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ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present

ERA5 is the fifth generation ECMWF reanalysis for the global climate and weather for the past 8 decades. Data is available from 1940 onwards. ERA5 replaces the ERA-Interim reanalysis.

Reanalysis combines model data with observations from across the world into a globally complete and consistent dataset using the laws of physics. This principle, called data assimilation, is based on the method used by numerical weather prediction centres, where every so many hours (12 hours at ECMWF) a previous forecast is combined with newly available observations in an optimal way to produce a new best estimate of the state of the atmosphere, called analysis, from which an updated, improved forecast is issued. Reanalysis works in the same way, but at reduced resolution to allow for the provision of a dataset spanning back several decades. Reanalysis does not have the constraint of issuing timely forecasts, so there is more time to collect observations, and when going further back in time, to allow for the ingestion of improved versions of the original observations, which all benefit the quality of the reanalysis product.

ERA5 provides hourly estimates for a large number of atmospheric, ocean-wave and land-surface quantities. An uncertainty estimate is sampled by an underlying 10-member ensemble at three-hourly intervals. Ensemble mean and spread have been pre-computed for convenience. Such uncertainty estimates are closely related to the information content of the available observing system which has evolved considerably over time. They also indicate flow-dependent sensitive areas. To facilitate many climate applications, monthly-mean averages have been pre-calculated too, though monthly means are not available for the ensemble mean and spread.

ERA5 is updated daily with a latency of about 5 days. In case that serious flaws are detected in this early release (called ERA5T), this data could be different from the final release 2 to 3 months later. In case that this occurs users are notified.

The data set presented here is a regridded subset of the full ERA5 data set on native resolution. It is online on spinning disk, which should ensure fast and easy access. It should satisfy the requirements for most common applications.

An overview of all ERA5 datasets can be found in this article. Information on access to ERA5 data on native resolution is provided in these guidelines.

Data has been regridded to a regular lat-lon grid of 0.25 degrees for the reanalysis and 0.5 degrees for the uncertainty estimate (0.5 and 1 degree respectively for ocean waves). There are four main sub sets: hourly and monthly products, both on pressure levels (upper air fields) and single levels (atmospheric, ocean-wave and land surface quantities).

The present entry is "ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1940 to present".

Data description

Data type



Regular latitude-longitude grid.

Horizontal coverage


Horizontal resolution

Reanalysis: 0.25° x 0.25°

Mean, spread and members: 0.5° x 0.5°

Vertical coverage

1000 hPa to 1 hPa

Vertical resolution

37 pressure levels

Temporal coverage

1940 to present

Temporal resolution


File format


Update frequency


Main variables




This parameter is the horizontal divergence of velocity. It is the rate at which air is spreading out horizontally from a point, per square metre. This parameter is positive for air that is spreading out, or diverging, and negative for the opposite, for air that is concentrating, or converging (convergence).

Fraction of cloud cover


This parameter is the proportion of a grid box covered by cloud (liquid or ice) and varies between zero and one. This parameter is available on multiple levels through the atmosphere.


m2 s-2

This parameter is the gravitational potential energy of a unit mass, at a particular location, relative to mean sea level. It is also the amount of work that would have to be done, against the force of gravity, to lift a unit mass to that location from mean sea level. The geopotential height can be calculated by dividing the geopotential by the Earth's gravitational acceleration, g (=9.80665 m s-2). The geopotential height plays an important role in synoptic meteorology (analysis of weather patterns). Charts of geopotential height plotted at constant pressure levels (e.g., 300, 500 or 850 hPa) can be used to identify weather systems such as cyclones, anticyclones, troughs and ridges. At the surface of the Earth, this parameter shows the variations in geopotential (height) of the surface, and is often referred to as the orography.

Ozone mass mixing ratio

kg kg-1

This parameter is the mass of ozone per kilogram of air. In the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), there is a simplified representation of ozone chemistry (including representation of the chemistry which has caused the ozone hole). Ozone is also transported around in the atmosphere through the motion of air. Naturally occurring ozone in the stratosphere helps protect organisms at the surface of the Earth from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. Ozone near the surface, often produced because of pollution, is harmful to organisms. Most of the IFS chemical species are archived as mass mixing ratios [kg kg-1].

Potential vorticity

K m2 kg-1 s-1

Potential vorticity is a measure of the capacity for air to rotate in the atmosphere. If we ignore the effects of heating and friction, potential vorticity is conserved following an air parcel. It is used to look for places where large wind storms are likely to originate and develop. Potential vorticity increases strongly above the tropopause and therefore, it can also be used in studies related to the stratosphere and stratosphere-troposphere exchanges. Large wind storms develop when a column of air in the atmosphere starts to rotate. Potential vorticity is calculated from the wind, temperature and pressure across a column of air in the atmosphere.

