Cited By
View all- Zheng PPeng GYue SLu G(2016)A customizable method for handling line joins for map representations based on shader languageAnnals of GIS10.1080/19475683.2016.1191546(1-19)Online publication date: 30-Jun-2016
In this paper, we present a tile-based path rendering scheme that provides a fast rendering on mobile device. Because legacy path rendering schemes have memory or computing intensive work, they do not provide an enough performance (fps) on mobile ...
We describe our successful initiative to accelerate Adobe Illustrator with the graphics hardware pipeline of modern GPUs. Relying on OpenGL 4.4 plus recent OpenGL extensions for advanced blend modes and first-class GPU-accelerated path rendering, we ...
We introduce a novel GPU path rendering method based on scan-line rasterization, which is highly work-efficient but traditionally considered as GPU hostile. Our method is parallelized over boundary fragments, i.e., pixels directly intersecting the path ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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