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The quantum internet


Quantum networks provide opportunities and challenges across a range of intellectual and technical frontiers, including quantum computation, communication and metrology. The realization of quantum networks composed of many nodes and channels requires new scientific capabilities for generating and characterizing quantum coherence and entanglement. Fundamental to this endeavour are quantum interconnects, which convert quantum states from one physical system to those of another in a reversible manner. Such quantum connectivity in networks can be achieved by the optical interactions of single photons and atoms, allowing the distribution of entanglement across the network and the teleportation of quantum states between nodes.

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Figure 1: Quantum networks.
Figure 2: Elements of cavity QED.
Figure 3: Fundamentals of the DLCZ protocol.

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I am grateful for the contributions of members of the Caltech Quantum Optics Group, especially K. S. Choi, B. Dayan and R. Miller. I am indebted to J. P. Preskill and S. J. van Enk for critical insights. My research is supported by the National Science Foundation, IARPA and Northrop Grumman Space Technology.

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Kimble, H. The quantum internet. Nature 453, 1023–1030 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature07127

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