Relative humidity


This parameter is the water vapour pressure as a percentage of the value at which the air becomes saturated (the point at which water vapour begins to condense into liquid water or deposition into ice). For temperatures over 0°C (273.15 K) it is calculated for saturation over water. At temperatures below -23°C it is calculated for saturation over ice. Between -23°C and 0°C this parameter is calculated by interpolating between the ice and water values using a quadratic function.

Specific cloud ice water content

kg kg-1

This parameter is the mass of cloud ice particles per kilogram of the total mass of moist air. The 'total mass of moist air' is the sum of the dry air, water vapour, cloud liquid, cloud ice, rain and falling snow. This parameter represents the average value for a grid box. Water within clouds can be liquid or ice, or a combination of the two. Note that 'cloud frozen water' is the same as 'cloud ice water'.

Specific cloud liquid water content

kg kg-1

This parameter is the mass of cloud liquid water droplets per kilogram of the total mass of moist air. The 'total mass of moist air' is the sum of the dry air, water vapour, cloud liquid, cloud ice, rain and falling snow. This parameter represents the average value for a grid box. Water within clouds can be liquid or ice, or a combination of the two.

Specific humidity

kg kg-1

This parameter is the mass of water vapour per kilogram of moist air. The total mass of moist air is the sum of the dry air, water vapour, cloud liquid, cloud ice, rain and falling snow.

Specific rain water content

kg kg-1

The mass of water produced from large-scale clouds that is of raindrop size and so can fall to the surface as precipitation. Large-scale clouds are generated by the cloud scheme in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). The cloud scheme represents the formation and dissipation of clouds and large-scale precipitation due to changes in atmospheric quantities (such as pressure, temperature and moisture) predicted directly by the IFS at spatial scales of a grid box or larger. The quantity is expressed in kilograms per kilogram of the total mass of moist air. The 'total mass of moist air' is the sum of the dry air, water vapour, cloud liquid, cloud ice, rain and falling snow. This parameter represents the average value for a grid box. Clouds contain a continuum of different sized water droplets and ice particles. The IFS cloud scheme simplifies this to represent a number of discrete cloud droplets/particles including cloud water droplets, raindrops, ice crystals and snow (aggregated ice crystals). The processes of droplet formation, phase transition and aggregation are also highly simplified in the IFS.

Specific snow water content

kg kg-1

The mass of snow (aggregated ice crystals) produced from large-scale clouds that can fall to the surface as precipitation. Large-scale clouds are generated by the cloud scheme in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). The cloud scheme represents the formation and dissipation of clouds and large-scale precipitation due to changes in atmospheric quantities (such as pressure, temperature and moisture) predicted directly by the IFS at spatial scales of a grid box or larger. The mass is expressed in kilograms per kilogram of the total mass of moist air. The 'total mass of moist air' is the sum of the dry air, water vapour, cloud liquid, cloud ice, rain and falling snow. This parameter represents the average value for a grid box. Clouds contain a continuum of different sized water droplets and ice particles. The IFS cloud scheme simplifies this to represent a number of discrete cloud droplets/particles including cloud water droplets, raindrops, ice crystals and snow (aggregated ice crystals). The processes of droplet formation, phase transition and aggregation are also highly simplified in the IFS.



This parameter is the temperature in the atmosphere. It has units of kelvin (K). Temperature measured in kelvin can be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) by subtracting 273.15. This parameter is available on multiple levels through the atmosphere.

U-component of wind

m s-1

This parameter is the eastward component of the wind. It is the horizontal speed of air moving towards the east. A negative sign indicates air moving towards the west. This parameter can be combined with the V component of wind to give the speed and direction of the horizontal wind.

V-component of wind

m s-1

This parameter is the northward component of the wind. It is the horizontal speed of air moving towards the north. A negative sign indicates air moving towards the south. This parameter can be combined with the U component of wind to give the speed and direction of the horizontal wind.

Vertical velocity

Pa s-1

This parameter is the speed of air motion in the upward or downward direction. The ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) uses a pressure based vertical co-ordinate system and pressure decreases with height, therefore negative values of vertical velocity indicate upward motion. Vertical velocity can be useful to understand the large-scale dynamics of the atmosphere, including areas of upward motion/ascent (negative values) and downward motion/subsidence (positive values).

Vorticity (relative)


This parameter is a measure of the rotation of air in the horizontal, around a vertical axis, relative to a fixed point on the surface of the Earth. On the scale of weather systems, troughs (weather features that can include rain) are associated with anticlockwise rotation (in the northern hemisphere), and ridges (weather features that bring light or still winds) are associated with clockwise rotation. Adding the effect of rotation of the Earth, the Coriolis parameter, to the relative vorticity produces the absolute vorticity.