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The RAB25 small GTPase determines aggressiveness of ovarian and breast cancers


High-density array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)1 showed amplification of chromosome 1q22 centered on the RAB25 small GTPase2, which is implicated in apical vesicle trafficking3, in approximately half of ovarian and breast cancers. RAB25 mRNA levels were selectively increased in stage III and IV serous epithelial ovarian cancers compared to other genes within the amplified region, implicating RAB25 as a driving event in the development of the amplicon. Increased DNA copy number or RNA level of RAB25 was associated with markedly decreased disease-free survival or overall survival in ovarian and breast cancers, respectively. Forced expression of RAB25 markedly increased anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent cell proliferation, prevented apoptosis and anoikis, including that induced by chemotherapy, and increased aggressiveness of cancer cells in vivo. The inhibition of apoptosis was associated with a decrease in expression of the proapoptotic molecules, BAK and BAX, and activation of the antiapoptotic phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) and AKT pathway, providing potential mechanisms for the effects of RAB25 on tumor aggressiveness. Overall, these studies implicate RAB25, and thus the RAB family of small G proteins, in aggressiveness of epithelial cancers.

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Figure 1: Genetic aberrations at chromosome 1q22.
Figure 2: RAB25 regulates cell proliferation and survival.
Figure 3: RAB25 regulates tumorigenicity.

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KWC was supported by the Odyssey Program of the Houston Endowment Scientific Achievement award from MD Anderson Cancer Center. We thank N. E. Atkinson's group for help and advice in statistical analysis. We thank R. Lapushin and H. Hall for their support. We thank R. Trost for obtaining patient follow up. We thank the staffs from the MD Anderson Cancer Center and University of California San Francisco ovarian tumor bank for providing ovarian carcinomas. This work is supported by National Institutes of Health SPORE (P50-CA83639) and PPG-PO1 CA64602 to GBM and JWG and P30 grant CA16672-28.

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Correspondence to Gordon B Mills.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Fig. 1

RAB25 gene expression is associated with decreased overall survival in stage I–IV serous epithelial ovarian cancer patients. (PDF 16 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 2

RAB25 gene expression is associated with decreased disease free period in breast cancer patients, using data acquired from the Stanford breast cancer data set19. (PDF 17 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 3

Effect of RAB25 stable expression on cell proliferation in 1% or 10% fetal bovine serum containing media. (PDF 29 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 4

Knock down of RAB25 mRNA expression by RNA interference (RNAi) decreases cell number in A2780, OVCAR3, MCF-7 and in RAB25 stable transfected A2780 cells. (PDF 161 kb)

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Cheng, K., Lahad, J., Kuo, Wl. et al. The RAB25 small GTPase determines aggressiveness of ovarian and breast cancers. Nat Med 10, 1251–1256 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm1125

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