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Mechanisms and consequences of Jak–STAT signaling in the immune system


Kinases of the Jak ('Janus kinase') family and transcription factors (TFs) of the STAT ('signal transducer and activator of transcription') family constitute a rapid membrane-to-nucleus signaling module that affects every aspect of the mammalian immune system. Research on this paradigmatic pathway has experienced breakneck growth in the quarter century since its discovery and has yielded a stream of basic and clinical insights that have profoundly influenced modern understanding of human health and disease, exemplified by the bench-to-bedside success of Jak inhibitors ('jakinibs') and pathway-targeting drugs. Here we review recent advances in Jak–STAT biology, focusing on immune cell function, disease etiology and therapeutic intervention, as well as broader principles of gene regulation and signal-dependent TFs.

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Figure 1: The canonical Jak–STAT pathway.
Figure 2: STATs as TFs.
Figure 3: 'Fine-tuning' Jak–STAT signaling.
Figure 4: Therapeutic targeting of the Jak–STAT pathway.

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We thank members of the O'Shea laboratory for discussions about Jak–STAT biology, and C. Hunter and L. Hennighausen for critical reading of this manuscript. Supported by the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases and the US National Institutes of Health (intramural funding).

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Correspondence to John J O'Shea.

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J.J.O. and the National Institutes of Health hold patents related to Jaks as targets of immunomodulatory agents and have a Collaborative Research Agreement and Development Award with Pfizer.

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Villarino, A., Kanno, Y. & O'Shea, J. Mechanisms and consequences of Jak–STAT signaling in the immune system. Nat Immunol 18, 374–384 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.3691

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