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A protein kinase involved in the regulation of inflammatory cytokine biosynthesis


Production of interleukin-1 and tumour necrosis factor from stimulated human monocytes is inhibited by a new series of pyridinyl-imidazole compounds. Using radiolabelled and radio-photoaffinity-labelled chemical probes, the target of these compounds was identified as a pair of closely related mitogen-activated protein kinase homologues, termed CSBPs. Binding of the pyridinyl-imidazole compounds inhibited CSBP kinase activity and could be directly correlated with their ability to inhibit cytokine production, suggesting that the CSBPs are critical for cytokine production.

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Lee, J., Laydon, J., McDonnell, P. et al. A protein kinase involved in the regulation of inflammatory cytokine biosynthesis. Nature 372, 739–746 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1038/372739a0

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