Since June 2003 Deutsche Solar AG is operating a recycling plant for modules with crystalline cells. The aim of the process is to recover the silicon wafers so that they can be reprocessed and integrated in modules again. The aims of the Life Cycle Analysis of the mentioned process are (i) the verification if the process is beneficial regarding environmental aspects, (ii) the comparison to other end-of-life scenarios, (iii) the ability to include the end-of-life phase of modules in future LCA of photovoltaic modules. The results show that the recycling process makes good ecological sense, because the environmental burden during the production phase of reusable components is higher than the burden due to the recycling process. Moreover the Energy Pay Back Time of modules with recycled cells was determined.
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Müller, A., Wambach, K. & Alsema, E. Life Cycle Analysis of Solar Module Recycling Process. MRS Online Proceedings Library 895, 307 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1557/PROC-0895-G03-07
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/PROC-0895-G03-07