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24 August 2024 The LiteBIRD mission to explore cosmic inflation
T. Ghigna, A. Adler, K. Aizawa, H. Akamatsu, R. Akizawa, E. Allys, A. Anand, J. Aumont, J. Austermann, S. Azzoni, C. Baccigalupi, M. Ballardini, A. Banday, R. Barreiro, N. Bartolo, S. Basak, A. Basyrov, S. Beckman, M. Bersanelli, M. Bortolami, F. Bouchet, T. Brinckmann, P. Campeti, E. Carinos, A. Carones, F. J. Casas, K. Cheung, Y. Chinone, L. Clermont, F. Columbro, A. Coppolecchia, D. Curtis, P. de Bernardis, T. de Haan, E. de la Hoz, M. De Petris, S. Della Torre, G. Delle Monache, E. Di Giorgi, C. Dickinson, P. Diego-Palazuelos, J. J. Díaz García, M. Dobbs, T. Dotani, H. K. Eriksen, J. Errard, T. Essinger-Hileman, N. Farias, E. Ferreira, C. Franceschet, U. Fuskeland, G. Galloni, M. Galloway, K. Ganga, M. Gerbino, M. Gervasi, R. T. Génova-Santos, S. Giardiello, C. Gimeno-Amo, E. Gjerløw, R. González González, L. Grandsire, A. Gruppuso, Nils Halverson, Peter Hargrave, Stuart Harper, Masashi Hazumi, Sophie Henrot-Versillé, Lukas Hergt, Diego Herranz, Eric Hivon, Renee Hlozek, Thuong Hoang, Johannes Hubmayr, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Kiyoshi Ikuma, Hirokazu Ishino, Gregory Jaehnig, Baptiste Jost, Kazunori Kohri, Kuniaki Konishi, Luca Lamagna, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Clement Leloup, François Levrier, Anto Lanoppan, Gemma Luzzi, Juan Macias-Perez, Bruno Maffei, Elisabetta Marchitelli, Enrique Martínez-González, Silvia Masi, Sabino Matarrese, Tomotake Matsumura, Silvia Micheli, Marina Migliaccio, Marta Monelli, Ludovic Montier, Gianluca Morgante, Louise Mousset, Yuya Nagano, Ryo Nagata, Paolo Natoli, Alessandro Novelli, Fabio Noviello, Ippei Obata, Andrea Occhiuzzi, Kimihide Odagiri, Ryuji Omae, Luca Pagano, Alessandro Paiella, Daniela Paoletti, Guillermo Pascual-Cisneros, Guillaume Patanchon, Vasiliki Pavlidou, Francesco Piacentini, Michel Piat, Giulia Piccirilli, Michele Pinchera, Giampaolo Pisano, Luca Porcelli, Nicolò Elia Raffuzzi, Christopher Raum, Mathieu Remazeilles, Alessia Ritacco, Jose Alberto Rubino-Martin, Miguel Ruiz-Granda, Y. Sakurai, G. Savini, D. Scott, Y. Sekimoto, M. Shiraishi, G. Signorelli, S. L. Stever, R. Sullivan, A. Suzuki, R. Takaku, H. Takakura, S. Takakura, Y. Takase, A. Tartari, K. Tassis, K. L. Thompson, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, C. Tucker, L. Vacher, B. van Tent, P. Vielva, K. Watanuki, I. K. Wehus, B. Westbrook, G. Weymann-Despres, B. Winter, E. J. Wollack, A. Zacchei, M. Zannoni, Y. Zhou
Author Affiliations +
LiteBIRD, the next-generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment, aims for a launch in Japan’s fiscal year 2032, marking a major advancement in the exploration of primordial cosmology and fundamental physics. Orbiting the Sun-Earth Lagrangian point L2, this JAXA-led strategic L-class mission will conduct a comprehensive mapping of the CMB polarization across the entire sky. During its 3-year mission, LiteBIRD will employ three telescopes within 15 unique frequency bands (ranging from 34 through 448 GHz), targeting a sensitivity of 2.2 μK-arcmin and a resolution of 0.5° at 100 GHz. Its primary goal is to measure the tensor-toscalar ratio r