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IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
Online ISSN : 1745-1337
Print ISSN : 0916-8508
Regular Section
Low-Complexity FBMC/OQAM Transmission System Based on Fast Filter Bank
Jinguang HAODianli HOUHonggang WANG
Author information

2016 Volume E99.A Issue 6 Pages 1268-1271

A novel scheme to implement a filter bank multicarrier/offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC/OQAM) transmission system is proposed. This is achieved by replacing the existing polyphase filter banks based on FFT/IFFT with fast filter bank (FFB) in order to utilize its good properties such as cascaded structure and high frequency selectivity with a comparable complexity as FFT/IFFT. Although this topic is not addressed in the literature, the impulse response of the prototype filter for each stage within FFB can still be obtained by using an optimization technique, which is used to minimize the distortion caused by intersymbol and interchannel interferences (ISI and ICI) of the proposed FBMC/OQAM transmission system, subject to allowable ripples in the passband and stopband. As a result, the relationship between two-path prototype filters in each subfilter should be modified with a general form accordingly. Simulations show that the number of multiplications required by the proposed scheme is smaller than that needed by the polyphase filter banks solution based on FFT/IFFT. Furthermore, the suitability of the design of prototype filters and the validation can be also supported by the results.
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© 2016 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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