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New insights into the ontogeny, diversity, maturation and survival of long-lived plasma cells


Plasma cells are unique immune effectors, capable of producing large amounts of high-affinity antibodies that protect against pathogenic infections. Although most plasma cells have short lifespans, certain conditions or vaccinations can give rise to long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs) that provide individuals with lifelong protection against pathogen exposure. The nature of these LLPCs is poorly understood; however, recent studies have shed new light on the ontogeny, diversity, maturation and survival of these unique cells. Whereas LLPCs had been thought to arise preferentially from germinal centres, novel genetic tools have revealed that they can originate from various stages throughout the humoral response. Furthermore, new single-cell analyses have shown that mouse and human plasma cells are heterogeneous and may undergo further maturation in situ in the bone marrow niche. Finally, plasma cells were previously considered to be sessile cells maintained in fixed survival niches, but new data show that plasma cell subsets can differentially migrate and organize into clusters that may be associated with survival niches. These descriptive findings provide new insights into how cell-intrinsic programmes and extrinsic factors may regulate the longevity of plasma cells in various contexts, which suggest new research avenues for their functional validation.

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Fig. 1: Plasma cell timestamping approaches.
Fig. 2: Heterogeneity of LLPC ontogeny during an immune response.

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This work was supported (in part) by the Intramural Research Program of the US National Institutes of Health (to Z.J.), R01HL141491 (to D.R.F) and the Irma T. Hirschl/Monique Weill-Caulier Trusts Research Award (to D.R.F.).

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Fooksman, D.R., Jing, Z. & Park, R. New insights into the ontogeny, diversity, maturation and survival of long-lived plasma cells. Nat Rev Immunol 24, 461–470 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41577-024-00991-0

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