Video broadcasting in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) is beneficial for traffic management, entertainment, and advertising services because video notifications in active safety applications provide more information regarding accident scenarios than simple text messages. However, broadcasting videos over urban VANETs is challenging because of specificities, e.g., dynamic topology, shadowing phenomena, node mobility, and network partition. Moreover, the delay, jitter, and packet loss ratio associated with video streaming should not exceed strict thresholds for an acceptable quality of experience. To meet video streaming requirements, we propose a receiver-based, line-of-sight-aware and reliable bi-directional broadcasting protocol that obtains a tradeoff between broadcast reliability and coverage capabilities. The road network is segmented into a set of straight sections and the bi-directional broadcast method is applied to each section to address the obstructed line of sight problem and the coverage capacity simultaneously. Our protocol selects a sub-set of forwarders likely to have the best line of sight in a fully distributed manner. Furthermore, we overcame packet loss by designing an enhanced version of the store-carry-and-forward method that prioritizes the retransmission of packets containing more important video blocks. The simulation shows that our solution outperforms two innovative video broadcasting protocols in terms of frame loss, peak signal-to-noise ratio, and mean opinion score while keeping the end-to-end delay within the video streaming requirement range.

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Khamer, L., Labraoui, N., Gueroui, A.M. et al. Enhancing video dissemination over urban VANETs using line of sight and QoE awareness mechanisms. Ann. Telecommun. 76, 759–775 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-021-00867-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12243-021-00867-7