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Gene–environment-wide association studies: emerging approaches

Key Points

  • Studies of gene–environment (G×E) interactions can be useful for investigating biological pathways, and can reveal genes that act only in particular environments or exposures that are hazardous only to genetically susceptible individuals. Such knowledge can be used for setting environmental safety standards, understanding heterogeneity in genetic associations across populations, predicting the risks and changes to an individual that might result from changes in modifiable risk factors, and choosing the best treatment based on a patient's genotype.

  • Basic epidemiological cohort or case–control designs can be used for studying G×E interactions, but more powerful alternatives include case-only, two-phase case–control and counter-matched designs. Case-only substudies within clinical trials are attractive for studying genetic modifiers of treatment response because genotype and treatment can be assumed to be independent through randomization.

  • Various exploratory and hypothesis-driven approaches are available for examining the joint effects of multiple genes and exposures in a common pathway. Hierarchical models provide a way to incorporate external knowledge about the pathway into the analysis of complex interactions in the study data.

  • Two-step analyses can be used in genome-wide association studies to target a subset of promising interactions and improve the power for testing them in the same data set using an independent test. New methods are being developed that use pathway information to guide the search for novel genes and interactions or that mine agnostic genome scans for novel pathways.

  • Comprehensive ontologies that incorporate environmental and toxicological information into genomic and pathway databases will be useful for informing future analyses of complex G×E interactions in both pathway-driven and genome-wide association scans.

  • Emerging areas include understanding how the environment influences gene expression through epigenetics, somatic mutations and other mechanisms, and understanding the roles of these effects in disease causation. Various types of biomarkers and high-volume metabolomics methods can be incorporated as intermediate variables in pathway-based analysis methods.


Despite the yield of recent genome-wide association (GWA) studies, the identified variants explain only a small proportion of the heritability of most complex diseases. This unexplained heritability could be partly due to gene–environment (G×E) interactions or more complex pathways involving multiple genes and exposures. This Review provides a tutorial on the available epidemiological designs and statistical analysis approaches for studying specific G×E interactions and choosing the most appropriate methods. I discuss the approaches that are being developed for studying entire pathways and available techniques for mining interactions in GWA data. I also explore methods for marrying hypothesis-driven pathway-based approaches with 'agnostic' GWA studies.

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Figure 1: Schematic representation of the two-step gene–environment-wide interaction test.

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Supported in part by grants 5P30 ES007043, 1U01 ES15090 and 1R01 ES016813 from the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The author is grateful to D. Conti, W. J. Gauderman, F. Gilliland and R. Haile for many helpful suggestions.

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The author declares no competing financial interests.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Figure S1

Sample-size requirements for gene–environment interactions. (PDF 240 kb)

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Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HuGENet)

Nature Reviews Genetics series on Genome-wide association studies




Marginal effects

The effects of a specific risk factor (gene or exposure) in the population as a whole, averaging over all other variables.

Genome-wide association study

A scan of the entire genome for association with a disease or trait using a standard panel of 500,000 to 1 million haplotype-tagging SNPs.

Gene–environment-wide interaction study

A scan of the entire genome for interactions with various environmental exposures.

Ecologic-level study

An observational epidemiology study that relies on comparisons of aggregate disease rates across groups in relation to aggregate exposure information rather than comparisons between individuals.

Interaction odds ratio

The ratio of odds ratios for the relationship of one factor (for example, a gene) with disease across the levels of another factor (for example, an environmental exposure); as such, it is a measure of departure from a multiplicative joint effect.


A spurious association between a risk factor (a gene, exposure or interaction) and disease induced by the joint associations of some other variable with the risk factor and the disease that are independent of the risk factor. Confounding can also distort the magnitude of the association of a true risk factor with disease or mask it.

Gene–environment independence

The independent distribution of genotype and environment in the source population.

Empirical Bayes

A technique for estimating the effects of each component of a large ensemble of related variables by assuming the ensemble has some common distribution and estimating the parameters of that distribution. Empirical Bayes estimators typically have better prediction error than estimating each one separately.

Bayes model averaging

A technique for accounting for uncertainty about the correct model form (for example, the selection of variables to include in a multiple regression model) by averaging the effects of each possible variable over the set of all plausible models.

