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Gene-microarray analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions yields new targets validated in autoimmune encephalomyelitis


Microarray analysis of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions obtained at autopsy revealed increased transcripts of genes encoding inflammatory cytokines, particularly interleukin-6 and -17, interferon-γ and associated downstream pathways. Comparison of two poles of MS pathology—acute lesions with inflammation versus 'silent' lesions without inflammation—revealed differentially transcribed genes. Some products of these genes were chosen as targets for therapy of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is upregulated in acute, but not in chronic, MS lesions, and the effect on ameliorating EAE is more pronounced in the acute phase, in contrast to knocking out the immunoglobulin Fc receptor common γ chain where the effect is greatest on chronic disease. These results in EAE corroborate the microarray studies on MS lesions. Large-scale analysis of transcripts in MS lesions elucidates new aspects of pathology and opens possibilities for therapy.

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Figure 1: Histopathology of analyzed MS plaques.
Figure 2: Genes increased in 4 of 4 MS samples.
Figure 3: Genes decreased in 4 of 4 MS samples.
Figure 4: EAE in immunoglobulin FcRγ-chain-knockouts.
Figure 5: Effect of G-CSF on EAE, two consecutive experiments.

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We thank J. Woody, R. Booth and H. Van Wart for support during the course of this work; H. Gmuender for help optimizing use of the technology; S. Wilson for developing methods to handle and isolate RNA from human samples; F. Zuo for helpful comments on the manuscript; J. Kumm for advice on bioinformatics; M.C. Jeong for technical help; and Roche Bioscience for support and access to gene-chip technology. This study was supported in part by post-doctoral fellowships from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to C.L., G.H. and R.P. J.O. is supported by grants from the NIH (NIHAI35761) and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (RG2901). C.S.R. is supported by NIH grants NS08952 and NS11920. L.S. is supported by NIH grants NIH18235, 30201, 41402 and 28579.

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L.S. is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Roche Biosciences. R.H., J.A., P.K., N.L. and A.A. were employees at Roche Biosciences during these studies.

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Lock, C., Hermans, G., Pedotti, R. et al. Gene-microarray analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions yields new targets validated in autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Nat Med 8, 500–508 (2002). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm0502-500

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