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Opportunities for Adaptive Experiments to Enable Continuous Improvement in Computer Science Education

Published: 20 June 2024 Publication History


Randomized A/B comparisons of alternative pedagogical strategies or other course improvements could provide useful empirical evidence for instructor decision-making. However, traditional experiments do not provide a straightforward pathway to rapidly utilize data, increasing the chances that students in an experiment experience the best conditions. Drawing inspiration from the use of machine learning and experimentation in product development at leading technology companies, we explore how adaptive experimentation might aid continuous course improvement. In adaptive experiments, data is analyzed and utilized as different conditions are deployed to students. This can be achieved using machine learning algorithms to identify which actions are more beneficial in improving students’ learning experiences and outcomes. These algorithms can then dynamically deploy the most effective conditions in subsequent interactions with students, resulting in better support for students’ needs. We illustrate this approach with a case study that provides a side-by-side comparison of traditional and adaptive experiments on adding self-explanation prompts in online homework problems in a CS1 course. This work paves the way for exploring the importance of adaptive experiments in bridging research and practice to achieve continuous improvement in educational settings.


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WCCCE '24: Proceedings of the 26th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education
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Published: 20 June 2024


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  1. Thompson sampling
  2. adaptive experimentation
  3. continuous improvement
  4. multiarmed bandit


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