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Ultracold chemistry as a testbed for few-body physics


Ultracold atoms, molecules and ions provide a unique playground to explore chemistry at ultracold temperatures. In this Review, we discuss what makes these systems particularly appealing as controlled quantum systems and the theoretical challenges that their study poses. We discuss recent progress in the field, focusing on chemical processes such as bimolecular chemical reactions, three-body recombination, charge transfer reactions and photochemistry. We emphasize the synergy between theory and experiment, highlighting the predictive power of theory and future directions in ultracold chemistry research.

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Fig. 1: Length and energy scales in ultracold molecular systems.
Fig. 2: Trap photochemistry of ultracold molecules.
Fig. 3: Shielding.
Fig. 4: Ultralong-range Rydberg molecules.
Fig. 5: Ion–atom complex formation in a Paul trap.
Fig. 6: Ion–atom–atom three-body recombination.

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We acknowledge discussions at the workshop ‘New directions in cold and ultracold chemistry’ at the Lorentz Center Leiden.

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Karman, T., Tomza, M. & Pérez-Ríos, J. Ultracold chemistry as a testbed for few-body physics. Nat. Phys. 20, 722–729 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02467-3

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