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Codon optimality, bias and usage in translation and mRNA decay

Key Points

  • Synonymous codons are used non-randomly in the transcriptome to shape multiple aspects of translation.

  • Optimal codons are associated with more efficient translation and correspond to cognate tRNA species that are more abundant and that are readily accommodated by the ribosome during translation.

  • The use of non-optimal codons can influence protein production by reducing ribosome translocation rates and causing ribosome collisions that can feed back to the translation initiation site.

  • Conserved, specific patterns of optimal and non-optimal codon use help to guide efficient co-translational folding and to minimize errors in translation.

  • Codon usage affects mRNA stability, and codon-influenced elongation stalling is sensed by the DEAD-box helicase Dhh1, which mediates codon-dependent variation in mRNA stability.

  • The interdependence between variable codon usage and the composition, charge status and post-transcriptional modifications of the tRNA pool enables global control of translation, which can be used to shape protein production to favour specific cellular programmes and to maintain homeostasis in conditions of stress or changes in nutritional status.


The advent of ribosome profiling and other tools to probe mRNA translation has revealed that codon bias — the uneven use of synonymous codons in the transcriptome — serves as a secondary genetic code: a code that guides the efficiency of protein production, the fidelity of translation and the metabolism of mRNAs. Recent advancements in our understanding of mRNA decay have revealed a tight coupling between ribosome dynamics and the stability of mRNA transcripts; this coupling integrates codon bias into the concept of codon optimality, or the effects that specific codons and tRNA concentrations have on the efficiency and fidelity of the translation machinery. In this Review, we first discuss the evidence for codon-dependent effects on translation, beginning with the basic mechanisms through which translation perturbation can affect translation efficiency, protein folding and transcript stability. We then discuss how codon effects are leveraged by the cell to tailor the proteome to maintain homeostasis, execute specific gene expression programmes of growth or differentiation and optimize the efficiency of protein production.

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Figure 1: The codon content of an mRNA can influence translation via tRNA-dependent mechanisms.
Figure 2: Codon optimality in a transcript can be used to optimize protein folding.
Figure 3: Non-optimal codons decrease mRNA stability in a Dhh1-dependent mechanism.
Figure 4: Codon content and mRNA stability are matched in transcripts encoding functionally-related proteins.
Figure 5: Various conditions can alter tRNA pools in different ways to support the translation of mRNAs necessary to maintain homeostasis or to favour the current gene expression programme.

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The authors thank the members of the laboratories of K. E. Baker and J.C. for their helpful discussions. Funding was provided by NIGMS to J.C. (GM118018 and GM125086) and to G.H. (GM007250).

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Both G.H. and J.C. were responsible for background research, content discussion, and writing and editing of this article.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Gavin Hanson or Jeff Coller.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

PowerPoint slides


Ribosome A-site

The part of the ribosome where the amino acid-charged tRNA complex initially binds and is recognized by the mRNA codon triplet.

Open reading frame

(ORF). The portion of a transcript with the potential to be translated and yield a protein; it is flanked by a start codon (AUG) and a stop codon (UAG, UAA or UGA).

tRNA adaptation index

(tAI). A normalized measure of how well a codon or a set of codons is adapted to the cellular tRNA pool.


(RNP). RNA in association with its binding proteins. In the context of polysome analysis, this excludes the ribosome.


The fully assembled eukaryotic ribosome, named after its sedimentation coefficient. In the context of polysome analysis, this is taken to include the associated mRNA.


A complex of mRNA and two or more ribosomes. In polysome analysis, the polysome fraction is often further divided into sub-fractions based on sedimentation rate, with faster sedimentation rates corresponding to mRNAs with more ribosomes.

Shotgun proteomics

A method for assaying the identities and quantities of proteins within a complex protein mixture using high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS).

Coding DNA sequence

(CDS). The portion of a gene or transcript that is translated in the cell to yield a functional protein.

Missense translation errors

The incorporation of an incorrect amino acid into a protein due to the accommodation of a non-cognate tRNA species during translation.

Codon adaptation index

(CAI). A measure of the extent to which a transcript is biased towards the use of codons enriched in the transcriptome as a whole, over less commonly used synonymous codons.

Maternal-to-zygotic transition

(MZT). The activation of zygotic gene expression, which is accompanied by the degradation of the maternally supplied transcripts.

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Hanson, G., Coller, J. Codon optimality, bias and usage in translation and mRNA decay. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 19, 20–30 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/nrm.2017.91

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nrm.2017.91


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