The Cloud assisted Internet of Things (CIoT) refers to the billions of physical devices that are associated to share data with the Internet by utilizing the distributed or peer to peer networking services. However, the Devices which are associated in the peer to peer project management services by means of remote systems and processors are getting smaller and less expensive every day. In the recent past, the peer to peer network faces several different issues in data handling problems and control, reliability in transmitting data, project database management, transmission Delay, Transmission Energy, workload, computational time and the performance have been emerged as a significant issues in peer to peer project management services. In this research, an advanced Delay assured numerical heuristic modelling system(DANHM) has been presented which helps to address resource allocation, transmission Delay, Transmission Energy, workload issues in cloud assisted IoT platform for the peer to peer network and computing. This method helps in minimizing the requirement for human mediation, and helps clients can get Quality of service(QoS) and quicker project management services in the peer to peer network management by considering the significant edge servers and Cloud computing systems. The exploratory results shows promising outcomes in the data management for speed, performance factor, QoS ratio, transmission delay, reliability of data, accuracy, Transmission energy, work load allocation in accordance with traditional project management computing system which are used in practice.
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Wang, B., Fan, Ty. & Nie, Xt. Advanced delay assured numerical heuristic modelling for peer to peer project management in cloud assisted internet of things platform. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 13, 2166–2176 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-00883-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-00883-9