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IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Isosceles-Trapezoidal-Distribution Edge Tapered Array Antenna with Unequal Element Spacing for Solar Power Satellite
presently, Independent University
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers">A. K. M. BAKI
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers">Kozo HASHIMOTO The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers">Naoki SHINOHARA The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers">Tomohiko MITANI The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers">Hiroshi MATSUMOTO
Author information

2008 Volume E91.B Issue 2 Pages 527-535

The Earth will require sustainable electricity sources equivalent to 3 to 5 times the commercial power presently produced by 2050. Solar Power Satellite (SPS) is one option for meeting the huge future energy demand. SPS can send enormous amounts of power to the Earth as the form of microwave (MW). A highly efficient microwave power transmission (MPT) system is needed for SPS. A critical goal of SPS is to maintain highest Beam Efficiency (BE) because the microwaves from SPS will be converted to utility power unlike the MW from communication satellites. Another critical goal of SPS is to maintain Side Lobe Levels (SLL) as small as possible to reduce interference to other communication systems. One way to decrease SLL and increase BE is the edge tapering of a phased array antenna. However, tapering the excitation requires a technically complicated system. Another way of achieving minimum SLL is with randomly spaced element position but it does not guarantee higher BE and the determination of random element position is also a difficult task. Isosceles Trapezoidal Distribution (ITD) edge tapered antenna was studied for SPS as an optimization between full edge tapering and uniform amplitude distribution. The highest Beam Collection Efficiency (BCE) and lowest SLL (except maximum SLL) are possible to achieve in ITD edge tapering and ITD edge tapered antenna is technically better. The perfor-mance of ITD is further improved from the perspective of both Maximum Side Lobe Level (MSLL) and BE by using unequal spacing of the antenna elements. A remarkable reduction in MSLL is achieved with ITD edge tapering with Unequal element spacing (ITDU). BE was also highest in ITDU. Determination of unequal element position for ITDU is very easy. ITDU is a newer concept that is experimented for the first time. The merits of ITDU over ITD and Gaussian edge tapering are discussed.
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© 2008 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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