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Evolutionary Optimization of Cancer Treatments in a Cancer Stem Cell Context

Published: 11 July 2015 Publication History


We used evolutionary computing for optimizing cancer treatments taking into account the presence and effects of cancer stem cells. We used a cellular automaton to model tumor growth at cellular level, based on the presence of the main cancer hallmarks in the cells. The cellular automaton allows the study of the emergent behavior of the multicellular system evolution in different scenarios defined by the predominance of the different hallmarks. When cancer stem cells (CSCs) are modeled, the multicellular system evolution is additionally dependent on the CSC tumor regrowth capability because their differentiation to non-stem cancer cells. When a standard treatment is applied against non-stem (differentiated) cancer cells, different effects are present depending on the strategy used to eliminate these non-stem cancer cells. We used Differential Evolution to optimize the treatment application strategy in terms of intensity, duration and periodicity to minimize the final outcome of tumor growth and regrowth.


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  1. Evolutionary Optimization of Cancer Treatments in a Cancer Stem Cell Context



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    GECCO '15: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
    July 2015
    1496 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 11 July 2015


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    Author Tags

    1. cancer growth modeling
    2. cancer hallmarks
    3. cancer stem cells
    4. cancer treatment
    5. cellular automata
    6. cellular behavior
    7. differential evolution


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    Overall Acceptance Rate 1,669 of 4,410 submissions, 38%


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    • (2019)Acquisition design for direct reflectivity and velocity estimation from blended and irregularly sampled dataGeophysical Prospecting10.1111/1365-2478.1284167:8(2127-2146)Online publication date: 22-Jul-2019
    • (2019)An Approach for Team Composition in League of Legends using Genetic Algorithm2019 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames)10.1109/SBGames.2019.00018(52-61)Online publication date: Oct-2019
    • (2018)Blended‐acquisition design of irregular geometries towards faster, cheaper, safer and better seismic surveyingGeophysical Prospecting10.1111/1365-2478.1270167:6(1498-1521)Online publication date: 25-Oct-2018

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