Task-oriented virtual assistants are software systems that provide users with a natural language interface to complete domain-specific tasks. With the recent technological advances in natural language processing and machine learning, an increasing number of task-oriented virtual assistants have been developed. However, due to the well-known complexity and difficulties of the natural language understanding problem, it is challenging to manage a task-oriented virtual assistant software project. Meanwhile, the management and experience related to the development of virtual assistants are hardly studied or shared in the research community or industry, to the best of our knowledge. To bridge this knowledge gap, in this paper, we share our experience and the lessons that we have learned at managing a task-oriented virtual assistant software project at Microsoft. We believe that our practices and the lessons learned can provide a useful reference for other researchers and practitioners who aim to develop a virtual assistant system. Finally, we have developed a requirement management tool, named SpecSpace, which can facilitate the management of virtual assistant projects.
面向任务的虚拟助手是为用户提供自然语言接口以完成特定领域任务的软件系统。随着近年来自然语言处理和机器学习技术的发展, 越来越多面向任务的虚拟助手产品开始涌现。由于自然语言理解这一问题的复杂性和困难性, 管理一个面向任务的虚拟助手软件项目具有挑战性。同时, 据我们所知, 与虚拟助手开发相关的管理和经验在学术界和工业界都少有研究或分享。为填补这空白, 本文分享了我们在微软开发一项虚拟助手产品过程中的管理经验和教训。相信我们的经验和教训能为研究人员和相关从业者提供宝贵参考。最后, 设计了一个需求管理工具SpecSpace, 对我们虚拟助手项目的管理有很大帮助。
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This work is supported by Microsoft Research Asia and is done during the internships of Shuyue LI and Jiaqi GUO.
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Shuyue LI, Jiaqi GUO, Jianguang LOU, and Ting LIU designed the research. Yan GAO, Dejian YANG, and Yan XIAO developed XTalk and provided the data. Shuyue LI, Jiaqi GUO, Yan GAO, and Ting LIU drafted the paper. Yadong ZHOU helped organize the paper. Jianguang LOU and Ting LIU revised and finalized the paper.
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Shuyue LI, Jiaqi GUO, Yan GAO, Jianguang LOU, Dejian YANG, Yan XIAO, Yadong ZHOU, and Ting LIU declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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Li, S., Guo, J., Gao, Y. et al. How to manage a task-oriented virtual assistant software project: an experience report. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 23, 749–762 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2100467
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2100467