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On-chip quantum simulation with superconducting circuits


Using a well-controlled quantum system to simulate complex quantum matter is an idea that has been around for 30 years and put into practice in systems of ultracold atoms for more than a decade. Much recent excitement has focused on a new implementation of quantum simulators using superconducting circuits, where conventional microchip fabrication can be used to take design concepts to experimental reality, quickly and flexibly. Because the quantum ‘particles’ in these simulators are circuit excitations rather than physical particles subject to conservation laws, superconducting simulators provide a complement to ultracold atoms by naturally accessing non-equilibrium physics. Here, we review the recent wealth of theoretical explorations and experimental prospects of realizing these new devices.

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Figure 1: Elementary circuit-QED building block for a quantum simulator.
Figure 2: Cavity lattice for quantum simulation.
Figure 3: Superfluid-to-Mott-insulator transition in the Jaynes–Cummings lattice.

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We thank I. Carusotto, D. Gerace, S. M. Girvin, D. Huse, R. Fazio, A. Imamoglu, J. Keeling, M. Schiro, S. Schmidt and A. Tomadin for valuable and stimulating discussions. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation through grant nos. DMR-0953475 and PHY-1055993, and through the Princeton Center for Complex Materials under grant no. DMR-0819860, by the Army Research Office under contract W911NF-11-1-0086, by the Swiss National Science Foundation through grant no. PP00P2-123519/1, and by the Packard Foundation.

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Houck, A., Türeci, H. & Koch, J. On-chip quantum simulation with superconducting circuits. Nature Phys 8, 292–299 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys2251

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