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Graphene oxide for photonics, electronics and optoelectronics


Graphene oxide (GO) was initially developed to emulate graphene, but it was soon recognized as a functional material in its own right, addressing an application space that is not accessible to graphene and other carbon materials. Over the past decade, research on GO has made tremendous advances in material synthesis and property tailoring. These, in turn, have led to rapid progress in GO-based photonics, electronics and optoelectronics, paving the way for technological breakthroughs with exceptional performance. In this Review, we provide an overview of the optical, electrical and optoelectronic properties of GO and reduced GO on the basis of their chemical structures and fabrication approaches, together with their applications in key technologies such as solar energy harvesting, energy storage, medical diagnosis, image display and optical communications. We also discuss the challenges of this field, together with exciting opportunities for future technological advances.

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Fig. 1: Comparison of pristine graphene, graphene oxide and totally reduced graphene oxide.
Fig. 2: Fabrication methods for graphene oxide films.
Fig. 3: Graphene oxide reduction methods.
Fig. 4: Diverse photonic and electronic applications based on the modification of the chemical structure of graphene oxide.
Fig. 5: Linear optical properties and applications of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide.
Fig. 6: Nonlinear optical properties and applications of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide.
Fig. 7: Electrical properties and applications of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide.
Fig. 8: Optoelectronic properties and applications of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide.
Fig. 9: Future applications.

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This work was supported by the Australian Research Council Discovery Projects Programmes (nos. DP150102972, DP190103186 and DP220100603, FT210100806), the Swinburne ECR-SUPRA programme, the Industrial Transformation Training Centers scheme (grant no. IC180100005) and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (no. Z180007).

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J. W. and H. L. contributed equally to writing the initial manuscript. H. L. prepared the sections of material fabrication, electrical applications and part of future directions. J. W. prepared the rest part, gathered content from all authors and prepared the final article. D. J. M., K. P. L. and B. J. jointly supervised this work. All authors contributed to the discussion of content and the revision of manuscript before submission.

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Correspondence to David J. Moss, Kian Ping Loh or Baohua Jia.

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Wu, J., Lin, H., Moss, D.J. et al. Graphene oxide for photonics, electronics and optoelectronics. Nat Rev Chem 7, 162–183 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41570-022-00458-7

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