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Activation of HIV gene expression during monocyte differentiation by induction of NF-kB


THE latent period of AIDS is influenced by factors which activate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in different cell types. Although monocytic cells may provide a reservoir for virus production in vivo1–8, their regulation of HIV transcription has not been defined. We now report that HIV gene expression in the monocyte lineage is regulated by NF-kB, the same transcription factor known to stimulate the HIV enhancer in activated T cells9; however, control of NF-kB and HIV in monocytes differs from that observed in T cells. NF-kB-binding activity appears during the transition from promonocyte to monocyte in U937 cells induced to differentiate in vitro and is present constitutively in mature monocytes and macrophages. In a chronically infected pro-monocytic cell, Ul, differentiation is associated with HIV-1 replication as well as NF-kB binding activity. These findings suggest that NF-kB binding activity is developmentally regulated in the monocyte lineage, and that it provides one signal for HIV activation in these cells.

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Griffin, G., Leung, K., Folks, T. et al. Activation of HIV gene expression during monocyte differentiation by induction of NF-kB. Nature 339, 70–73 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1038/339070a0

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