper, we investigated the relation between high-value reviews and the sentiment (positive/negative/neutral) of their clauses based on four hypotheses. We extract characteristics of high-value reviews based on our results. Furthermore, we propose a classification method that classifies clause level sentiment from reviews.
Key words:  Review Sentiment CRF Clause