Modified segregation analysis

This analysis applies likelihood-based methods to data from a pedigree in which one or more members have genotypes available at a major gene. It derives the genotypes of untyped individuals by summing their conditional genotype probabilities using the genotypes available.

Population stratification

The phenomenon of an apparently homogeneous population that is actually composed of subgroups of individuals with distinct ancestral origins and differing allele frequencies at many loci. This leads to bias in the assessment of the significance of associations of a trait with particular loci.

Joint segregation and linkage analysis

The use of family studies to estimate the parameters of a penetrance model. The parameters could include interactions between the unobserved major gene, which is linked to a marker, and environmental factors.

Multiple regression

A standard statistical technique for relating a single outcome variable to multiple explanatory variables, either all at once or using some variable selection method, such as stepwise forward selection or backward elimination.

Machine learning

Any of many data analysis techniques for mining large data sets derived from the computer science field. The techniques are not specifically based on mathematical statistics theory.

Pattern recognition

Any technique from exploratory data analysis or machine learning for discovering non-random patterns in large data sets.

First-level coefficients

In a hierarchical model, the regression coefficients (for example, log relative risks for each variable) for the subject-level data on the association between risk factors and disease. Unlike a non-hierarchical model, these coefficients are treated as random variables with distributions described in the higher level(s) of the model rather than as model parameters to be estimated directly.

Pathway indicator variables

Various types of information that can be used as predictor variables in the higher levels of a hierarchical model, specifically binary variables that indicate whether a particular gene or interaction has a role in a particular pathway.


A formal system for organizing knowledge, here used in the context of biological pathways as a means of synthesizing information about the function of genes and exposures and their joint roles in disease causation.

Reverse causation

A bias in the estimation of the causal effect of a biomarker on disease when biospecimens are obtained after diagnosis. The bias occurs because the disease or its treatment alters the underlying intermediate variable or the measurement of it.

Mendelian randomization

A technique for studying the relationship between a biomarker and disease indirectly by studying the relationship of each to a gene that influences the biomarker.

Instrumental variable

In statistics, a variable that can be used to predict the value of an explanatory variable that is measured with error. The instrumental variable thereby indirectly yields an unbiased estimate of the relationship of the explanatory variable with an outcome variable.

Multiple comparisons penalty

The higher degree of statistical significance that is required for a particular association to be considered noteworthy when many possible associations are analysed simultaneously. Several adjustment methods can take account of this penalty, the best known of which is the Bonferroni correction.

Bonferroni correction

A multiple comparisons adjustment for testing at a conventional significance level. It is based on multiplying the p value for a specific test by the total number of tests performed, and approximately controls the overall type I error rate (the probability of at least one false positive association) at the chosen significance level if the predictors are independent.

DNA bar-coding

The addition of a unique molecular tag to each fragment of an individual's DNA so that after pooling with other DNA samples, the genotype of each individual in the pool can be reconstructed.


The extent to which the data at hand is concordant with other types of biological knowledge, thereby reinforcing a causal interpretation.

False discovery rate

This controls the proportion of all reported positive associations that are expected to be false positives, and can be used to judge which of many associations are noteworthy.

Bayesian network analysis

A technique for developing a minimal graphical representation of the connections among a large set of variables by examining the conditional independence relationships among pairs of variables given the other variables connected to them within the graph. This technique has been widely used for the analysis of gene co-expression data.

Challenge studies

Various experimental designs for assessing the effects of a noxious agent by exposing individuals to trace amounts in a controlled setting (as in a randomized or crossover trial). For gene–environment interaction studies, the effects can be compared across subgroups with different genotypes, and the efficiency can be improved by stratified sampling based on genotype.

Latent variable models

A model involving one or more unobservable intermediate variables that represent the pathway connecting a cause (for example, exposures and genotypes) to an effect (for example, disease). Identifying the pathways typically requires the use of surrogates for the latent variables (for example, biomarkers) in addition to the observable cause and effect variables.

1000 Genomes Project

A large-scale effort to obtain and catalogue the full genome-wide DNA sequence of 1,000 individuals selected from a range of races.

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Thomas, D. Gene–environment-wide association studies: emerging approaches. Nat Rev Genet 11, 259–272 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/nrg2764

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