with an uncertainty δr = 0.001, including systematic errors and margin. If r ≥ 0.01, LiteBIRD expects to achieve a > 5σ detection in the ℓ = 2–10 and ℓ = 11–200 ranges separately, providing crucial insight into the early Universe. We describe LiteBIRD’s scientific objectives, the application of systems engineering to mission requirements, the anticipated scientific impact, and the operations and scanning strategies vital to minimizing systematic effects. We will also highlight LiteBIRD’s synergies with concurrent CMB projects.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
T. Ghigna, A. Adler, K. Aizawa, H. Akamatsu, R. Akizawa, E. Allys, A. Anand, J. Aumont, J. Austermann, S. Azzoni, C. Baccigalupi, M. Ballardini, A. Banday, R. Barreiro, N. Bartolo, S. Basak, A. Basyrov, S. Beckman, M. Bersanelli, M. Bortolami, F. Bouchet, T. Brinckmann, P. Campeti, E. Carinos, A. Carones, F. J. Casas, K. Cheung, Y. Chinone, L. Clermont, F. Columbro, A. Coppolecchia, D. Curtis, P. de Bernardis, T. de Haan, E. de la Hoz, M. De Petris, S. Della Torre, G. Delle Monache, E. Di Giorgi, C. Dickinson, P. Diego-Palazuelos, J. J. Díaz García, M. Dobbs, T. Dotani, H. K. Eriksen, J. Errard, T. Essinger-Hileman, N. Farias, E. Ferreira, C. Franceschet, U. Fuskeland, G. Galloni, M. Galloway, K. Ganga, M. Gerbino, M. Gervasi, R. T. Génova-Santos, S. Giardiello, C. Gimeno-Amo, E. Gjerløw, R. González González, L. Grandsire, A. Gruppuso, Nils Halverson, Peter Hargrave, Stuart Harper, Masashi Hazumi, Sophie Henrot-Versillé, Lukas Hergt, Diego Herranz, Eric Hivon, Renee Hlozek, Thuong Hoang, Johannes Hubmayr, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Kiyoshi Ikuma, Hirokazu Ishino, Gregory Jaehnig, Baptiste Jost, Kazunori Kohri, Kuniaki Konishi, Luca Lamagna, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Clement Leloup, François Levrier, Anto Lanoppan, Gemma Luzzi, Juan Macias-Perez, Bruno Maffei, Elisabetta Marchitelli, Enrique Martínez-González, Silvia Masi, Sabino Matarrese, Tomotake Matsumura, Silvia Micheli, Marina Migliaccio, Marta Monelli, Ludovic Montier, Gianluca Morgante, Louise Mousset, Yuya Nagano, Ryo Nagata, Paolo Natoli, Alessandro Novelli, Fabio Noviello, Ippei Obata, Andrea Occhiuzzi, Kimihide Odagiri, Ryuji Omae, Luca Pagano, Alessandro Paiella, Daniela Paoletti, Guillermo Pascual-Cisneros, Guillaume Patanchon, Vasiliki Pavlidou, Francesco Piacentini, Michel Piat, Giulia Piccirilli, Michele Pinchera, Giampaolo Pisano, Luca Porcelli, Nicolò Elia Raffuzzi, Christopher Raum, Mathieu Remazeilles, Alessia Ritacco, Jose Alberto Rubino-Martin, Miguel Ruiz-Granda, Y. Sakurai, G. Savini, D. Scott, Y. Sekimoto, M. Shiraishi, G. Signorelli, S. L. Stever, R. Sullivan, A. Suzuki, R. Takaku, H. Takakura, S. Takakura, Y. Takase, A. Tartari, K. Tassis, K. L. Thompson, M. Tomasi, M. Tristram, C. Tucker, L. Vacher, B. van Tent, P. Vielva, K. Watanuki, I. K. Wehus, B. Westbrook, G. Weymann-Despres, B. Winter, E. J. Wollack, A. Zacchei, M. Zannoni, and Y. Zhou "The LiteBIRD mission to explore cosmic inflation", Proc. SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 1309228 (24 August 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3021377
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