Image categorization in massive image database is an important problem. This paper proposes an approach for image categorization, using sparse set of salient semantic information and hierarchy semantic label tree (HSLT) model. First, to provide more critical image semantics, the proposed sparse set of salient regions only at the focuses of visual attention instead of the entire scene was formed by our proposed saliency detection model with incorporating low and high level feature and Shotton’s semantic texton forests (STFs) method. Second, we also propose a new HSLT model in terms of the sparse regional semantic information to automatically build a semantic image hierarchy, which explicitly encodes a general to specific image relationship. And last, we archived image dataset using image hierarchical semantic, which is help to improve the performance of image organizing and browsing. Extension experimental results showed that the use of semantic hierarchies as a hierarchical organizing framework provides a better image annotation and organization, improves the accuracy and reduces human’s effort.
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Chunping Liu received her PhD degree in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence from Nanjing University of Science & Technology in 2002. She was a visiting scholar in computer vision lab of University of Central Florida from 2010 to 2011. She is now an associate professor of computer science, pattern recognition and image processing at the School of Computer Science & Technology in Soochow University. Her research interests include computer vision, image analysis and recognition, in particular in the domains of visual saliency detection, object detection and recognition, and scene understanding. She has published more than 60 refereed journal articles and conference proceedings on image analysis, computer vision, and pattern recognition.
Yang Zheng received her MS degree at computer application technology from the School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University in 2012. She is now an engineer of the information center in the second hospital of Nanjing. Her interests are image processing and analysis.
Shengrong Gong received his MS degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1993 and PhD degree from Beihang University in 2001. He is a professor and doctoral supervisors of the School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University. Currently he is a senior member of Chinese computer society, editors of communication journal, virtual reality professional of Chinese Society of image and graphics. He acted as chairman for 2010–2011 YOCSEF of the Academic Committee of Suzhou sub-forum. He got twice award of the Scientific and Technological Progress, and has published more than 100 academic articles. His research interests are image and video process, pattern recognition and computer vision.
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Liu, C., Zheng, Y. & Gong, S. Image categorization using a semantic hierarchy model with sparse set of salient regions. Front. Comput. Sci. 7, 838–851 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-013-2410-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-013-2410-1