Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is an important branch of operations research which judges multiple criteria under decision-making environments. In the process of handling MCDM problems, because of the subjective judgment of human beings, it unavoidably involves a variety of uncertainties, like imprecision, fuzziness and incompleteness. The D numbers, as a reliable and effective expression of uncertain information, has a good performance to handle these types of uncertainties. However, there still are some spaces to be further researched. Therefore, a novel belief entropy-based method with regard to D numbers is proposed for MCDM problems. Finally, an application in the MCDM problem is illustrated to reveal the efficiency of the proposed method.

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Xiao, F. A Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Method Based on D Numbers and Belief Entropy. Int. J. Fuzzy Syst. 21, 1144–1153 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-019-00620-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-019-00620-2